
  1. J

    I beg before u..................?

    Will u tell me whats actually problem, I m 32yr male with normal weight,my face,legs,arms have become very very skinny but belly bit fat,am I going to die?
  2. A

    Buddhists monks actually live in poverty and beg for food daily, Christian Pastors

    drive big SUVs? Christians/Protestant pastors have giant mansions, drive huge SUV's while Buddhist monks go out begging for food as daily practice. Do you find that odd?
  3. F

    I don't care how much you beg, I'll never stop making you laugh?

    Gino, I'm part of the campaign to turn Yahoo! Answers into Yahoo! Statements. Won't you join the cause?
  4. M

    Verizon Pantech chrux please help pleeeaasssse i beg of youuu! PLEASE?

    ok so i have the verizon pantech crux and its so and ITS THE WORST PHONE I HAVE EVER HAD! i dont sugest it to anyone, i dunno why but all of a sudden i cant receive texts, i can send them, i can get calls, but i cant receive texts! what can i do to stop this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help me...
  5. A

    Dream of my ex? HELP??? PLEASE I beg you. 10 points.?

    LOL . the title sounds so desperate... ugh anyways... I always have the same dream about an ex bf. I just don't know what it means! I get it a lot, so i'm curious to know what it means.. or if it has a meaning? In the dream, my ex bf is wearing all white. White clothing shoes etc etc. & Every...
  6. O

    Some help with my essay? Please, I beg you?

    I've been writing essays for years (And I should be working on one right now) and I'm always stuck when it comes to the introduction. I never know how to start my essay. Does anybody know how to write a proper introduction? Are there any steps I should take?
  7. D

    Beg someone to help and answer?

    i want to become a crime scene investagator and want to take public services course, will the course get me into universitys to study it (uk) and will it help me more with the police than a levels~?????????????????/
  8. E

    My Verizon LG Envy touch wont charge ..PLEASE I NEED IT ..PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!I BEG

    YOU? My phone today stopped charging it just wont charge i need advice please. Sometimes it will charge when the phone is off and once i turn it on it still says it charging but when i am in the middle of a call it just dies. Sometime when the phone is off the Verizon wireless logo will just...
  9. E

    My Verizon LG Envy touch wont charge ..PLEASE I NEED IT ..PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!I BEG

    YOU? My phone today stopped charging it just wont charge i need advice please. Sometimes it will charge when the phone is off and once i turn it on it still says it charging but when i am in the middle of a call it just dies. Sometime when the phone is off the Verizon wireless logo will just...
  10. K

    my soundbar on itouch disappeared?!!i beg?!?

    okay pweaseee answer!! on my itouch i was watching a youtube video and just randomly my sound was gone and i looked at it and my soundbar dissapeared and i couldnt get it back at all help pls!! asap
  11. I

    Iphone sdk error help please i beg you?

    Im working on a music app and right now im having troubles with the switching view. (running XCode 3.2.2 and mac os x snow leopard) ok here is what im having trouble with.. when u open the app it starts out with a main menu and button u click button it opens another view then it has 2 buttons as...
  12. I

    Iphone sdk error help please i beg you?

    Im working on a music app and right now im having troubles with the switching view. (running XCode 3.2.2 and mac os x snow leopard) ok here is what im having trouble with.. when u open the app it starts out with a main menu and button u click button it opens another view then it has 2 buttons as...
  13. M

    everyone says my dodge looks like a good truck but i beg to differ....?

    97,dodge slt laramie club cab 4x4 360 v8.....awesome truck no lie but still im just starting to put new parts in an on it,plus other things...dings scratches an dents still on it an other stuff,NO WHERE near show ready...I guess i dont like it when ppl say that cause its not up to MY standard...
  14. M

    everyone says my dodge looks like a good truck but i beg to differ....?

    97,dodge slt laramie club cab 4x4 360 v8.....awesome truck no lie but still im just starting to put new parts in an on it,plus other things...dings scratches an dents still on it an other stuff,NO WHERE near show ready...I guess i dont like it when ppl say that cause its not up to MY standard...
  15. I

    How to beg in Nintendogs?

    I have been trying for ages to get my golden retreiver to beg but he just won't! A little help please!?
  16. I

    How to beg in Nintendogs?

    I have been trying for ages to get my golden retreiver to beg but he just won't! A little help please!?
  17. B

    please, please, I BEG YOU, this is the fourth time i have posted this! PLEASE... this? pretty pleeease? Vixen Creature, creature, oh dog so sly- Who lives beneath the dampest earth. O feral thing who's pleasure be wry, She bathes beneath the dawn's new birth. Her paws so light- and nimble, too, The reddened fur that weaves in grass. On her intimates ear she will...
  18. P

    I Want to beg for his forgiveness.....?

    Realistically, I didn't do anything wrong. He told me he'd ride home with me but ditched me to ride to his car with a friend. He told me that he'd still come and see me but when I called him after an hour had past, he said that we'd just hook up the next day. Of course I was upset and drunk so I...
  19. N

    i BEG all of you to answer my question!! PLEASE READ!!?

    hello everyone, i am a 15 year old girl who is trying to recover from a severe eating disorder from a long time, in which i consumed about 300 to 400 calories daily. i know my body has been on starvation mode and yes, it HAS started to function VERY irregulary which is why i want to get better...
  20. H

    Scavenger hunt help? PLEASE I BEG OF YOU ANSWEERR!?

    I am having a mall scavenger hunt party so we will all be scattered in the mall trying to find and take pictures of whatever is on my list. I am making 3/4 of the list at home (so they can be random suggestions that i will check if they are in the mall) and 1/4 in the mall so it will be whatever...