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    6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Work The Same Way As Aspirin And NSAIDs

    Aspirin and other*non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs*may have a host of*preventive*benefits -- but they also come with a host of moderate to severe side effects. Skip the daily dose of Bayer and eat lots of these anti-inflammatory*foods and spices instead -- they work the same way as aspirin...
  2. T

    Aspirin Tied To Lower Risk For Liver Cancer And Death From Liver Disease

    A new study from the US finds that use of aspirin is tied to a reduced risk for hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of primary liver cancer, and also to a reduced risk of death from chronic liver disease. Vikrant V. Sahasrabuddhe, from the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and...
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    Aspirin May Guard Against Skin Cancer

    Aspirin and other commonly used painkillers may help guard against skin cancer, according to a new study about to be published online in the journal CANCER, that was led by researchers from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. Previous studies have already suggested that NSAIDs (nonsteroidal...
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    New Evidence Is Helping Explain Additional Health Benefits Of Aspirin

    Researchers in Canada, Scotland and Australia have discovered that salicylate, the active ingredient in aspirin, directly increases the activity of the protein AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), a key player in regulating cell growth and metabolism. AMPK which is considered a cellular...
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    New Evidence Could Tip The Balance In Aspirin Cancer Prevention Care

    A new report by American Cancer Society scientists says new data showing aspirin's potential role in reducing the risk of cancer death bring us considerably closer to the time when cancer prevention can be included in clinical guidelines for the use of aspirin in preventative care. The report...
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    Study Says Aspirin Prevents Cancer; Sends Dangerous Message

    According to three new studies, a daily dose of aspirin can help prevent, and possibly treat, cancer. While that is potentially good news, it also sends a very dangerous message. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    Aspirin And Cancer - More Evidence Of Prevention And Treatment Benefits

    Three new studies published in The Lancet bolster the mounting evidence that for people in middle age, taking a low dose of aspirin every day can help prevent cancer, particularly if they are at increased risk of the disease. The researchers also suggest this benefit kicks in after two to...
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    Santorum Backer Foster Friess Suggests ‘Gals’ Use Aspirin As Birth Control

    'Gals,' we need to get serious about this birth control silliness. Because Foster Friess, major donor to Rick Santorum's super PAC and contraceptive pragmatist wants you to know that you're all just being a bunch of ninnies. Clearly, the solution to the birth control debate (which is now being...
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    Oncologist David Agus To Jon Stewart: ‘An Aspirin A Day Could Keep Cancer Away’

    David Agus, a leading oncologist and researcher, went on the Daily Show last night to promote his new book, The End of Illness. As he began explaining his theory to Jon Stewart, he sounded a lot like most other doctors trying to solve our country's chronic health problems, discussing...
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    Aspirin Is Underused By Stroke Survivors

    NEW ORLEANS - Roughly 40% of patients who survive a stroke do not take aspirin on a daily basis, despite established guidelines that recommend its use for secondary prevention in this population, investigators announced at the 2012 International Stroke Conference. Dr. John G. Fort, Chief...
  11. N

    can u give a 10 pound dog baby aspirin?

    my dog went to the vet just 2 days ago he was fine but he has an injury from when he was a baby its his leg and he wont eat he is crying and i cant get him to the vet right this second can i give him baby aspirin
  12. D

    Where are the nutrition facts on aspirin?

    I have been taking aspirin twice a day now for the last few weeks because a friend told me they are full of vitamins. Where are the nutrition facts on aspirin? Because I want to incorporate them into the other vitamins I take.
  13. T

    An Aspirin A Day Reduces Cancer Death Risk By 21%

    Daily aspirin reduces the risk of dying of cancer by 21% after five years, and the benefits appear to increase with time, persisting for twenty years in many cases, British researchers revealed in an Article published in The Lancet after gathering data from eight clinical studies - a...
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    Associations Of Aspirin, NSAID And Paracetamol Use With PSA-detected Prostate Cancer: - In the online edition of the International Journal of Cancer, Dr. Ali Murad and colleagues report that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) do not decrease the risk of PSA-detected prostate cancer (CaP). The premises for the study are reports that cyclooxygenase-2 is an...
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    Resveratrol May Replace Aspirin As Heart Protector; Longevinex® First Branded Resvera

    With the realization that half of the people experiencing a sudden mortal heart attack were taking aspirin on the day of their demise, researchers have begun to search for a more reliable alternative, and they may have found it in a red wine molecule called resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trawl)...
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    Resveratrol May Replace Aspirin As Heart Protector; Longevinex® First Branded Resvera

    With the realization that half of the people experiencing a sudden mortal heart attack were taking aspirin on the day of their demise, researchers have begun to search for a more reliable alternative, and they may have found it in a red wine molecule called resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trawl)...
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    Aspirin Could Lower Chance Of Breast Cancer Recurrence, Death, Study Finds

    Breast cancer survivors who regularly took aspirin after completing treatment were 50% less likely than survivors who did not take aspirin to die or have a recurrence, according to a study published Wednesday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, USA Today reports (Szabo, USA Today, 2/17)...
  18. L

    I've heard that taking a "baby" aspirin once a day may be good for heart health....

    I've heard that taking a "baby" aspirin once a day may be good for heart health.... ...How much is a "baby" aspirin? My regular Bayer tablets are 325 mg. If I cut them in half and take a half-aspirin once a day, would this be too much?
  19. M

    can children take aspirin everyday?

    i am almost 15 and weigh 180 ish . i trying to get get healthy and so on. there is lots of history of heart problems in my family and i dont want the same things. ive already been to a cardiologist for some iregular heartbeat and high blood pressure. can i take a aspirin everyday without...
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    Operation Walkuere Das Stauffenberg Attentat R5 MD German iNTERNAL XViD ASPIRIN

    Name: Operation Walkuere Das Stauffenberg Attentat R5 MD German iNTERNAL XViD ASPIRIN Category: Movies: Divx/Xvid Size: 802.44MB Added: 2009-02-23 18:49:33