
  1. V

    3 Luis Suarez Bite Photos – Luis Suarez Bites Branislav Ivanovic

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  2. T

    Effect Of Taking Smaller Bites Outweighs Tendency To Eat More When Distracted

    Smaller bites reduce food intake even during distracted eating Eating while distracted generally makes people eat more without being aware of it, but reducing bite sizes may be able to counter this effect, according to new research published January 23 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by...
  3. A

    First Lyme Disease, Now Meat Allergies: Apparently Tick Bites Are Spreading Vegetaria

    In probably the grossest news we've heard this week, new research shows that the lone star tick may be causing a rash of meat allergies in the central and southern regions of the U.S. Typically, ticks are dreaded for their ability to spread Lyme disease, but now researchers now think that...
  4. G

    Are you worried about spider bites?

    Have you been getting bitten by a lot of spiders lately? Are you concerned about Brown Recluse Spiders? Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  5. F

    flea bites can transfer worms to dogs and cats. if you get a flea bite can... get worms too? i have three dogs and two cats. i treat all my pets regularly for fleas and worms. i treat the fleas with "spot on" for fleas and certain worms and "frontline" (for fleas, mites ans ticks only doesn't treat worms) i treat my cats once ever 8 to 12 weeks and my dogs get...
  6. B

    this girl i like bites her bottom lip when im talking to her and...?

    people tell me to do the same thing when she bites her lip.....Should I?
  7. M

    how do you keep track of your Verizon Mi Fi gig bites?

    can someone please help me? thank yooou .
  8. V

    How bad do bites hurt and how often do you get bit when breeding snakes?

    So I've done tons and tons and tons of research on breeding and taking care of eggs for Cali Kings, and I own a pair of California Kingsnakes. I really want to breed them so bad, but I know that I'm going to end up getting bit, probably several times, and honestly, I'm a pussy, and just getting...
  9. K

    Can I go to Taco Bell and order Potato Bites as a side?

    okay so i noticed that taco bell does not have mexi fries like taco time.............but everything else @ taco bell is better!!! i know they have potato bites that taste EXACTLY like mexi fries but its not a side dish on the menu...they just put it in other foods like the potato taco so can i
  10. B

    What site do i use to download torrent and how much mega bites is it?

    Torrents like limewire right
  11. B

    What site do i use to download torrent and how much mega bites is it?

    Torrents like limewire right
  12. K

    My hamster, every time i pick her up, she ALWAYS bites me, idk what I did to her...

    ...either? Help!? I try fliping its igloo upside down, and put a sunflower seed in it to coax her in there as a way to lift her up without touching her. Does she not wanna be played with? It's kinda making me angry, and I';m starting to worry she'll never like me!
  13. P

    I ate just a couple of bites of some funny food?

    Please dont tell me im going to throw up. I just ate a couple bites of it, and drank water. Just please tell me what going to happend..
  14. A

    What Are These Red Bites On My Leg?

    I'm not sure what they are, but there are small bites (like insect bites, not dog bites or something) on my left leg (on my calf) in the shape of a 3. They're about the same size as mosquito or flea bites but all connected, they itch as well, but not all the time, only maybe once every week or...
  15. A

    I have itchy skin but its not bug bites or an allergic reaction. HELP PLS?

    I know this is a pretty general topic, but maybe someone can relate or maybe someone has some info... here goes: For sometime now ( a few months) my upper arms and recently spreading to my lower arms (seldom on wrists never on hands) I have been itchy, I end up itching so much I break the skin...
  16. T

    are yellow sac spider bites something to be concerned about?

    sept. 3rd 2010 @ 3:11 pm. Today i was washing dishes and once finished i noticed little puncture wounds on the back of my right hand... Just two little tiny holes they're like a red ring with a white center. My apartment is mainly infested with yellow sac spiders and i think i was...
  17. I

    Young Writer: Knight Bites Roger?

    The Forest was still. Abnormally still. “Where are the spirits?” whispered George. “Be silent.” hissed Kelsie. “Oh…Where’s Mr. Wolff when you need him…?” she pressed her stone to her heart, making it ignite into a warm and comforting light. The children stood stock still, listening for signs...
  18. M

    How many mosqutio bites do you have?

    I have 13 in total. 3 on left arm, 1 on elbow, 1 on neck, 2 on right arm, 2 on my left back, 3 on my right back, 1 on my shoulder. What causes mosquito bites to be red and so irritatingly itchy? How do I prevent it from happening without using bug spray which to me smells.
  19. M

    snake bites piercing get it or no?

    I have my belly button done. My tongue done. And three holes in each ear. I will be 15 in October. I want snake bites but I don't know how much it hurts. Care to tell? Rate the pain on 1to10 please. Thanksss.
  20. T

    Does anyone else laugh at coachs sound bites?

    i am sure you heard them put a mic on the coach and how they show say the most cheesy cliches. it sometimes makes me wonder if I myself can be a coach. Have you guys heard them? for example they will say "we have to play some defense to win the game guys" for example they will say "we have to...