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    What 600 Billion Billion Kilometers of Quasar Light Looks Like

    This might look like a strange microscopic image, or even an aerial view of a sprawling city late at night—but in fact it's what a 600-billion-billion-kilometre-wide section of the universe looks like. Read more...
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    How can Gangnam Style have over 1 billion views on Youtube, when there are only 3...

    ...million people in the world? Doesn't make sense, where does the rest come from?
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    How Apple Just Avoided Paying $9.2 Billion in Tax

    When you're a company as big as Apple, saving on tax bills is important—especially when they're in the billions. Fortunately its team of accountants has just managed to save it a cool $9.2 billion. Read more...
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    This Week's Earth-Buzzing Asteroid Could Be Worth $195 Billion

    The idea of mining nearby asteroids for resources we could use on Earth is fast becoming a possibility—and the asteroid set to buzz Earth on on February 15th could be worth up to $195 billion. If we could catch it. More »
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    Cisco plans to acquire Meraki in US$ 1.2 billion transaction

    Acquisitions helps company's strategy of solving customers' networking and business enablement challenges by delivering cloud networking and device and security services.
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    Microsoft SharePoint a US$ 2 billion business

    Microsoft shines the spotlight on the new SharePoint, with product enhancements and big bets on social, cloud and mobile as well as a price reduction for Yammer enterprise services.
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    $6 Billion Wasted On This Election…6 Ways That Money Should Have Been Spent

    Analysts are estimating that $4.2 billion has been spent*wasted on this political race for the White House and Congress. When it's all added up though, that number could rise to $6 billion--a record-breaking amount for any election in history. Here's an idea: How about instead of throwing...
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    Facebook Now has One Billion Users

    Yeah, Facebook is huge. Unlike other failures in the social media world (like MySpace), Facebook just continues to grow. Two years ago, they had 500 million active users. Today, Facebook now has one billion active users. In other words, one in every seven people on the planet use Facebook...
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    Report: Junk Food In Schools Accounts For 400 Billion Calories Every Year

    If you side with*"hungry" high schoolers*and uninformed lawmakers*who care about business more than the health of our kids,*you may think that new regulations on school lunches, which are designed to to cut down on junk food, are just too nanny state-ish. But it's not just Michelle Obama who's...
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    how do i celebrate 25 billion android app downloads on google play?

    do i celebrate ON google play? interactively? or is this more of a personal celebration to partake of on my own accord?
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    Food Stamps Subsidize $2.1 Billion A Year In Soda Purchases; Here’s Why Restrictions

    On first glance, it's easy to get upset with new research that shows food stamps subsidize $2.1 billion worth of sugary drink purchases–mainly soda–per year. And indeed, it's fairly depressing that such a large amount of taxpayer money goes towards something that, as the researchers put it...
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    Netflix hits 1 billion hours of viewing in June

    [No message]
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    Dell to acquire Quest Software in US$2.4 billion transaction

    Dell recently announced the formation of its Software Group to build upon its existing software expertise. The Dell Software Group will add to Dell's enterprise solutions capability, accelerate strategic growth and further differentiate the company from competitors by increasing its solutions...
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    Holy Crap! Biking Saves Americans $4.6 Billion Dollars

    As lawmakers are scrounging to figure out how to nip and tuck local and state government budgets to save some cash, they may want to stop looking under the couch cushions and check out in the garage. According to a joint report from the Sierra Club, the*National Council of La Raza, and...
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    Sony Proves It's on the Rocks With a Record Annual Loss of $5.7 billion [Sony]

    Things have been going wrong at Sony for a long old time. But if you need hard evidence of its downward trajectory, how about this: it just reported a record annual loss, of $5.7 billion. Ouch. More »
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    Obesity Costs U.S. $190 Billion Per Year—Let The ‘Fat Tax’ Battles Begin

    There's no question that American obesity rates are soaring—and it definitely comes at a cost to our health and well being—but new stats from the*Campaign to End Obesity*peg its annual drain on the U.S. economy at $190 billion. Considering that the goal of anti-obesity campaigners is to shock...
  17. J

    I`ve loved music all My Life, all 13.7 billion years of it, actually I`m 45,... to Steve Gadd`s pla? ying via John Henry Bonham`s drumming on How Many More Times,Led Zeppelin1. Gadd was a big fan of Bonham`s style.Can any one tell what Gadd`s been up too as of late?
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    Magic Johnson group to buy Dodgers for $2 billion

    Do you believe in Magic? For an astounding $2.15 billion dollars, a sum decided Tuesday night, Frank McCourt believes. That's how much the Los Angeles Dodgers will cost Magic Johnson's group, the Wall Street Journal reports. Johnson's consortium beat out two others — one that included St. Louis...
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    Women Pay $1 Billion A Year More For Health Insurance, Thanks To “Gender Rating”

    Women pay more for health insurance than men, because of a practice called "gender rating" that lets insurers charge women more for coverage. A new report from the National Women's Law Center found*even women in good health often get charged more than male counterparts. Collectively...
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    How Your iPod Contains $8 Billion [Video]

    Copyright math might not be something you've lent much thought to before, but in this talk Rob Reid—founder of Rhapsody—tries to explain the silly numbers that are used to justify SOPA and PIPA. He's very funny, and his talk is very interesting. Turns out your iPod might be worth more than you...