
  1. M

    BB UK: They are allowed to incur 88 fails??? + How funny is this task?

    I think that's a bit too many - I know they must have like 20 now but I think 88 is a bit too much and it's basically letting them win the task!! Then again how long does this task go on for? Anyway, LMAO @ at this task. I would've wanted to stare at that stripper myself haha, did you see him...
  2. S

    Christians: You are allowed to judge, as long as you yourself have fixed your...

    ...own problems.? You are allowed to judge, as long as you yourself have fixed your own problems. Don't judge another's trivial mistakes when you have glaring flaws of your own. Am I right? or am I right? me and a friend were talking about homosexuals
  3. K

    Should this guy be allowed outdoors?
  4. K

    Are miniture pigs like teacup pigs allowed in Dc?

    I want to get a pet pig like a miniture pig or teacup pig but i need to know if they are allowed in DC based on some real facts. anyone know?
  5. K

    Are miniture pigs like teacup pigs allowed in Dc?

    I want to get a pet pig like a miniture pig or teacup pig but i need to know if they are allowed in DC based on some real facts. anyone know?
  6. K

    Are miniture pigs like teacup pigs allowed in Dc?

    I want to get a pet pig like a miniture pig or teacup pig but i need to know if they are allowed in DC based on some real facts. anyone know?
  7. C

    Android apps that aren't allowed on iPhones?

    I am looking for a good Android app that would not be allowed on iPhones. Adult oriented would be fine.
  8. T

    should woman over 30 be allowed into the after-match players lounge unsupervised?

    its the players safety that concerns me QQ...
  9. S

    Why all the talk about racism anyway? Aren't people allowed to think whatever...

    ...they choose? It is so stupid that so much PC talk has taken center stage...The real problems are ignored and instead we talk about peoples',"feelings". I have observed many things in my life and have made opinions based on those observations. Some are negative about certain races. So what?
  10. A

    Unrelated children of opposite sex allowed to sleep together?

    My daughter, 7 yrs old goes to her fathers house on weekends. He recently got a girlfriend who has five children. She just informed me that her oldest who is 14 and a boy was sleeping in the same bed as her and his sister. He was in the middle with his sister on one side and her on the other. I...
  11. W

    Am I allowed to post a link to A karate club'S website to see if people

    think it would be a good club ? not sure on yahoo answers rules. I want to post a link to a karate clubs ad to see what people who practice or teach martial arts think .
  12. J

    Where are segways allowed to be driven?

    They're not allowed on public sidewalks, and I know that they're allowed on some bike lanes, but what if the street doesn't really have a bike lane? Segways do take up a bit of space, and they don't travel as fast as cars...
  13. H

    Mermaid Group. Is taking a holiday while working on a cruise ship allowed?

    I have recently had a final interview with the Mermaid Group and the Company hiring me for a cruise ship job that is due to start in October. I informed them that I needed 2 weeks holiday in January for a family holiday that has been booked for a while. The company hiring me said that I would...
  14. C

    Why Juror allowed to Stay if had Vacation Coming Up?

    One of the Jurors in the Mehserle Trial (BART Shooting in Calif. Bay Area) is leaving because he has a vaction coming up. Why was he allowed to be a Juror in the first place if they knew he was going to leave? Especially for a high-profile case like this?
  15. M

    Are you allowed to travel out of state if under 18?

    Me and my best friend are going to myrtle beach in a week. She is 19 and I'm 17, I'll be 18 in a month. I do have parental permission to go. I was just wondering if I'm "legally" allowed to leave state since I'm not 18? Do I need to have a note written or anything?
  16. P

    Why aren't you allowed to use a blackberry in the U.N.?

    I just saw a newcast about the queen of England addressing the U.N and the reporter said a joke about .."the queen will have to keep her blackberry packed because you all know no one is allowed to...
  17. I

    Why is this car allowed to turn left over the line [picture]?

    I know rules are different in different places, so this is in BC, Canada. Anyway, I'm taking the online practice test to study for my L, and I don't understand why this car is allowed to cross left over the line. Is it because there's no...
  18. J

    Im not allowed to have a phone,i know about the psp and ipod touch but is there

    any other "gadget" with wifi? i have used both ipod and psp but they are no longer an option, i need something that i can hook up to my wireless internet so i can email my friends....i am only in high school so nothing over $200 please!
  19. J

    Are Christians only allowed to use Internet Explorer?

    Internet Explorer is the spawn of Satan! ZOMGWTFBBQLOLITROLLED
  20. Y

    If gay marriage is allowed, why not incestuous marriage?

    Before people start slapping me with "demented off spring" what if the incestuous marriage was a gay marriage? And what if the 2 partners were sterilized/use contraceptives? Either way, marriage isn't the problem, sex is. I'm talking about marriage. And early on, royalty would inbreed to keep...