
  1. T

    How to Defuse a Bomb?

    There is a bomb in my living room with 5:26 left. It has a red wire and a green wire, and it is about the size of a bed. what do I do. Thanks
  2. T

    How to Defuse a Bomb?

    There is a bomb in my living room with 5:26 left. It has a red wire and a green wire, and it is about the size of a bed. what do I do. Thanks
  3. G

    And the Oscar for Biggest Bomb Goes to…

    It's a good thing Hollywood has the Academy Awards to feel good about tonight because the box office didn't bring the joy.In fact, the box office didn't bring much of...
  4. D

    Why Does IE7 Bomb Whenever I Exit Website?

    My IE7 works just fine, until I want to exit a particular website. When I do, IE drops out and leaves behind one of those cryptic error messages that nobody understands. Any ideas what I can do about this problem?
  5. G

    Bomb Squad Detonates 8-inch Toy Robot After Terrorizing Rush Hour Traffic [Robots]

    Score one for the good guys! A minuscule model robot shut down Denver traffic for hours after someone glued it to the base of a bridge—it was deemed "suspicious." So the police blew it up into "several chunks." More »
  6. D

    A warning light on my 1990 Audi 90 looks like a bomb or round flask with... X through it. What is this for? I thought it might be a brake warning light, so I filled my brake fluid reservoir, which did need fluid, but the light still comes on when I start the car.
  7. M

    Are there any text bomb apps for blackberry?

    I have the blackberry 8530 and I can't seem to find an app that let's you text bomb someone. My friend has a my touch and he has an app that allows you to send up to 1,000+ messages at a time. Any help?
  8. N

    Dropping the bomb- moral debate?

    Can you please list the following . I would appreciate it. I can'f find it anywhere. Successes Failures Consequences Thanks btw its on Dropping The Bomb- Moral debate
  9. T

    Radiation Exposure Poses Similar Risk Of First And Second Cancers In Atomic Bomb Surv

    It is well known that exposure to radiation has multiple harmful effects - including causing cancer - but until now, it has been unclear to what extent such exposure increases a person's risk of developing more than one cancer. The first large-scale study of the relationship between radiation...
  10. M

    Why did Superman have to go after Bruce after the bomb went off in Frank...

    Im buying my first car. Should i get a Ferrari or a Porsche? I like them both equally and its hard to make my final decision?
  11. N

    Why did Superman have to go after Bruce after the bomb went off in Frank...

    ...Miller's The Dark Knight Returns? I've just finished reading the book and wondered why Clack went after him? I mean it wasn't Bruce's fault that the nuclear bomb was launched (or was it? I'm not too sure) And what happened between Bruce and Oliver and where can I read it?? Sorry for all the...
  12. L

    Is there a nuclear bomb big enough to destroy the whole of Australia?

    need some info to prove a point
  13. T

    Nanoparticle 'Smart Bomb' To Target Cancer Cells Created From Novel Bee Venom Derivat

    New research in the FASEB Journal shows that a peptide derived from bee venom can deliver liposomes bearing drugs or diagnostic dyes to specific cells or tissues The next time you are stung by a bee, here's some consolation: a toxic protein in bee venom, when altered, significantly improves the...
  14. R

    When will the movie Cherry Bomb with Rupert Grint come out to DVD?

    Also will come out in all over in America in stores or will it have to be like pre-ordered or ordered over the internet?
  15. A

    Worst stink bomb? Help practical joke.?

    What's the worst stink bomb you smelled? I want some really smelly stink bombs for a practical joke. Any advice? My brother needs to have a prank done on him for some revenge. I want to set a stink bomb off in his room. lol
  16. G

    How 1950s Nuclear Bomb Testing Turned Our Teeth Into Radioactive Clocks [Radioactivit

    Researchers trying to determine the age of deceased individuals are finding success with a new method: looking in people's mouths. Nuclear bomb testing in the 1950s, it turns out, turned everyone's teeth into radioactive clocks. More » Nuclear weapon - Nuclear - Warfare and...
  17. A

    All Bomb The Music Industy Fans!?

    they made a new song called "struggler" very very good song. and i cant find the chords/tabs to this song. i wanna play this song so bad! could anyone help me figure this out
  18. V

    i have a dodge stealth what is the best option for a cherry bomb exhaust?

    I plan on removing the cat converter...what would be my best bet sound wise for a cherry bomb exhaust?
  19. G

    Joan Jett and the Blackhearts-Cherry Bomb (The Tonight Show 09-03-10)-HDTV-720p-x264-

    Category: Music-Video Size: 155.35 MB Files: 10 (6 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu March 11th 05:21:52 UTC Download NZB
  20. G

    Joan Jett and the Blackhearts-Cherry Bomb (The Tonight Show 09-03-10)-HDTV-720p-x264-

    Category: Music-Video Size: 155.35 MB Files: 10 (6 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu March 11th 05:21:52 UTC Download NZB