
  1. L

    My period has gone crazy! Why do I keep bleeding randomly, all the time?

    I've been bleeding for a day, two days, three, in amounts from brown streaks to light flow to 'more than light but less than medium' flow, with a couple days to a week in between these bleeds. this has been happening for a couple months now. Why am I so irregular?? It doesn't even seem like my...
  2. T

    dog bleeding after spay ...?

    I have a 2 year old boston terrier who was spayed about a month and a half ago. She was spayed while in heat. She was bleeding for a day after (very little blood) and since then she's been fine, Vet said she healed well. Over the past few days I've smelled a strong "heat" scent and noticed a...
  3. H

    Weird spotting instead of period, also bleeding during number 2?

    My last period was on December 5, 2008. My periods are usually irregular, they can come a little early, or a little late but now it is January 19, and they never usually come this late. These past 4 days I have been spotting in my underwear. I have taken 4 tests and they are all negative. I...
  4. K

    implanon bleeding or period?

    hi so i got implanon implant 2 weeks and 3 days ago, and 3 days ago i started bleeding but only light and like pinkish brown, and it was like light and spotting sort of thing. well now its day 4 and have heavy bleeding, like a period red and getting cramps in abdomin and slight back pain, all...
  5. C

    Having problems bleeding brakes on 78 Harley Shovel. Dual Disc Front brakes. ?

    I pump it up and hold it to release at valve. I get clean fluid without air, but still no pressure on the disks, after closing valve and releasing brake.
  6. D

    Irregular menstral cycle or mid cycle bleeding? poss preg?

    I had my regular menstral cycle 12/4-12/8. I then had what i believe is mid cycle bleeding approx 6 days later. Lighter then normal. Does this delay my 28 day cycle?
  7. S

    period or implantation bleeding?

    so i usually get my period a few days before i had the month before..last month i got it the 9th and now i got it the 7th..but i think i get it more than 2 days cramps are usually horribly painful and this month it was the same way..but it might be a bit lighter..i took lots of...
  8. S

    How long does it take to stop bleeding?

    I was chopping carrots and I slipped and cut my wrist. I has been bleeding for over ten minutes now. I have been wrapping it, but it still is bleeding, what should I do? I have already lost a lot of blood.
  9. S

    why my nose is bleeding?????

    my nose is every few days already 6-7times in two weeks.why its bleeding?how can i cure it?before two weeks i fall down the stairscase.when i fall down my head knocked.after that only i`m having this problem.
  10. K

    Bleeding??? but dont have period? is something wrong? :/?

    ok so im bleeding (down there) but i dont have my period, its not a lot but im nervous? is that normal? or should i do something?? please help im scared
  11. S

    the doc gave me some pills to pop n after dat i started bleeding. nw its been a

    month n no periods.? yes i had an abortion n the Doctor gave me the medicines for bleeding. my periods lasted for the next 10 days n nw its a month and no periods so m bit worried about this. also the bleeding was very heavy. what should i do?