
  1. E

    My Girl friend smokes a lot of cannabis I don't know what to do?

    Well we been going out for 3 months but im only realizing now how much she smokes, she smokes it daily when she is not with me as we live apart in our own places, but shes smokes 3 or 4 joints at least 3-4 times a week, she's been doing for easily 5 years now shes 20 nearly 21 and it sort of...
  2. E

    My Girl friend smokes a lot of cannabis I don't know what to do?

    Well we been going out for 3 months but im only realizing now how much she smokes, she smokes it daily when she is not with me as we live apart in our own places, but shes smokes 3 or 4 joints at least 3-4 times a week, she's been doing for easily 5 years now shes 20 nearly 21 and it sort of...
  3. E

    My Girl friend smokes a lot of cannabis I don't know what to do?

    Well we been going out for 3 months but im only realizing now how much she smokes, she smokes it daily when she is not with me as we live apart in our own places, but shes smokes 3 or 4 joints at least 3-4 times a week, she's been doing for easily 5 years now shes 20 nearly 21 and it sort of...
  4. E

    My Girl friend smokes a lot of cannabis I don't know what to do?

    Well we been going out for 3 months but im only realizing now how much she smokes, she smokes it daily when she is not with me as we live apart in our own places, but shes smokes 3 or 4 joints at least 3-4 times a week, she's been doing for easily 5 years now shes 20 nearly 21 and it sort of...
  5. E

    My Girl friend smokes a lot of cannabis I don't know what to do?

    Well we been going out for 3 months but im only realizing now how much she smokes, she smokes it daily when she is not with me as we live apart in our own places, but shes smokes 3 or 4 joints at least 3-4 times a week, she's been doing for easily 5 years now shes 20 nearly 21 and it sort of...
  6. H

    Does anybody know any arguments for the idea that tobacco and/or cannabis is worse...

    ...than alcohol? Also do you know any websites or anything to find out information about it? Thanks :)
  7. L

    Should i tell my parents i smoke cannabis and cigarettes?

    well i 15 and ive been thinking of telling them instead of them freaking out finding me in the action, i should just come clean and tell them i smoke. how should i come around telling them? and dont say i smoke because i think its cool because i dont i smoke at home and most of friends dont even...
  8. T

    Study Links Some Cannabis Strains With Memory Impairment

    People who smoke potent strains of cannabis that are low in cannabidiol (such as skunk) are putting themselves at far greater risk of acute memory loss than people who smoke other types of the drug, according to new research published in the October issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry...
  9. T

    Medical Cannabis University™ Launches, Puts Thousands Back To Work To Help Veterans A

    With high unemployment and the veterans returning from war, MCU, Inc launches an online university to help train instructors to properly educate those wanting to help our chronically ill and veterans suffering from defending our country thru the use of Medical Cannabis Therapy... More...
  10. D

    Do you think Cannabis should be legalized for recreation?

    If so, how many years do you think legislation will come to pass? Sooner in the US, or sooner elsewhere?
  11. C

    does smoking Cannabis stunt growth it height?

    what if you started smoking cannabis when you were 9 then quit when you were 14? could you still grow or would your growth in height be permanently stopped? how does it stunt growth in height?
  12. C

    does smoking Cannabis stunt growth it height?

    what if you started smoking cannabis when you were 9 then quit when you were 14? could you still grow or would your growth in height be permanently stopped? how does it stunt growth in height?
  13. C

    does smoking Cannabis stunt growth it height?

    what if you started smoking cannabis when you were 9 then quit when you were 14? could you still grow or would your growth in height be permanently stopped? how does it stunt growth in height?
  14. C

    does smoking Cannabis stunt growth it height?

    what if you started smoking cannabis when you were 9 then quit when you were 14? could you still grow or would your growth in height be permanently stopped? how does it stunt growth in height?
  15. C

    does smoking Cannabis stunt growth it height?

    what if you started smoking cannabis when you were 9 then quit when you were 14? could you still grow or would your growth in height be permanently stopped? how does it stunt growth in height?
  16. I

    decriminalised cannabis?

    if your government decriminalised cannabis, would that send the message to you that perhaps drug is different and perhaps less severe than other illicit drugs? would this permit you or others to begin using it? OR would you see it as the right thing to do as it is the most commonly used drug...
  17. B

    Cannabis vs Tobacco? Mary Jane or Doctor Death?

    Which is hour with sweet ol' mary jane, or ten sessions with Dr. Death? I've heard it been said that cannabis contains many times more carcinogens than tobacco but I have yet to verify it. What's your take?
  18. J

    smoking cannabis help anxiety?

    i have really bad anxiety alot im on diazepam, i wonderd if smoking cannabis would relax me?
  19. B

    tabacco kills, cannabis doesnt. so why not bann tobacco and alcohol?

    i dont get this! they bann weed and say it causes mental ilness, well it only causes mental ilness if you dont have any money to buy it (0.8grams for ten pound these days) on the other hand, tobacco is the biggest killer around, so why dont they bann it? it dont make sence, besides weed makes...
  20. E

    How many Cannabis clubs, Smoke lounges or Marijuana dispensaries are in Greater Los

    Angeles metro area? Some people in USA are making huge amounts of tax free money thanks the illegality and prohibition of Cannabis. Cannabis clubs, Smoke lounges, and Marijuana dispensaries are making fortunes , as well. But unlike the black market economy underground, they pay taxes to Uncle...