
  1. J

    Celebrity look alike?

    So I never got that I look like any lol just wondering what you think :)
  2. D

    Where can I find Jack Rogers look alike sandals?

    I love the way Jack Rogers sandals look, but their price is a little bit out of my student budget! I've looked online so much but can't seem to find a good look a like pair! I'd really like to find this style in silver, white, black, or gold! THANK YOU...
  3. A

    What app games for iPad are like these or alike?

    Im searching for apps that are like the game nintendogs for DS, Or like My Horse, also I want games that are pretty realistic or really fun and interesting to play that are like a doctor, vet, dentist, surgeon, anything that involves tools and stuff like that. Or an app that is about taking care...
  4. I

    why do Jews not see Islam and Judaism are alike and have the same Allah since

    Islam has the same Laws? There is no law of Moses that Allah said to Moses that isn't in the Qu'ran, or Hadith, in some way. So how do Jews explain this is Allah isn't also their "G-d"? without even reading the whole list I can already see we have most in common, more so than Christianity, so...
  5. J

    Whats a good websight I can post my celebrity look alike photos?

    Whats a good websight I can post my celebrity look alike photos on so I can have other people comment on them and rate them? Its specifically used for this and is not an app for myspace or anything.
  6. W

    whos my celebrity look alike? these arent the best pics, just all i had loll. in person everyone says i look alot like megan fox but shes way to beautiful to look like me lol =]
  7. W

    Whos my celebrity look alike? these arent the best pics, just all i had loll. in person everyone says i look alot like megan fox but shes way to beautiful to look like me lol =]
  8. G

    Stanford Develops Nanotube-Infused Artificial Skin for Robots and People Alike [Video

    Man and machine might not be that different in the future—especially if they share the same synthetic skin being developed at Stanford University. More »
  9. D

    Do Israelis and Mexicans look alike?

    This guy at my school from Israel kept speaking to me in Hebrew. It was kind of awkward, and it got even more awkward after he said he thought I was Israeli. (I'm Mexican.)
  10. A

    Video: Serena Williams thinks all chair umpires look alike

    In Sunday's U.S. Open final, Serena Williams blew up at the same chair umpire who gave her a devastating point penalty at the 2009 U.S. Open. Only it wasn't the same chair umpire at all. They just happen to look sort of alike. Here was the blow-up, which we detailed in an earlier post...
  11. J

    Look alike for Jeep Wrangler?

    I'm buying my first car soon and I love the small (2 door) Jeep Wrangler... but it is too expensive. I was wondering if there are any vehicles with the same shape/ look. They don't have to be new, just Jeep looking :p
  12. A

    GNC, body builders, and other alike!!! need help!?

    I will be stacking Oxyelite Pro, JackEd, and YokEd with each other for a cycle but unsure what else to use? or if this is a good idea? Please help and input any information to help thanks.
  13. D

    Who is your closest celebrity look alike?

    I wanna know.
  14. H

    Any ideas on who my celebrity look alike would be? (pic included)?

    Any ideas on who my celebrity look alike would be? Here's the picture
  15. T

    Not All Infant Formulas Are Alike; Differential Effects On Weight Gain

    New findings from the Monell Center reveal that weight gain of formula-fed infants is influenced by the type of formula the infant is consuming. The findings have implications related to the infant's risk for the development of obesity, diabetes and other diseases later in life. "Events early...
  16. A

    Who is my celebrity look alike? ^^^ copy that link above into the search bar. Its my picture. Please let me know who you think i look like (:
  17. E

    Who do you is my celebrity look alike?

    Im bored who do you thing my celeb look a like is?
  18. L

    who's my celebrity look alike?
  19. N

    Live Mix on Ultra Music Festival? Any other things alike?

    So today I accidentally discovered Ultra Music Festival (UMF). It seemed like there was a live feed playing. It was at the library. It was like song after song of mixes and I've been dying to hear something like it again but live or something like that. Does anyone know what am talking about? It...
  20. S

    Anime character major look alike!?!!?

    Are they meant to look so much & act so much the same as each other!? Or did someone copy off someone else's character!? Here are the 2 characters: Yuki Nagato - The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Yamamoto Yuri - Bokura ga Ita Look at them!!! & tell me what you think!!! I know! lmaoo I also...