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    Do I have autism or what?

    I was diagnosed with pdd. I'm obsessed with ,spongebob, World War II, Third reich, Hitler, Laptop, I'm also have developed disabilities also behavior problems.
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    Autism Discovery Offers Hope For Early Blood Test And Therapeutic Options

    Researchers at the JC Self Research Institute of the Greenwood Genetic Center (GGC), along with collaborators from Biolog, Inc. in California, have reported an important discovery in the understanding of autism which was published in Molecular Autism... More...
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    Manhy Children With Autism Also Have ADHD

    In a study of the co-occurrence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in early school-age children (four to eight years old), researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute found that nearly one-third of children with ASD also have clinically...
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    Specially Raised Mice Show Over-Produced Autism Gene Alters Synapses, Affects Learnin

    A gene linked to autism spectrum disorders that was manipulated in two lines of transgenic mice produced mature adults with irreversible deficits affecting either learning or social interaction. The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, have implications for potential gene...
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    Common gene known to cause inherited autism now linked to specific behaviors

    The genetic malady known as Fragile X syndrome is the most common cause of inherited autism and intellectual disability. Brain scientists know the gene defect that causes the syndrome and understand the damage it does in misshaping the brain’s synapses — the connections between neurons. But how...
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    Children With Autism Benefit From Enrichment Therapy

    Children with autism showed significant improvement after six months of simple sensory exercises at home using everyday items such as scents, spoons and sponges, according to UC Irvine neurobiologists. They found that a treatment known as environmental enrichment led to notable gains in male...
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    Enrichment therapy effective among children with autism

    Children with autism showed significant improvement after six months of simple sensory exercises at home using everyday items such as scents, spoons and sponges, according to UC Irvine neurobiologists. They found that a treatment known as environmental enrichment led to notable gains in male...
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    An Underlying Cause Of Autism Could Be Indicated By Enhanced Motion Perception

    Children with autism see simple movement twice as quickly as other children their age, and this hypersensitivity to motion may provide clues to a fundamental cause of the developmental disorder, according to a new study. Such heightened sensory perception in autism may help explain why some...
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    Use Of Anti-Epileptic Drug During Pregnancy Associated With Increased Risk Of Autism

    Maternal use of valproate (a drug used for the treatment of epilepsy and other neuropsychological disorders) during pregnancy was associated with a significantly increased risk of autism in offspring, according to a study in the April 24 issue of JAMA. The authors caution that these findings...
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    One In 50 Kids Has Autism In U.S., CDC

    One in 50 school-aged kids has autism in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The finding came from a survey of parents which revealed that the number of American children with autism spectrum disorder has increased significantly since 2007. As of 2012...
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    Study By Kennedy Krieger's Center For Autism And Related Disorders Reveals Key Predic

    New findings published in Pediatrics (Epub ahead of print) by the Kennedy Krieger Institute's Center for Autism and Related Disorders reveal that 70 percent of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) who have a history of severe language delay, achieved phrase or fluent speech by age...
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    Identifying Autism Risk In Newborns

    Low-birth-weight babies with a particular brain abnormality are at greater risk for autism, according to a new study that could provide doctors a signpost for early detection of the still poorly understood disorder. Led by Michigan State University, the study found that low-birth-weight newborns...
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    Language Development Video-Based Test For Toddlers And Children With Autism

    Parents often wonder how much of the world their young children really understand. Though typically developing children are not able to speak or point to objects on command until they are between eighteen months and two years old, they do provide clues that they understand language as early as...
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    Study Links Autism To Air Pollution (Maybe Kelly Preston Isn’t Crazy, After All)

    A new study about autism says that air pollution–including car exhaust and smog–could be seriously linked to the disease. Authors found that autistic children are two to three times as likely to have been exposed to pollution during their earliest days, drawing even stronger links to certain...
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    Kelly Preston Speaks Out About Autism And Her Son’s Death; Thankfully, This Isn’t A J

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    Study Examines Newly Proposed DSM-5 Criteria For Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Parents should not worry that proposed changes to the medical criteria redefining a diagnosis of autism will leave their children excluded and deemed ineligible for psychiatric and medical care, says a team of researchers led by psychologists at Weill Cornell Medical College... More...
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    Creating High-Tech Tools To Study Autism

    Researchers in Georgia Tech's Center for Behavior Imaging have developed two new technological tools that automatically measure relevant behaviors of children, and promise to have significant impact on the understanding of behavioral disorders such as autism. One of the tools - a system that...
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    Autism Defective Gene Link

    According to a study published online in PLoS ONE, researchers have identified how a defective gene causes brain changes that lead to the atypical social behavior characteristic of autism. The study, conduced by researchers affiliated with the UC Davis MIND Institute, also offers a potential...
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    1-Year-olds At Risk For Autism May Be Identified By Questionnaire Completed By Parent

    A new study by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers found that 31 percent of children identified as at risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at 12 months received a confirmed diagnosis of ASD by age 3 years... More...
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    Enlarged Brain Size, Autism, Epilepsy And Cancer Linked To Newly Found Gene Mutations

    According to a study published online in Nature Genetics, researchers have identified three new mutations associated with megalencephaly (enlarged brain size), cancer, autism, hydrocephalus, skin growth disorders, epilepsy, and vascular anomalies. The study, led by Seattle Children's Research...