
  1. W

    Do you think an amazing sense of humor cancels out looks in some cases?

    I think people don't notice the negative physical attributes of others as much when it is substituted with a really attractive personality :)
  2. N

    Isn't it amazing how some people have a VERY strong need to crucify Christianity?

    Any thoughts out in the cloud as to why? My thought is because they have nothing of their own to believe....and because there is a void in the universe around them so they have a need to try and rip apart "christians" who do have faith. They have a need to belittle how christians believe...
  3. D

    are these cards amazing to go with?

    hi, there. are these cards amazing to go with?
  4. N

    Can anyone suggest inexpensive but amazing all inclusive vacations?

    My boy friend and I need to take an amazing vacation, so we've decided on an all inclusive to either the bahamas or somewhere (anywhere!!) with beautiful powdery beaches and turqoise waters. If anyone has any info please let me know!! We are really looking for all inclusive though. Thanks Also...
  5. G

    These Beautiful Chinese Ink Drawings Are Really Amazing Photographs [Image Cache]

    I love the late Don Hong-Oai's photography. His style, the perfect composition, the texture... everything in his work fools the mind into thinking you are looking at a delicate ink illustration. Photo or drawing, they make me want to travel there. More »
  6. M

    Are there any amazing basic fitness books?

    Something that breaks down all the medical terms to getting in shape loosing weight. Teaches you about fat and cellulite. It also be cool for some nutrition facts to be in there
  7. R

    I have such amazing ideas for game apps for the iphone and android. I

    just don't know who to contact exactly? I looking for someone who can make game apps. I have great ideas that can make money based on these app ideas i have came up with. Where do I find someone who's an expert at making apps i would be glad to share the idea. Also investors would help swell. I...
  8. Fred

    I have such amazing ideas for game apps for the iphone and android. I just don't

    know who to contact exactly? I looking for someone who can make game apps. I have great ideas that can make money based on these app ideas i have came up with. Where do I find someone who's an expert at making apps i would be glad to share the idea. Also investors would help swell. I have some...
  9. Fred

    I have such amazing ideas for videogame apps for the iphone and android. I just...

    ...don't know who to contact? I looking for someone who can make video game apps. I have great ideas that can make money based on these app ideas i have came up with. Where do I find someone who's an expert at making apps i would be glad to share the idea. Also investors would help swell. I have...
  10. K

    IAC - Sinitta was amazing, she's so funny! Did you enjoy it?

    I know she is going to be a brilliant contestant! She's really funny and I loved the story tonight in the cave and can't wait to see how it turned out! Are you looking forward to seeing her in the camp and what do you think she will be like?
  11. C

    why are Hummer SUVs so amazing? the stuff dreams are made of......... if only parking wasn't a problem.............
  12. M

    Does anyone remember the amazing "Rafa Rant"? its fvcking comedy gold because its true and his accent makes it even better "ITS A FACT"
  13. J

    Continue the lyrics to this amazing song? No cheating with google. lol?

    Now it all seems funny kinda like a dream. Things aint always what they seem. What a shame, Now it all seems funny kind of like a dream. Things aint always what they seem. What a shame, What happened to Jayne.
  14. A

    Mindy Kaling Is An Amazing Hero For Body Positivity

    This morning, listeners to NPR's Morning Edition heard a familiar voice, talking about a familiar topic. Guest Mindy Kaling, who is best known for playing Kelly on The Office (for which she also writes, produces and directs) was featured in a short segment--during which, she spoke frankly about...
  15. G

    For Amazing Replica Halloween Costumes, Just Be Shawn Thorsson [Video]

    Also, own a 3D printer and some 3D digital modeling software and have some sick design skills. Besides that, not a very difficult costume to pull off. More »
  16. G

    From Mom to Movie Star: Naomi Watts' Amazing Transformation...You Like?

    Is there anything more beautiful than a devoted mom with her kids? Probably not, but a glammed-up movie star would definitely be a contender. Movie-star mom Naomi Watts,...
  17. A

    Amazing Job or Amazing Vacation?

    I have been planning a 30 day trip to Europe for the last several weeks, to leave in January. I am very, very excited about my tour, and am really looking forward to it. However, a few days ago I was offered a job in my chosen field. It doesn't pay much ($4k), and I would have to cancel my...
  18. G

    The Amazing Race Shocker: Which Teams Didn't Survive?

    If there's one rule every reality TV competitor lives by, it's this: Don't be the first one eliminated. The Amazing Race said goodbye to two of its teams in the first...
  19. M

    101 Dalmatians 2 Amazing Stories True Blood Sons of Anarchy Chappelle's Show -Discou

    101 Dalmatians 2 DVD A) Cruella downsizes Anita so that she'll then work for Ralphie. Then she has P.H. DeVil kidnap Rolly and replace him with a robot double to spy on Anita's work. B) Pongo and Perdita forbid the Main Pups from using Hiccup Hole when Lucky won't apologize t Amazing Stories...
  20. C

    Amazing! I saw a woman wearing such clothes in the subway.

    I saw a woman wearing this dress on the subway. I almost see her body through it, do you experience it?