
  1. M

    my new salt water aquarium with bala sharks?

    ok so i set up my new 300 gallon aqurium 2 hours ago. i added the coral and sea salt to water and my hang over flter. i have 7 inches of gravel. i added my bala sharks and they were swiming at the top bout now theyre on the bottom acting all werid!! :( they are sharks from the ocean the pet...
  2. M

    happy aquarium problem?

    my friend and i on facebook want to be neighbors in happy aquarium, but every time she or i send a request, neither of us get it! we check for updates, wall posts, messages, but we dont get anything! please help!
  3. K

    first time having an aquarium, any help?

    what equipment do i need? how often do i feed them? and do i really need an air pump if i have a filter?
  4. V

    Five easy fish questions - am thinking about getting a fresh water aquarium &

    want to know what type of fish? How many neon tetras will fit into a 10 gallon tank which has about 80% green plants? Will I have room for any other brightly colored fish? Would a single snail work? I know betas must be kept by themselves, but what abut a snail? Do they like or will they...
  5. V

    Five easy fish questions - am thinking about getting a fresh water aquarium &

    want to know what type of fish? How many neon tetras will fit into a 10 gallon tank which has about 80% green plants? Will I have room for any other brightly colored fish? Would a single snail work? I know betas must be kept by themselves, but what abut a snail? Do they like or will they...
  6. J

    I got a used fish aquarium, the water looked fine yesterday, now its really cloudy?

    whats going on here.... I made sure it was clean...IDK...any thoughts its a 50 gallon tank...
  7. J

    Is it okay to transport my aquarium with my water and fish still in it?

    I have a 29 gallon aquarium that I need to transport about 30 minutes away. Would it be okay if I were to move the aquarium onto a thick blanket to protect it from the bed of my truck and cover the top with plastic wrap and use duct tape to keep any water from splashing out? If not why not? What...
  8. J

    I have a tank with baby fish they are tiny just days old, can I add aquarium

    salt to the tank w/o hurting them? I do not want to do anything that will hurt them. I've been very careful to make sure nothing is harmful to them. Any help would be nice.
  9. K

    spilt aquarium water on router?

    I accidently spilt a little bit of aquarium water on my router and modem. Like 4 or 5 drops. It still works fine but im worried about if it could start a fire or something if it got on the chip board.... we put water conditioner, fertilizer and inject the tanks with c02 so that probably...
  10. K

    spilt aquarium water on router?

    I accidently spilt a little bit of aquarium water on my router and modem. Like 4 or 5 drops. It still works fine but im worried about if it could start a fire or something if it got on the chip board.... we put water conditioner, fertilizer and inject the tanks with c02 so that probably...
  11. R

    how do i get rid of the clay which is suspended in my aquarium water?

    I have just started a new 60liter aquarium in which i plan to keep mainly aquatic plants. i have purchased some aquarium planting stuff (sorry, im not sure what its called) its mainly peat, clay, organic matter, and so on. the brand is JBL. I know that when filling the tank your to try your best...
  12. G

    Reef Aquarium USA PSN PSP-NRP

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 8.61 MB Files: 11 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri April 30th 01:20:32 UTC Download NZB
  13. G

    Reef Aquarium USA PSN PSP-NRP

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 8.61 MB Files: 11 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri April 30th 01:20:32 UTC Download NZB
  14. G

    Reef Aquarium USA PSN PSP-NRP

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 8.61 MB Files: 11 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri April 30th 01:20:32 UTC Download NZB
  15. G

    Reef Aquarium USA PSN PSP-NRP

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 8.61 MB Files: 11 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri April 30th 01:20:32 UTC Download NZB
  16. V

    adding rocks to aquarium 10 points best answer?

    at the job site today i found a nice pile of lemon to pineapple sized river rocks.. i brought em home with me and am wondering what to do before adding them to my tank.. they have a bit of dust/ dirt on them so do i just give em a srub and in they go or should i boil them or something else.. cheers
  17. Y

    Which is a better aquarium deal?

    This is my first time buying a tank and I'm not sure which of the bottom options are the "best bang for your buck." I've wrote the name of the tank/it's price in front and what they include. 1)Are the first two options really good deals already? 2) Suggestions please? Which is best? It would be...
  18. S

    Where to buy cheap aquarium supply in Orange County?

    im looking for fertilizer, gravels, aquatic plants, fish ... I have tried Walmart, Petco, Petmart, Petcity. What other places would u recommend me? Thank for your time and have a good day :)
  19. S

    Where to buy cheap aquarium supply in Orange County?

    im looking for fertilizer, gravels, aquatic plants, fish ... I have tried Walmart, Petco, Petmart, Petcity. What other places would u recommend me? Thank for your time and have a good day :)
  20. G

    Fantasy Aquarium by DS USA NDS-SQUiRE

    Category: Console-NDS Size: 5.48 MB Files: 11 (9 pars) Group: a.b.inner-sanctum .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed April 14th 19:14:36 UTC Download NZB