
  1. L

    can you be allergic to weeed?

    if you were what types of things would happen? could you die on the spot
  2. A

    What am I allergic to in maple syrup?

    The only thing that I am allergic to that we are aware of is maple syrup- real and fake. What is in it that I could be allergic to?
  3. M

    What pet can I have I'm severely allergic to cats,dogs & rodents?

    What would be a good pet that I wouldn't be allergic to? I'm allergic to cats,dogs & rodents. I'm also severely allergic to dust mites & mold so that rules out birds Any ideas?
  4. B

    are you more liekly to get an allergic reaction to salon ahir dye or the one you can

    buy and do yourself? i was wondering. cause i have asthma but my doctors thinking mayeb im getting tiny allergic reactions to things int eh air. and like exercise sets em off and strong smells and all this crap. so im wondeing am i less likely to get an allergic reastion in a salon or at home...
  5. L

    My daughter is allergic to sun cream and we are going on hoiliday!?

    My daughter has had a reactin to about 9 different sun creams. we have stopped trying new ones - its not fair on her. can anyone suggest asomething else that will keep her protected.
  6. L

    Allergic reaction stories?

    Hi I'm a features writer from Birmingham UK and I'm looking for women ages between 18-35 who suffer from severe allergic reactions and have photo proof. It doesn;t matter what your allergic to (although weirder the better) but Id love to hear from you. For more details email me on...
  7. I

    Are you allergic to some of the stuff you love the most?

    E.g., I love milk, strawberries, peanuts and chocolate but if I eat them I either get severe stomach pains, unecessary diarrhea or a bloated face with zits. Man! Life sucks sometimes. What about you guys?
  8. J

    If someone is allergic to shrimp what is the chance they are allergic to crab?

    Hi i was just wondering if somone has an allergic reaction to shrimp what is the chance they will have an allergic reaction to crab and/or lobster? Is it worth an attempt, after all crab is delicious with that melted butter.... mmmmmm....
  9. V

    I dyed my hair on Friday. It seems that I got an allergic reaction.?

    My head was itching, my hairline was red and horrible and now I look like a monster. I was swelled up last night by my temples. That went away but now my forehead is swelled up. I can't go into my doctor until tomorrow. What can I do about my swelling to calm it down? PLease help.
  10. A

    Allergic Rhinitis trouble?

    What can you do about it?
  11. J

    Allergic to benzoyl peroxide?

    How do I know if I'm allergic to it? I use Differin gel and Duac gel. It seems the Differin made my skin clearer, but once I use the Duac gel (which is 5% benzoyl peroxide) it makes my skin turn red and blotchy. Is this an allergic reaction to it or is this normal?
  12. S

    allergic reaction, side effects to fish oil capsules,?

    only been taking odourless fish oil capsules 4 days for wrist and hand pain due to arthritis. am having itching in the hands, tingling and craving for sugary foods, burps. can anyone assist to why this is happening. i thought fish oil is good to take for arthritic pain.
  13. S

    How to get propper nutrition: vegetarian and allergic to peanuts and legumes, as

    well as treenuts? I hate meat. Find it disgusting. I also feel so bad for the animals. Anyways numerous reasons to be a vegetarian....but how can I get propper nutrition? I am allergic to peanuts and other legumes as wel las treenuts. How do I get all of my nutrition?? I came across a...