
  1. G

    Happier Days: Steve Jobs Goofing Off with Photo Booth Back in 2005 [Steve Jobs]

    Here's an amazing series of pictures of Steve Jobs playing around with OS X's Photo Booth back in 2005. They're absolutely lovely, showing off a side of Jobs that so few of us knew. Good to see, on a day like this. More »
  2. N

    what does a permanent booth cost at the flea market in bell county texas?

    All I could find on-line was a $10 per day fee. I think that's for the temp booths. But if its for the permanent booth do you only pay for the days its open or all week?
  3. G

    Turn Your iPad Into an Old-Fashioned Photo Booth That Prints Out Photo Strips [Apps]

    Like the hipster version of a Passport photo booth, the PopBooth app will take four photos of you goofing off in front of your iPhone or iPad 2 camera, apply filters, then buy printed-out photo-strips to send to your pals. More »
  4. M

    i am looking to add a unique item to my marketplace booth. Can you help?

    no more jewelry suggestions please. I see what others are selling and I need maybe something consumers buy on impulse for twenty five dollars or less
  5. J

    my new iPhone 3 's' was charged over night yet it has refused to booth - on?

    a new iphone 3 does no respond and the back -up light refuses to go off
  6. P

    Where can I find a telephone booth in the Los Angeles area? Preferably outdoors.?

    I'd prefer it to be outdoors and of the aluminum looking old school variety but if it British red or indoors it still may work. Functionality of the phone in it is not necessary. I need to use it for a quick photo shoot. Thanks.
  7. P

    Where can I find a telephone booth in the Los Angeles area? Preferably outdoors.?

    I'd prefer it to be outdoors and of the aluminum looking old school variety but if it British red or indoors it still may work. Functionality of the phone in it is not necessary. I need to use it for a quick photo shoot. Thanks.
  8. T

    knight online trade booth?

    how do i set up my own trade booth? so that people can walk by and purchase the 1-4 items i put in it? Sorry that website didn't have, it is a pc game =p
  9. S

    what was the group that disagrees with the idea that booth killed Abe Lincoln?

    i am doing a report in history that asks the question if booth killed lincoln or not. please give me links and research articles that ponts to the idea that he didnt or even prooves he didnt. i need anything. also there is a group that disagrees that booth killed please give me the link...
  10. H

    How did John Wilkes Booth get past the President Lincoln armed gaurds. AT...

    ...Fords theater.? Have searched the net and seen many docs, but that detail is never addressed.
  11. R

    How long does a 50 cent phone call from a Bell phone booth last?

    Hey everyone, I know a phone call costs 50 cents, but what I want to know is how long is the phone call :) Thanks in advance!
  12. M

    Any application like photo booth?

    I'd need an application for my PC, that is pretty much like photo booth on mac.... I don't care if I have to pay for it
  13. M

    Any application like photo booth?

    I'd need an application for my PC, that is pretty much like photo booth on mac.... I don't care if I have to pay for it
  14. M

    Any application like photo booth?

    I'd need an application for my PC, that is pretty much like photo booth on mac.... I don't care if I have to pay for it
  15. A

    What did Booth plann to exchange Lincoln for?

    A. captured confederate soldiers? B. a ransom? or C. captured union soldiers? 5***** best answer :)
  16. A

    What did Booth plann to exchange Lincoln for?

    A. captured confederate soldiers? B. a ransom? or C. captured union soldiers? 5***** best answer :)
  17. L

    I feel we should celebrate John Wilkes Booth Day instead of Lincolns Birthday?

    I feel we should celebrate John Wilkes Booth Day instead of Lincolns Birthday? Lincoln was a war criminal, how come people don't show Booth the respect he deserves? Lincoln was the traitor by illegally opposing the seccession of the Southern States, and then commoting clash and burn war crimes...
  18. L

    Haha lol...THE MALL BOOTH? You've got to be kiddin'?

    Okay so I went to the mall today and got a straightener from one of those mall booths(a good quality one). The guy selling was very, very nice to me. Are these mall booth people always nice? Well anyways then I went to another booth which selled dead sea minerals. And guess what the sales lady...
  19. M

    A confessional booth or........?

    A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth, sits down, but says nothing. The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk continues to sit there. Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall. The drunk mumbles, 'ain't no use knockin...
  20. A

    Do you guys know any website that I could use to download photo booth?

    I want to download photo booth, but I don't know where to look, I have a Dell laptop.