
  1. V

    Preteen Adrian Rodriguez Attempted Suicide After Bullying

    [No message]
  2. L

    PDA vs. Bullying Survey.?

    So, I have a new experiment. Its called PDA vs. Bullying, my hypothesis is schools care more about PDA then serious bullying. For example today I was told to kill myself in front of authority, the teacher looked and said nothing. See now here is the fun part. PDA, today I hugged my best friend...
  3. A

    Awesome Teen Combats Cyber Bullying With Random Tweets Of Kindness

    If you think you've lost faith in humanity, one Iowa City teenager proves that you shouldn't. He and his friends are fighting back against cyber bullies in the simplest and most awesome way: random tweets of kindness to their classmates. It's a story that will warm your heart and restore your...
  4. T

    Workplace Bullying Ups Risk Of Prescriptions For Anxiety/Depression/Insomnia

    Impact similar for both personal and witnessed experience Witnessing or being on the receiving end of bullying at work heightens the risk of employees being prescribed antidepressants, sleeping pills, and tranquillisers, finds research published in BMJ Open. Workplace bullying is linked to...
  5. R

    Survey: hows it, my poem on (cyber) bullying?

    Rate and correct. PATHETIC HUMAN BEING You took no time at all before letting me fall and why should you even bother because what are you you are just a stranger so strong but i'm a fool to be wanting respect i have a story so long to never gain interest This is how it goes.. instead of living...
  6. T

    Bullying & Suicide Pandemic of this Generation. - Nov 11,2012

    Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents and teenagers. 1 in 5 teens had thought about suicide, 1 in 6 teens had made plans for suicide, more than 1 in 12 teens had attempted suicide in the last year. As many as 8 out of 10 teens who commit suicide try to ask for help in...
  7. D

    Is the unprecedented influx of bullying, cyber and otherwise, a

    confirmation of this prophecy? But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal...
  8. A

    Forget Her Hair, Gabby Douglas Now Claims Racial Bullying At Her Gym

    Long before*Gabby Douglas was bullied about her hair (because, you know, a girl's locks are much more important than a measly gold medal at the Olympics), she claims she was bullied about at her gym because she's black. More »Post from: Blisstree
  9. G

    Khloé Kardashian Odom: Bullying Makes Me Sick

    Following the death of yet another teenager who committed suicide due to bullying, Khloé Kardashian Odom is speaking out. "I am so sick of hearing stories in the news about...
  10. D

    Why do some Christians think Dan Savage is 'bullying' them?

    I saw a clip of Dan Savage speaking in a High school about anti-bullying, and he goes to why people bully gays, because the bible tells them so. And Fox news makes it look like Dan was the bully. As a Christian I am a appalled the way some Christians still bully gays while in the bible it also...
  11. T

    New Scale Developed To Help Measure Levels Of Homophobic Bullying

    A new study from Educational and Psychological Measurement (published by SAGE) found that when it comes to homophobic bullying, there could be a gender gap. While male victims are more likely to be bullied by male homophobic bullies, female victims are bullied by both males and females equally...
  12. C

    Is gossip considered bullying?

    okay,you know in in school people start to talk about you, like "well, he said that she said blah blah blah" or like people joke around and talk about you but you don't know if really they are joking they might be trying to say it on the sly. just a question. thanks for answering !
  13. T

    Children's Social Goals Help Determine Their Response To Bullying

    Second and third graders who are bullied react in a variety of ways - from discussing the problem or striking back to seeking emotional support. A new study in the journal Child Development has found that the types of goals children set in their relationships help determine how they respond to...
  14. R

    Why are bullying and religion the only reasons for homeschooling?

    It seems that the only reason parents home school is : 1 - to prevent them from learning about evolution or sex 2 - their kid is getting picked on. Can anyone tell me that THEY PERSONALLY homeschool for a different reason? I want REAL examples, not made up or hypothetical
  15. G

    Rebecca Black Drops Out of School, Blames Bullying

    Who dares mess with our "Friday" girl?! Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan of Rebecca Black's viral YouTube hit (yeah, we were shocked, too) and decided to take it out on...
  16. F

    my bullying sister has started it all over again...without any reason......i was

    cooking in the kitchen..and? i was making poach eggs for breakfast....suddenly she saw me cooking poach and again started with her annoying blabbermouth...what she told me today was..."ohh....what is this...you are making poach...???.....ohhh you learnt this from us..huhh!!".... so by us she...
  17. I

    Props for a rant about bullying?

    I have to do a rant about bullying for my civics project. Is there a way to make my presentation more interesting? Like use props? Or pictures or something like that?
  18. S

    Lesson about gay bullying?

    Today, the Principal sent out a letter telling parents that there will be a lesson about discrimination and hate against gays because I go to high school and several guys and some girls have came out and they are harassed and bullied and one gay kid tried to apparently tried to kill himself...
  19. T

    Is gossip like verbal bullying?

    And if yes, why?
  20. N

    SURVEY: What do you think: Is there ANY SUCH thing as ONLINE BULLYING and WHY?

    I personally think that if anyone feels that there is such a thing as online bullying then they should not be online at all. Your thoughts