
  1. K

    Do you think this is a beginning trend or an anomaly?

    Kansas Teachers Vote to Decertify Their Union
  2. A

    A Duck Has Fathered A Chicken (& Apparently This Is Just The Beginning)

    Because genetically modified food has been working out sooo well for everyone, scientists in Dubai decided to take their experiments a bit further. The Central Veterinary Research Labratory originally injected a duck's DNA to produce eggs and sperm into a chicken hoping to make more fertile...
  3. A

    im looking for a cartoon where in the beginning the boy gets his red kite stuck

    in a tree? I swear the character looked like tintin but cannot find the episode im thinking of. And none of the characters seem familiar. I also remember something about the boy ending up in a castle/mansion in the clouds... its been bugging me so if anyone knows what im talking about...
  4. Olivia

    Where is the real beginning in the Bible for Christians?

    OT scripture does matter a great deal, but where in the Word is the beginning really revealed?
  5. L

    Is this a good beginning to my story?

    My body ached as my dad pulled the car into our new house, in England. I don't want to be here. Especially, the fact that our house is old from like, the 1500's. I regret coming here. "We're here!" My dad cheered. I can't believe he's excited about this. My brother, Lucas, hopped out of the car...
  6. L

    Is this a good beginning of my novel?

    I'm writing a novel about two doctors who fall in love, I like the first paragraph but i'm not to sure on the rest any opinions/suggestions would be much appreciated x For most people a first day at a new job is hard enough, but for Gabby Jones it was like the anticipation of what may happen...
  7. K

    action anime with strong main character since the beginning?

    hello, i'm looking for action anime like these: - the main lead is a strong and cool character since the beginning, not the type that weak in the beginning than develop after meeting enemies. - i'm a female, so if it possible, i want the art to be good. i like otome-video-game-based anime...
  8. A

    In 'Lost Heaven: In The Beginning' in Chapter 27, what does Herata mean?

    I've already read the whole book. Loved every bit of it but I don't get what he meant when he said "I know about Malakai" on the plane to Serfius. I reread the book and there's nothing about Malakai in the book until the end and even then it's still not explained what Herata meant when he said...
  9. S

    Do you think that Satan is a snake at the very beginning of the Bible because....?

    ...if you can, right away, convince a person that "snakes can talk", you can then convince them of anything?
  10. S

    First Sandy, now war in Gaza. Is this the beginning of the Maya Prophecy coming true?

    The mas0ns used haarp to unleash devastation on the east coast. Now the mideast is ready to blow, thanks to the mas0nic meddling in oil prices, which is proven by yet another oil rig accident last week. All of this is man-made and all happening thanks to the mas0ns and their israeli oil sheikh...
  11. N

    Is it the beginning of the 2012 apocalypse?

    the sandy superstorm has shaken it the beginning of the end predicted for 21 dec this year?
  12. J

    Help my Xbox 360 will not start my dvd from the beginning?

    When ever i try watch a dvd on my xbox it always starts it from when i last left off. How can i make it start from beginning of the movie?
  13. G

    Jersey Shore Premiere: The Beginning of the End

    Can you believe it's almost all over?! At least we have one more season of the Jersey Shore for our guilty pleasures memory bank. Tonight's two-hour episode began just like every...
  14. S

    Spiritually speaking: Why do people put "spiritually speaking" at the beginning

    Spiritually speaking: Why do people put "spiritually speaking" at the beginning of their questions? It doesn't add anything to the question, and it doesn't even make sense.
  15. J

    My beginning. Would you keep reading? Or would you fall asleep? Boring? (sci-fi)?

    Loud whizzing came from my pocket and got louder the longer I let it go on. Cell phones always annoyed me, because in case you heard it the first time, phone manufacturers want to make sure everyone else hears it the second time. “You should turn off your cell phone,” Sharon said from across...
  16. M

    Will you please read the beginning of my book? Let me know what you think
  17. K

    What is at the beginning of the Styx song "Angry Young Man"?

    Right after the intro, there are spoken words. To me, it's pretty clear that he's saying "Relax, take it easy." However, my dad is convinced that it says "Relax little kittens". There's no real source on the internet that we've found that can confirm it either way, so could someone settle this...
  18. W

    Some really basic questions about beginning to practice basic Judaism, including

    am I considered Jewish at all? My mother at least half-Jewish. She was not raised in any religion and married my father who is Catholic. She was baptized Catholic after they married and then had me. I was baptized and raised Catholic as well. I have always been interested in Judaism, but...
  19. F

    Need Beginning Kempo Video?

    Hello I have my granddaughter (5) taking Kempo lessons. I am looking for a DVD that shows the basic learning moves. Like half mooning, the different steps and their numbers so she can practice at home. There are only two 45 minute classes a week. By the time she gets home she forgets the names...
  20. C

    Have a beginning plot to a story but not sure how to make it into a

    creative story or end it? a woman whose life is filled with one bad tragic situation after another she loses her job the same time her mom falls victim to severe alzheimers to which then her father falls into denial and the responsibilities of taking care of her mom falls all on her.... she...