
  1. A

    What Are Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant In Your 30s And 40s? Less Than You Think.

    Not to rush you, ladies, but your biological clock is probably ticking louder than you think it is. According to a new survey, most of us know that age is a major factor in infertility, but most women don't know exactly how much. In other words, we underestimate how easy it will be to get...
  2. T

    Kidney Patients Have Better Chances In Germany

    In complex cases of kidney failure, medical care in Germany evidently operates better than in the US. Scientists at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin were able to show that German patients who have an increased risk of rejection reactions due to prior immunization have better survival rates...
  3. B

    What are my chances of meeting someone on Thanksgiving Eve?

    I am very lonely and I am having trouble meeting people so tomorrow night, my friend and I were going to go out to the club and out to some bars in the area which should be jumping. I really wanted to meet some women and just have a good time at a Thanksgiving Eve party. How likely will this...
  4. C

    what are the chances of getting cancer after 3 months of chewing tobacco?

    i have chewed like 6 tins and im 15 years old i have also smoked like a pack of cigs thats all thank you i did quit when i found some bumps on my tongue and decided no girls gonna get with a guy with out a face so i decided dipping wasnt worth the risk of cancer
  5. K

    Did I ruin my chances?

    So I'm 14 and I've been riding since I was 3 and i want to be a trainer and I'm good I know I'm good (that sounds really weird but take my word for it) because my trainer always asks me to work on horses that have these problems that need fixed and I always get them fixed. And when someones...
  6. S

    Chances of Getting the Job You Want?

    This is a simple question: Which has a higher percentage of gettin the MOS you prefer? Army ROTC Grads that aren't top of the class, or Army enlisted solider?
  7. A

    What are the chances of me dating a celebrity?

    I have a HUGE, MEGA, SUPER DUPER, EXTRA BIG, crush on Princeton from Mindless Behavior and I know deep down in my heart that we will be together forever. Sometimes I think that its true, but other times I think that I'm a wackaboo and that I need help. Anyway, I want to know my chances of dating...
  8. A

    Brian Shaw’s time with Phil Jackson hasn’t helped his head coaching chances

    </p> I will fully admit to being biased about the triangle offense. It had produced the most engaging and aesthetically-pleasing brand of offensive basketball I have seen in my lifetime, as Tweeters who breathlessly followed NBA TV's re-showing of the 1993 NBA Finals last week can attest to...
  9. A

    Christians, how come we are not born with equal chances in going to heaven?

    I mean, some are born into wealthy, Christian families while others are born in strict, Muslim families. Surely, the person born in a Christian family has a higher chances of going to heaven. Christian tell me that deep inside, all people know that the Christian God is there and people have...
  10. L

    What are the chances I'll get hit on if I go to a lesbian bar by myself?

    I'm attractive and in shape, but am not very feminine...maybe more tomboyish
  11. C

    what are my chances of getting into ufc?

    aight im 16 years old. im a sophmore in high school and i started wrestling in 7th grade. i got into mma around that time. ive been training since then in chicago and my record is 7-0. im currently training at AKA in San Jose california and i specialize in muay thai and bjj. ever since i...
  12. P

    what are the chances of the following: just for laughs?

    1) A dude getting AIDS from touching a faucet containing dried blood(that is hiv positive) and he has an open cut on the hand he touches it with. 2) A dude getting AIDS from touching a faucet containing wet blood, hiv positive, and an open cut on his hand. 3) A dude getting AIDS from killing a...
  13. A

    PGA Championship chances: Can Adam Scott win his first major?

    We've reached the PGA Championship, the final major of the season. It's the field's last chance for majors glory in 2011. So who's going to take the prize at Atlanta? We'll run down the top players' chances, continuing with one of the most in-form players in golf. Adam Scott Current world...
  14. A

    PGA Championship chances: And what about Mr. Woods?

    We've reached the PGA Championship, the final major of the season. It's the field's last chance for majors glory in 2011. So who's going to take the prize at Atlanta? We'll run down the top players' chances, continuing with the biggest name in the game. Tiger Woods Current world ranking: 30...
  15. T

    Motivational Text Messaging Doubles Chances Of Staying Off Cigarettes

    Sending motivational mobile phone texts to people who were trying to give up smoking was found to double their chances of still being non-smokers six months later, compared to others who received placebo texts, researchers from the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, revealed in...
  16. B

    What are the chances for OKC to win being down 3 to 1?

    I honestly think had Harden not fouled out, OKC would have won game 4. Either way, do you think it is even possible for them to win now? They would have to win game 5, 6 and 7. Is is a long shot or are the Dallas Mavericks practically the 2011 Western Conference champions?
  17. E

    What are the chances my grandparents could get me an iPad?

    I'll definitely change my spoiled attitude. My birthday's on the 19th, so if I change my ways, I could either get it this year or next year. I'm 100% committed to it: No whining when I have to get off the computer, no fighting with my dad, no fighting with my mom, cleaning my room without being...
  18. S

    what are the chances of getting caught using limewire?

    Its always freaked me out because you always hear of people getting sued for millions for downloading songs illegally. My mom is very good with computers and I sort of trust her when she says its not a good idea. Do you think i should do it?
  19. R

    i download a LOT through bittorrent...are there any chances of me getting caught ?

    i thank they only go for the people that uploads the stuff and yes your uploading it wile you download it unless you disable the uploads
  20. A

    Does putting the nicotine patch on your breast increase your chances for breast

    cancer? I recently started using the patch to quit smoking. I usually put the patch on my chest due to the fact that it seems to start to come off when I put it other places. My friend told me today that putting it on your chest can give you breast cancer, and i'm just curious as to whether...