
  1. A

    30 by 30: On Blogging, Openness, And Honesty

    I have spent the past two weeks soaking up the sun and the ocean air in both California and Florida. Over the course of my time away, there was a lot of solo time which inevitably leads to a lot of life introspection. At the forefront? My weight loss goals. My diet and exercise plans. This blog...
  2. S

    Best Travel Blogging iPad App that syncs with a website?

    Long story short, I am off to Australia for year next week and want to blog the interesting things that happen and to let family and friends at home what im doing. I'm taking my iPad and have done some research to find out the best iPad app to use. Im looking for an app that i can type away and...
  3. G

    My new blogging project: Darwin and Birds

    For the next several weeks, I'll be contributing a weekly post at The informal title of this series of posts is Darwin's Other Birds. The idea is to identify particularly interesting passages from Darwin's writings and put them in an appropriate context. This week's post is...
  4. G

    Live blogging a tornado

    Well, that was interesting. We are having turbulent weather here in Minnesota. The current low pressure system passing across the US is sitting on us like a bullet on a bull's eye. Almost every line of storm activity is breaking into small blobs which in turn are spinning up wall clouds and...
  5. M

    Should I switch blogging services?

    Right now im using Blogger for my three blogs. They are not commercial, just fun things I like to do. I do a little HTML and CSS editing Should i use wordpress or something else? Please reccomend good free blogging services
  6. M

    Should I switch blogging services?

    Right now im using Blogger for my three blogs. They are not commercial, just fun things I like to do. I do a little HTML and CSS editing Should i use wordpress or something else? Please reccomend good free blogging services
  7. M

    A Question About iPad Blogging?

    Hi i have been thinking on buying iPad for blogging purposes, just got a few questions in my mind. 1. can i blog by wordpress using it's web browser ? i know there's a wordpress app but i need the tabbing feature to look for reference. so can i do that with ipad ?
  8. N

    What is the better blogging site?

    BlogSpot or WordPress?
  9. N

    What is the better blogging site?

    BlogSpot or WordPress?
  10. G

    Get Ready. October is Campaign Month, and I Might be Blogging About That

    And let's start with some inspiration, fear, and loathing: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. G

    Excellent research blogging

    Once again, I have been awarded an Editors' Choice award on Peter Janiszewski's Research Blogging Blog. They tell me that this is somewhere between an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize. Thank you thank you thank you. And, I'd like to point out that I share this award with several other excellent...
  12. G

    There is a new blogging network in town: PLoS BLoGs

    PLoS has had a few blogs all along,, everyONE and Speaking of Medicine (the PLoS ONE and PLoS Medicine community blogs respectively). But now there is a new network, at, which includes a number of new blogs, including a couple of diasporics. The new...
  13. G

    Medical blogging; Ask a naturalist; Darwin was Rong research

    Check out the Furious Purpose blog, written by a long time denizen of the Internet, yet newish blogger, written by ... overworked emergency room doctor, a father and citizen, and I blog infrequently about stuff that interests me.This might include things like Health, Politics, Religion...
  14. G

    Blogging, Curing diabetes and Dengue Fever in Florida

    Is the future of the science blogging blogosphere gong to look like the Early Triassic (which followed a mass extinction event)? Bora seems to think so: Science Blogging Networks: What, Why and How Reversal of hyperglycemia in diabetic mouse models using induced-pluripotent stem (iPS)-derived...
  15. G still has some good blogging

    "Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity...And I'm not afraid to say it. " ... so THAT's why they hate Mel Gibson? Follow the bouncing logic here. When I was a kid, I collected stamp. I loved it. Then, one day, my uncle sent me a box of ash from a volcano that had...
  16. R

    Blogging to the Bank Oh, Yes, Very Much So!

    You've probably heard in this area "blogging" previous to, and you might even be inflicted with an perception of could you repeat that? A blog is, but are you unquestionably guaranteed you understand the preeminent way to waste your blogging calculate?Blog is a contraction of 'web log.'...
  17. S

    Newbie to Blogging - How do I?

    How do I get people to notice my blog? Read and Comment?
  18. A

    what are some interesting topics for blogging?

    i'm really good at blogging :) i've blogged about friendship and lessons learned recently. and i need some more topics! i'm a 13 year old you can probably imagine some of the things i've been through. so yeah! shoot :) by the way:) follow my blog.
  19. C

    What is a good blogging site to use with a Blackberry?

    I'm going on a trip overseas and would like to keep a blog, but will only really have access to my blackberry to update the blog I'd like to keep with. What is a site that would work well on a blackberry, preferably to even add photos?
  20. G

    What is a good blogging website for hairstyle type blogs?

    A lot of people ask how i do my hair up and stuff, so i just thought perhaps i could start a blog with all the little tips and tricks i have picked up ;)