
  1. A

    What ancient ethnic groups were said to be able to tell the future?

    I would really appreciate a list. I don't really want glass balls and what not, just premonitions and stuff. Thanks.
  2. N

    discuss the economic, social, and political relationships of ancient...

    ...Africa with the ancient world.? Im talking about relations between ancient, ancient African civilizations, such as the Songhay, bantu, asante, Mali, swahili, and lacustrine city states, etc. If anyone has any knowledge of this subject I would be extremely grateful for a reply.
  3. A

    How does one go about resurrecting the ancient Egyptian religion?

    Anubis and Ra have noticed you all worship false gods these days! We would like to know what would make you worship us, the true gods, again! P.s. Don't tell Ra I was here I'm supposed to be working! If he finds out I'm not he'll cancel our poker game and be sulky for a week! Such a bloody baby!
  4. L

    Does anyone else believe in the Ancient Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar?

    I know its seems a little far out as to believe in it or not but I looked back to when I had my other two childrens conception month and my age at that time and it was correct both times!
  5. W

    how to write an ancient prophecy?

    I'm writing a fantasy story, and all I need is a little help with a prophecy. i can't put what the prophecy will be about, because I don't want anyone to steal my idea. but if anyone can help me with HOW to write an ancient prophecy, i would be very grateful. Thank you!
  6. T

    Ancient DNA Kick-Started By Researchers

    Binghamton University researchers recently revived ancient bacteria trapped for thousands of years in water droplets embedded in salt crystals. For decades, geologists have looked at these water droplets - called fluid inclusions - and wondered whether microbes could be extracted from them...
  7. B

    Do you hate when Christians use ancient bible scriptures and call them...

    ...prophecies for the time era we're in? Why do Christians do that? btw I am a Christian I just use common sense instead of manipulation. The Capitalist Mind- if you want to make it a competition of who had the most accurate prophecies then Native American spiritualism would win hands down not...
  8. G

    Ancient Spirits - Columbus Legacy EUR MULTi4 NDS-P2PSAURUS

    Category: Console-NDS Size: 14.6 MB Files: 10 (5 pars) Group: a.b.nintendo.ds .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun November 21st 15:17:45 UTC Download NZB
  9. M

    Do you think there are a few people who still follow Ancient Greek Religion now?

    I'm just curious if there are people who still believe in Gods of sex, pleasure, wine, war, knowledge etc. and if they still do all the rituals as some of the Ancient Greeks did. Thanks for answering ?
  10. L

    Can i get Rekindling in an ancient prophecy booster box or was it a short print?

    how many did you get in your box?how many do you think i'll get?do you know any other way to get at least 2 copies of it and not pay with a credit card?
  11. E

    How should i start off an introduction about ancient Athens for a 3 page essay?

    I want it to be engaging...any ideas are great.
  12. F

    Ancient Persian Dishes?

    I just need some names. I can google the recipe list simple dishes- something that can be made easily at home it HAS to be ancient its for a school project.
  13. L

    Discuss the rise of the three ancient African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.?

    What similarites did each of the kingdoms have with the others in their rise to prominence. How did the trans-Sahara trade influence the growth of these kingdoms? How did these kingdoms benefit from this trade? ... Plz help guys...
  14. L

    Discuss the rise of the three ancient African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.?

    What similarites did each of the kingdoms have with the others in their rise to prominence. How did the trans-Sahara trade influence the growth of these kingdoms? How did these kingdoms benefit from this trade? ... Plz help guys...
  15. G

    Frogger Ancient Shadow XBOX-ProjectX

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 1011.20 MB Files: 28 (9 pars) Group: .NFO: None Posted: Sat September 18th 19:26:47 UTC Download NZB
  16. G

    Rob Dunbar: Discovering ancient climates in oceans and ice

    This Rob Dunbar is NOT Robin Dunbar the Archaeologist. Rob Dunbar hunts for data on our climate from 12,000 years ago, finding clues inside ancient seabeds and corals and inside ice sheets. His work is vital in setting baselines for fixing our current climate -- and in tracking the rise of...
  17. K

    What could you have bought at a marketplace in ancient Israel?

    I need 2 know 4 a history class im in but i cant find anything about this topic on google. and it has to be ancient israel.
  18. S

    where can i find more information on the ancient black Knight sattelite?

    i heard it weighs 15 tons and how did they get it in the air?
  19. S

    where can i find more information on the ancient black Knight sattelite?

    i heard it weighs 15 tons and how did they get it in the air?
  20. S

    where can i find more information on the ancient black Knight sattelite?

    i heard it weighs 15 tons and how did they get it in the air?