
  1. N

    An alternate way to put music/ringtones on your phone?

    I need to find a way to put music on my phone from my computer. I used to have a bluetooth device, but it's vanished. I've found something called, and it works, but only for pictures. Does anyone know a site that's pretty much the music version of PixDrop?
  2. N

    An alternate way to put music/ringtones on your phone?

    I need to find a way to put music on my phone from my computer. I used to have a bluetooth device, but it's vanished. I've found something called, and it works, but only for pictures. Does anyone know a site that's pretty much the music version of PixDrop?
  3. M

    How to get a Motorola Droid X2 alternate ring tone?

    I have my business phone forwarded to my cell phone, but the ring tone is the same as all other calls. I would like to be able to tell by the ring tone whether it is a business or personal call so I can answer appropriately. Is there a way for the phone to differentiate which line is being...
  4. C

    Molten-WoW; Alternate Way Besides the Torrent File?

    Hey guys, I'm trying to get the World of Warcraft 4.3.4 Game Client so I can play on Molten-WoW's private server. I do not want to use the torrent. Is there an alternate way? Maybe like a custom launcher that installs the files for your or something...I need help): -Caleb
  5. S

    Injustice Gods Among Us, Can't sync Iphone to Xbox 360 to unlock alternate costumes.?

    Hey, I recently bought Injustice Gods Among us for the Xbox 360. I want some extra costumes so i got my friend to play the IOS version because my ITouch wouldn't run it. He has unlocked me a few costumes but i don't have them on my console. We are both logged in the same Warner Brothers...
  6. C

    Are there any religions that believe we can travel to alternate realities?

    If so, which one(s)? No, I don't mean after death, I mean, now, while we are still alive. And I know how to think logically. Maybe the language isn't perfect but I mean a different world. If you've ever watched sci-fi or anything where people go to a different type of place. Does anyone believe...
  7. T

    Alternate Walking And Running Recommended To Save Energy, Maintain Endurance

    Forget "slow and steady wins the race." A new study shows that, at least sometimes, the best way to conserve energy and reach your destination on time is to alternate between walking and running - whether your goal is the bus stop or a marathon finish line. In the January 30, 2013 issue of the...
  8. A

    Brewers contest allows fans to design alternate uniform

    Alternate uniforms are a big hit with fans, which in turn makes them a big money maker for sports franchises, so why not let the paying customer have a role in designing them? Obviously that's how the Milwaukee Brewers feel on the subject, because they have decided to open the creative process...
  9. M

    Is there any alternate or similar Bluetooth software like Bluesoleil available... market? Hi, I wish to listen to audio books on my pc through bluetooth headset. I've bought sony ericsson mw 600 bluetooth headset and usb bluetooth dongle. This dongle came with IVT Bluesoleil version 2, searched google and got latest version 8. I liked its functionality, but after few...
  10. A

    P90X alternate nutrition?

    I got P90X over the summer and started to do it, but quit due to being gone on vacation and such. I know following the nutrition plan front to back is supposed to get you mind-blowing results, but I really cannot afford most of the stuff mentioned in the guide. All I want to know is what are the...
  11. T

    What is a cheaper alternate for a HTWDC10 Wireless iPod/iPhone Dock?

    I have a home sound system, it's a Samsung Crystal airtrack, and in the back there is a usb port and a specific setting for iPod. So I discovered that there is a wireless iPod dock that you an buy for about 100 dollars. That's way to much, for me. I was wondering for a cheaper one that would do...
  12. W

    when im looking at someone do i alternate between which eye i look at or do

    i stare in between the eyes? sorry if questions in the wrong place :S
  13. N

    If Verizon Does an Alternate Replacement Will I Have to Pay?

    So my Samsung Continuum broke today, somehow with the software and now the guy said they might not be able to give me the hole deal with getting the same phone because its older then 6 months, so i was wondering if id have to pay if they had to do an alternate replacement, and if so would i get...
  14. N

    If Verizon Does an Alternate Replacement Will I Have to Pay?

    So my Samsung Continuum broke today, somehow with the software and now the guy said they might not be able to give me the hole deal with getting the same phone because its older then 6 months, so i was wondering if id have to pay if they had to do an alternate replacement, and if so would i get...
  15. T

    Alternate prologue for my book?

    Alright, I was reading the original prologue to one of my books (Read it here:;_ylt=Alzw4QUDfAA4gdL2opxkXJ_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110130004923AA2OPK0) but I'm not quite sure I like it. So I decided to write an alternate. So here it is. Please tell me which one...
  16. D

    Any alternate OS for iPhone?

    I was wondering if there is any alternate OS to run on an iDevice (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad... etc.) And if so how to put them on it?
  17. C

    Alternate to bluetooth/phone connecting method? :)?

    Hey all :) I am just doing a bit of thinking and was wondering if there is a alternative to connecting two phones via bluetooth, a faster and less hastle way :) So if you could just touch the two phones back to back then flick in the direction of one to the other and it would start...
  18. D

    Ideas for Alternate dimensions/ Parallel universes?

    I need some kid-appropriate ideas for alternate dimensions. Thanks
  19. H

    Law abiding Citizen.? anyone have dvd or blue ray? Is there an alternate ending?

    I Love this movie .. Til the ending !!! I hate the ending.. If the dvd has alt ending will someone tell me about it.. i really hope it has alt ending !!
  20. E

    name of a sci-fi short story about lady who can travel between alternate...

    ...realities to sell supplies? Maybe you would call her a witch? She has the ability to travel between alternate realities by concentrating. She owns a country store and a pick-up truck. She has discovered a group of people, in another reality, trying to build a rocket to escape an earth...