
  1. I

    Looking for good alternative rock songs or bands?

    Read the title :)
  2. L

    Paypal alternative that accepts Paypal?

    Is there any online payment website like paypal that accepts payment from paypal? For example. 'A' has paypal account. He has to pay 'B'. But 'B' cannot have a paypal account for some reason. But 'B' can make account on any other paypal alternative website. so is there any paypal alternative...
  3. D

    i use ares but im switching to mac whats the best alternative since ares... not compatible for macs? & macs do get viruses so no comments about how it doesnt matte. If you have any free anti-virus recomindations thatd be nice 2 thanks :)
  4. V

    Has Skype for Blackberry Storm 9530 released? If not, what is the alternative?

    Does iskoot function as a skype client or is it different?
  5. V

    Has Skype for Blackberry Storm 9530 released? If not, what is the alternative?

    Does iskoot function as a skype client or is it different?
  6. V

    Has Skype for Blackberry Storm 9530 released? If not, what is the alternative?

    Does iskoot function as a skype client or is it different?
  7. D

    Ubuntu 9.10 - Need an alternative Divx Plug-in for Streaming movies..?

    The plug-in I have does not allow the video to buffer and when you click pause it returns to the beggining of the movie please offer an alternative which caches more than 10 seconds of the movie
  8. J

    I'm looking for alternative case designs to mod a PSP?

    I'm not looking for a different colored version of the same PSP case, but rather something different, like a rectangle shaped case with sharp edges rather then rounded ones, or a case resembling a snes controller, I haven't had any luck finding something like this online, but I do know there are...
  9. I

    isn't there some free alternative to softick for bluetooth stereo audio?

    I have a motorola s9 and a palm centro, and apparently the softick a2dp audio gateway is the only one anyone knows of, and it's 20 bucks. Yes I know it's only 20 bucks but hey, times are tight, and it's hard to imagine that there's no free alternative.
  10. S

    Alternative habit to smoking?

    I quit smoking years ago (and I only smoked for 2-something years); so I have no physical dependency, however I still often want to smoke to pause from programming, or to pause and reflect while walking on the street, or to go out to think. What would be non-harmful, non-weird replacement habit...
  11. M

    An alternative to California?

    Can anyone suggest a metro region or state as close to (southern coastal) California in weather, relative laid-backness and cosmopolitan atmosphere? The problem is, your average white collar worker can't afford a decent place in California! *frown*
  12. D

    alternative eharmony?

    well eharmony has their test... and the idea seems really great, a personality compatibility match... how about the groups of folks that eharmony dosent accomodate? what about a tg/ts individual who is looking for that type of match? or how bout a couple looking for a third? more specifically...
  13. B

    Want something that works? ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE! Fed up? Doctors don't cure, they...

    ...sell drugs!? Is Alernative Medicine the answer? YES!
  14. M

    Warfarin alternative on the horizon

    [No message]
  15. I

    Why is Nickelback depicted as terrible alternative rock/music?

    I just keep seeing in websites that Nickelback is apparently, really bad. I just want to know why or why not. This is pretty much why I'm wondering.
  16. I

    Why is Nickelback depicted as terrible alternative rock/music?

    I just keep seeing in websites that Nickelback is apparently, really bad. I just want to know why or why not. This is pretty much why I'm wondering.
  17. P

    Best Alternative to iPod for Video Mp3 Player - other than Zune?

    Which is the best alternative to iPod, other than Zune?... especially for streaming video. What's your opinion? And why?
  18. 5

    Is there a worthy alternative to the iphone?

    I have an old mobile phone which doesn't have any interesting features. I'm thinking of joining the arms race of modern mobile technology, and of course the iphone springs to mind.. Unfortunately I don't like apple products very much, and would like to avoid getting an iphone if possible...
  19. J

    What is Platinum Partner's P2P solution as an alternative to clickbank?

    Does anyone know what is the alternative solution from platinum partner for p2p for Clickbank users, and is , , and reliable, does anyone have any expirience with any of them. thanx
  20. A

    What's a Good Alternative to French Fries?

    I love french fries...but now i think i should cut what's still tasty, healthy, and won't make me miss my freedom fries?