
  1. W

    Alcoholic Beverage Business

    Hey friends, I want to know how many alcoholic beverages are tasty enough to drink straight without having to gag yourself. I don’t know more about the alcoholic beverages so advice me. Thanks --------------- Best alcohol
  2. T

    Blocking Inflammation Reverses Early-Stage Alcoholic Liver Disease In Mice

    More than 12000 deaths per year are attributed to alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Early stages of ALD are believed to be reversible, but there is no definitive treatment available. The early stages of ALD are associated with increased activation of inflammatory pathways. In this issue of the...
  3. A

    Am I Really An Alcoholic? 10 Signs That You May Drink Too Much

    When does "I'll have another glass of wine" turn into "I have a drinking problem?" For many of us who like to relax and de-stress at the end of the day, that's a scary question. You may not think you or someone you know has a dependency, but according to addiction expert and treatment center...
  4. A

    What does it mean to mix "tar" with an alcoholic drink?

    A friend of mine recently drank a drink at a party that had "tar" mixed in and said it hit her pretty hard. Is it a drug, I have never heard of such a thing before.
  5. A

    One in 10 U.S. Kids Lives With Alcoholic Parent; Are We Really That Stressed-Out?

    A new study just proved what is wrong with parents today: We are so stressed out that we're turning to alcohol to relax. So much so that one out of every 10 children in the U.S. now lives with an alcoholic parent. That's just troubling for so many reasons. And it makes me never want to drink a...
  6. R

    What's the name of the alcoholic drink with nicotine in it?

    I've heard of an alcoholic drink that contains nicotine, and thus allows nicotine intake without any damage to respiratory organs unlike cigarette. Can anyone provide the name of this beverage plus the brands? Thanks in advance.
  7. A

    One Woman’s Story: How I Made It Through The Holidays As An Alcoholic

    No doubt, the holidays can be a stressful time for just about all of us. But for someone suffering from a drinking problem, Thanksgiving and Christmas-time can be wrought with extreme emotions, stress and substance abuse. In order to help raise awareness of alcoholism in the U.S. (where 17.6...
  8. H

    How much is alcohol going to cost me on cruise and what alcoholic beverages

    will I have to choose from? I'm going on a 4 day carnival cruise to cozumel this thanksgiving and I wanted to know whats the price of all the alcohol sold and how do they serve them? What are the options? I'm guessing 4 drinks a day and 4 days total so about 16 drinks!!!
  9. D

    can a family member under 18 years old sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco at

    the family business? can a family member under 18 years old sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco at the family business? My parents own a Gas station in New York State, Erie county. Most of the people we hire steal although they sign a paper that says they won't, and I need a job. But in order...
  10. T

    Why does Hornsby's hard cider have nutrition facts but no other alcoholic...

    ...beverage does? that i know of
  11. A

    Do they check ID's on Carnival Cruises when you order alcoholic beverages in...

    ...your stateroom? I'm 20. And if I try to order a bottle of champagne, beer, booz, etc. will they ask me for my ID when they bring the drinks to my room/cabin? I have heard from people that if it is very late at night they probably will not check your ID if you appear to be old enough, and...
  12. T

    Alcoholic Drinks Containing Caffeine Banned In Massachusetts

    So called alcoholic energy drinks with caffeine added have been banned by the Alcoholics Beverages Control Commission of Massachusetts, the fifth US state to make such a move recently. The Commission filed an emergency regulation banning the distribution of these types of drinks and ordering...
  13. T

    NCL Praises FDA Crackdown On Alcoholic Energy Drinks

    The National Consumers League (NCL), the nation's oldest consumer advocacy organization, praised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcement yesterday that it would crack down on seven alcoholic energy drinks under recent scrutiny for combining large amounts of alcohol and caffeine...
  14. B

    I am an Alcoholic and smoke a lot, and i wont be able to explain my problem

    properly ? Is it okay if i go to a rehab for a Year ? I used to take cannabis for 5 years and took medicines and was out of it. Later after a year i got into alcoholism and i was rehab again after one and half years. Came out clean without smoking and drinking. But then because of some reason i...
  15. A

    Simple alcoholic drink recipes that don't taste too alcoholic?

    My friend really has never had alcohol or gotten drunk and doesn't like the taste of alcohol much (the only thing I could find that he likes is sour peach schnapps) but he wants to get drunk when I go visit him in a couple weeks. I want to play circle of death with him and another friend and...
  16. A

    Simple alcoholic drink recipes that don't taste too alcoholic?

    My friend really has never had alcohol or gotten drunk and doesn't like the taste of alcohol much (the only thing I could find that he likes is sour peach schnapps) but he wants to get drunk when I go visit him in a couple weeks. I want to play circle of death with him and another friend and...
  17. B

    What is the best alcoholic drink to have with the least calories?

    I am trying to lose weight, but i don't want to stop drinking.. which is the best one to drink?
  18. L

    Do you have an interesting alcoholic beverage?

    If so, what is it called? How is it made? How is it served? Any special ways you have to drink it?
  19. A

    NEED RELATIONSHIP HELP!!? alcoholic lying boyfriend :(?

    ok my boyfriend got caught drink driving crashed his car and everything and he promised me that he wouldnt drink again until we go away in 2 months. now he is drinking and doesnt understand why im angry, telling me to lighten up and stuff, when im clearly not in the wrong. he doesnt get what hes...
  20. G

    Where can I find an Alcoholic Beverage Recipe book?

    I've looked on Amazon and the only books they have are for bartenders, so please don't answer with a link to Amazon. Any help would be greatly appreciated!