
  1. J

    Battlefield 3 Limited edition xbox 360 Does it contain previous patches?

    I'm planning on buying Battlefield 3 Limited edition the one with all the dlc and stuff. And i wanted to know if i buy the game will it have all the previous patches from before the limited edition came out on the disc already. I love battlefield 3 and i regretting selling but i had to because...
  2. J

    Battlefield 3 taking forever to download on ps3?

    I just got battlefield 3 for my dad, so he can play it on his ps3 and it's the first time trying to play it and it says downloading update data forever. It says do not turn off the system, but its been doing this for like 12 hours and is only at 30% I'm afraid if I turn it off it will just start...
  3. T

    Explain weapons on Battlefield 3 (PS3)?

    Been playing Battlefield 3 online for a while now. Got a pretty good understanding of everything, but was curious about how the weapons are available and not. Can someone explain to me how the weapons are available to one team, but not the other? Like, I have seen one weapon that is...
  4. J

    Battlefield 3 Online Pass Question?

    I dont really know how this works so excuse me if i sound stupid, but i just bought battlefield 3 pre-owned and i wanna play multiplayer but i need a online pass. is there any way the previous owner's online pass can be passed over to me or do i have to cough up $10 for a pass?? :l i still have...
  5. A

    Battlefield 1943 on ps3?

    Heyy i love that game could anyone give it for free? I will give u nuketown 2025 for bo2 zombies ? Any one? Thanksss
  6. J

    Should I get Sleeping Dogs or Battlefield 3?

  7. J

    Battlefield 3 premium for ps3!!!!?

    Does anyone know how to get bf3 premium for free on the ps3?? If you do can you help me out Plz. Thank you
  8. D

    Do people still play Battlefield 1943 on Xbox live ?

    I was thinking of buying it, but i dont wanna waste my money if no one plays it anymore.. Lemme know ^_^
  9. M

    Battlefield 3 premium?

    So when i get battlefield premium is everything free. The new weapons and vehicle and map pack. Also will the future map pack be free also. So what i am pretty much saying is will everything be free once you get premium.
  10. T

    Severely Wounded Soldiers' Survival Rates May Be Improved By Better Battlefield Triag

    Wounded soldiers who sustained chest injuries in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) had higher mortality rates than soldiers in Korea and Vietnam, according to a military trauma study presented at the 2012 American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical...
  11. S

    Question about Battlefield 3 on xbox 360?

    I got battlefield 3 after seein the mad vids online with huge teams fighting each other on huge maps, but whenever i go online i get put in a team with a total of about 8 ppl when it seems the game has the potential for teams of 40 (10 squads of 4).... whats up with that? It's always so dead and...
  12. M

    Would Battlefield 3 work (even on low) on a 8800M GTS video card (so laptop only)?

    The processor is good enough. I searched YouTube for tests, as there are many of a lot of the video cards, but not of this one. If somebody had/has this video card in his laptop I would appreciate if you could tell me. Examples of laptop that has this card: Gateway P-6831
  13. M

    Would Battlefield 3 work (even on low) on a 8800M GTS video card (so laptop only)?

    The processor is good enough. I searched YouTube for tests, as there are many of a lot of the video cards, but not of this one. If somebody had/has this video card in his laptop I would appreciate if you could tell me. Examples of laptop that has this card: Gateway P-6831
  14. A

    Where can I find the dvd of battlefield earth?

    just asking
  15. R

    Anyone wanna play Battlefield 3 on PS3?

    PSN: funkytown7777777 I'm a noob, so help me out and add me!
  16. X

    Should I buy Battlefield 3?

    So im at the point where Call of Duty just pisses me off and im wondering if I should buy bf3 ? Im also gonna buy skyrim forsure but I just wanna know your guys's thoughts on it?
  17. K

    Join My Ps3 Battlefield Clan Platoon [MRK$] ?

    Stands for Merkin On Noobz Hmu on
  18. F

    Is Battlefield 3 superior on the PS3 or on Xbox 360?

    I am seriously considering trading in my 3 month old xbox for a PS3 because I feel as though Battlefield can be so much better (graphics). I own BF3 on the 360 and its too glitchy and sometimes takes forever for the graphics to load itself up which I though EA would have had a patch for but...
  19. C

    Why does everyone complain about the map size in Battlefield 3?

    I have the game, and 32v32 fills up the map, you won't be ANYWHERE without a big fight going on. Everywhere there is atleast 5 people total, so how are the maps too big?
  20. B


    All my service stars have disappeared for all guns on all classes and the White progress bar below each weapon on customise,isn't rising it's Been 2 days and my service stars still haven't appeard. Is this a bug? I hope somone can help I've Been trying to find an answer for a while. I've even ea...