
  1. G

    Sister Wives Finale Recap: The Baby Arrives—and So Does a Shocking Offer!

    Robyn Brown can't wait for her child on the Sister Wives' season finale: "It's getting really close to when I have the baby." While we reported on Solomon's birth...
  2. G

    Tori Spelling Uses New Baby Hattie as Thanksgiving Stuffing

    Tori Spelling took dressing baby Hattie to a whole new level Thanksgiving Day! Check out the Thanksgiving goof Tori posted on her official website, dubbed the "roast turkey...
  3. A

    Celebrity baby name quiz!?

    Rules: You think of the celebrity and their taste and think of a baby GIRL name you like that you would bet they may have named their baby girls. Ex: Jennifer Anistan - Olivia THE LIST IS BELOW: Mary J. Blige Katherine McPhee Kelly Clarkson Anna Paquin Charlise Theron Celine Dion Lea Michele...
  4. X

    Baby apps for Android? (free)?

    I've been looking for some apps on android to take care of a "baby", but all I can find is Baby Adopter. Does anyone know any others? Preferably free? :P Thanks.
  5. P

    Can i add garlic juce to water to cuer popeye for my baby flowerhorn?

    or can i add some garlic juce to my fish food . he is just 2.5 inch size both eye is bulged some vet doctor say add some garlic juce to water or to food which help in humudity system is it true. any medesion to improve water condution now i am feeding high red any web address regarding popeye...
  6. M

    Introducing solids to baby?

    When introducing solids to baby ive been told to give 1 teaspoon pureed food or rice cereal a day then gradually give more each day... Am i suppose to mix it in with my breast milk? Or just give them it straight from the spoon? How did you introduce solids to your baby? What time of day did you...
  7. M

    I had a dream I killed a baby? Could someone please help me? :(?

    I had a dream I killed a baby with a hammer, but I wasn't able to control my actions. I hit the baby in the right eye and I could hear it screaming very clearly, and I could see tears falling from the other eye. I continued to hit the baby. (I was honestly shaken with this, and really scared)...
  8. J

    Is the anniversary edition of Achtung Baby worth it?

    I'm thinking of getting my boyfriend the anniversary edition of Achtung Baby but I'm not sure which one to get, the uber deluxe, super deluxe, or vinyl box set. Is the uber deluxe worth it? He has pretty much all of the albums. I don't want to waste my money if it's basically the same. Would a...
  9. R

    How to introduce a baby guinea pig to a 3/4 year old male?

    My piggy, Snoopy, is about 3 or 4 years old. He seems lonely so I want to get him a friend. How do I introduce them? Should I get a boy or girl? My piggy isn't aggressive he's sweet ( : Thanks!
  10. G

    Will the World Really Pay to See Bella and Edward's Half-Undead Baby?

    Harry Potter I get. The Hobbit I get. But I can't imagine people really want to wait a whole year to see the second half of Breaking Dawn. Please tell me I'm right, Answer...
  11. A

    Where can I buy a baby skunk?

    I'm looking for a place some where in Texas that sells baby skunks for around $500 including shipping. Thanks(:
  12. K

    Should I talk to his 'joke' baby mama?

    I have never gone through my boyfriends phone before and we have lived together for almost six months now. But he has always been very secretive about his phone. He never leaves it in a room with me, he will always take it with him if he goes to the bathroom, etc. Anyway the other day he was...
  13. T

    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins?

    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins? Thanks
  14. D

    can i put two baby corn snakes in the same cage?

    I lost my baby corn snake a week ago and i am thinking about getting another one, if i happen to find the one that is lost would they have any problem living together in the same cage? (please do not write any comments saying "you probably wont find her")
  15. J

    on sims social can you have a baby and move in together with the person

    your in a relationship with? remember its the facebook game not sim 1, 2, or 3
  16. G

    Introducing baby guinea pigs to my 7month old sow?

    I have had my guinea pig for 7months when I got her she was the last of her litter left. She had bite marks on her ears and had to have an operation to remove an abscess probably caused by a bite from another pig. This made me reluctant to get another pig to live with her, however I am working...
  17. N

    can u give a 10 pound dog baby aspirin?

    my dog went to the vet just 2 days ago he was fine but he has an injury from when he was a baby its his leg and he wont eat he is crying and i cant get him to the vet right this second can i give him baby aspirin
  18. M

    Introducing baby ferret to older ferret?

    I just got a 2 month old ferret for a friend for my 7 month old ferret. I introduced them out of their cage and my older ferret was grabbing the baby by the scruff and pulling him, and basically being a bully! I only have one ferret cage, which is big, but I clearly can't have them in the same...
  19. L

    how to have a baby in sims 2 pets in psp?

    my sims are couple but they can never had a baby they are married
  20. G

    Air-filled diaper saves baby after Florida car crash

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