
  1. V

    Roger Bacon is which of the following?

    developed scientific proof for Plato's views on knowledge. believed that the "end justifies the means." argued that the search for truth begins with observation of facts. promoted the expansion of fields of study like alchemy and astrology.
  2. A

    Brunch-Off: Creamy Bacon Cauliflower Soup & Cauliflower-Carrot Quick Bread

    Welcome to our sixth*Brunch-Off, the column devoted to brunch recipes. This week's seasonal ingredient is cauliflower, one that often gets a bad rap for being colorless and tasteless. Luckily, these creative and delicious brunch recipes from Jennifer of Savory Simple and Alejandra of Always...
  3. A

    Bye Bye Bacon! Processed Meats Linked To Early Death

    It really pains me to share this information with everyone. As much as I realize that it's salty and bad for me and obnoxiously trendy at the moment, I really love bacon. Bacon-wrapped pears are my favorite food in the whole entire universe. It's the ultimate breakfast meat, because there is...
  4. A

    Canadian Bacon: Russell Wilson goes bananas in Toronto

    Make some room, Andrew Luck. Clear a little space, Robert Griffin III. The first tier of standout rookie quarterbacks appears to be at least three deep in 2012. There's no denying Russell Wilson these days, from a real-life or a fake-football standpoint. The latest episode of The Wilson Show...
  5. A

    Time To Reconsider Our Bacon Obsession, Y’all: Nearly 70% Of U.S. Pork Contaminated

    If only this would make a dent in the ridiculously played out bacon trend that refuses to die: An*Consumer Reports*pork investigation found that this little piggy could make you seriously ill. Well over half of the pork chops and ground pork samples the group tested were*contaminated with high...
  6. C

    In what ways did Bacon's Rebellion reflect the economic and social trends in

    Virginia? I'd appreciate the help!
  7. A

    First Bacon, Now Fish: Scientists Say Fish Are Shrinking Because Of Climate Change

    Last week we wrote about how meat-heavy diets (ahem, Paleos) are probably causing a bacon shortage. Today, there's more bad news in the animal protein world: Apparently, scientists say fish are shrinking*because of climate change, and they'll be down to one quarter their of their size by 2050...
  8. A

    Basically i cooked raw thick bacon in the microwave for 3 minutes, there

    were two slices, will it be cooked? I cooked some bacon in the microwave, they were both thick slices but i put them in for two minutes? I've ate them now but will they be ok? They were crispy on the sides but slightly soft in the middle
  9. A

    12 Healthy Ways To Eat Bacon (That Don’t Involve A Burger King Sundae)

    The Bacon Sundae*was officially added to all Burger King menus yesterday, and needless to say, we think the 510-calorie, 18-grams-of-fat-packing dessert is pretty much a nutritional disaster. But we get it: People love bacon. Some of us here at Blisstree even like bacon (actually, I might be the...
  10. A

    Burger King Launches Bacon Sundae…Because Damn, Fresh Fruit Is So Hard To Find In Sum

    Burger King is launching "The Bacon Sundae" for their summer...and it's covered in caramel, chocolate and bacon! Because, you know, 'tis the season known for its complete dearth of fresh produce, so why not make dessert out of meat instead of fresh berries and fruit? More »Post from: Blisstree
  11. A

    Kevin Bacon

    ...And we <3 Kevin Bacon. Grub Street asked about his eating habits at last night's Food Banks for New York City gala, and while it wasn't the answer they were hoping for, he divulged that he and wife Kyra Sedgwick's signature dish is kale salad. When asked if they're vegetarian, he answered...
  12. A

    Nashville Burger King’s Bacon Sundae Is Royally Repulsive

    Fast food restaurants appear to be in an arms race against your heath. First, there was the bacon milkshake. Then, "First Meal." And just this week, there was the NSFW-looking hot dog stuffed pizza crust. But today, it seems, the race is over, because Burger King*has finally reached the apex of...
  13. J

    Would you think it was cruel if your husband cooked lovely smelling bacon on a...

    ...morning when you? couldn't eat breakfast as you had to go for a fasting blood test?
  14. G

    Five Ways to Play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon With Footloose Remake

    No, Kevin Bacon isn't in the new Footloose movie. Or is he…? As you may have heard, moviedom's original dancing Ren is no more than a half-dozen credits away from anyone...
  15. A

    Do the Muslims hate pigs because they were never introduced to bacon?

    Bacon is made from the absolute worst part of the most unclean animal from the dirtiest part of nature (the mudhole wallows). Yet it is so so awesome! Thanks Blunt. Bacon diplomacy. OK. You Jews too. Why do you all hate on pigs? Pig hatas???? OK Again. When has a Jew blown himself up over...
  16. A

    I need samples of you guys saying "bacon" in wav/mp3 format?

    anything about bacon really.. but i was looking for a nice serious "Bacon" like terminator or duke nukem style.. but i need as many clips of anything bacon related as possible. its for a good song that i will send you when its finished. my email is [email protected] .. if your mic sucks its...
  17. T

    Why does bacon get really wavy right when I cook it?

    Maybe it's because of high heat, i dont know..
  18. M

    Sinking our teeth into the best bacon reviews

    [No message]
  19. L

    Do you like the smell of bacon cooking?

    I am fixing breakfast
  20. K

    Can I Use Bacon Fat Instead Of Oil For Cooking My Pancakes?

    I'm Making Bacon First. Can I Use The Bacon Grease To Cook My Pancakes? pancakes tasting like bacon. Is that a bad thing? lol