
  1. A

    Young wrestler provides a dance for the ages

    Wrestling is a delicate dance of style, technique and positioning, and this young wrestler from the Pan American Championships blends them all into a jig for the ages. The interviewee is former Puyallup (Wash.) High standout Whitney Conder, who made a bid to become Washington's first...
  2. T

    Morning After Pill Fight Ends As FDA Approves OTC For All Ages

    The FDA has approved the morning after pill for women of any age as an over-the-counter medication and with no point-of-sale restrictions. Over-the-counter (OTC) means that no prescription is required. The FDA said the approval is for "women of child bearing age potential", i.e. any female who...
  3. L

    Planning 10 day vacation with 3 adults & 2 toddlers (ages 1&3) this spring.

    Preferably something all-inclusive? Flying out of San Francisco. We want SAFE, All-inclusive, Tropical, Beach, Monkeys, Kid-friendly... Not US or Mexico. Looking for good quality/accommodations but not looking to completely break the bank. Any suggestions/recommendation?
  4. A

    Afternoon Links: Valentine’s Day, Throughout The Ages

    • How you feel about Valentine’s Day at every age. (HuffPost Women) • Can you cure cavities without fillings? (Organic Authority) • 7 ways to prevent a flu and stay healthy. (Money Crashers) • New York City’s top 10 pilates … More » Afternoon Links: Valentine’s Day, Throughout The Ages is a...
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    Binge Drinking Increases With Lower Drinking Ages

    People who grew up in states where it was legal to drink alcohol before age 21 are more likely to be binge drinkers later in life, according to a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The findings are available online in Alcoholism: Clinical &...
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    What is a good fitness dvd for all ages?

    I want to begin working out with my mother and I would like a program we can do together. She is 54 and I am 23 and we are not very fit...thx
  7. U

    Sci-fi book set in muddle ages? Title?

    All I remember is that there are kingdoms warring and someone sets on a quest to stop the wars. Somehow either time travel or dimension jump is included... There was a forest with elves. Yeah. That's all I got!
  8. A

    Why does its take ages to copy files off my Sony Ericsson c902 phone?

    Why does its take ages to copy files off my Sony Ericsson c902 phone? I'm trying to cut and paste photos from my phone to my computer and its taking 1+ hour to do it? Any ideas?
  9. A

    Alabama and Georgia play an SEC title game for the ages

    The fight for the right to play in the BCS national championship was supposed to be like that. A knockdown, dragged out brutal fight to the end that saw both Alabama and Georgia give their best shots and receive vicious blows in return until only one was left standing. Alabama 32, Georgia 28...
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    Week 9 MVPs: Doug Martin shines in rookie rushing performance for the ages

    Special Shutdown Corner Season MVP: Chuck Pagano, Head Coach, Indianapolis Colts: Once in a great while, something happens that reminds you just how valuable the personal bonds created by sports can be. It was made clear to everybody this week, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, that there are...
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    how has technology evolved through the ages: then, now, future?

    i need a short, brief, good answer. make sure to include then, now, future, please & thank you :)
  12. K

    Handbags Using Classic Designs Pertaining to Mature Women of all ages

    It again arrive at my family with the usual a quarter-hour. Natural skincare pieces assistance any complexion as a result of even more destruction. louis vuitton outlet store Fabric dyes is often matched up in order to any kind of tone connected with light along with the stratum will not likely...
  13. B

    Buckskin Purses Of Women of all ages

    Consequently help to make superior using of these kinds of desirable pieces, and present them since presents to help you other folks. Consequently take into account changing a number of daily life lifestyle to any extent further. That evaporates this standard water from the crystals so as to...
  14. H

    any raves or parties in Vancouver, BC 2012? for all ages?

    the title says it all
  15. B

    Where are some good places to hide easter eggs for kids ages 4-9 outdoors?

    Please reply quick!
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    New Canadian Guidelines For Physical Activity And Sedentary Behaviour For Ages 0-4 Ye

    In response to an urgent call from public health, health care, child care, and fitness practitioners, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), with assistance from multiple partners, has developed two important sets of guidelines directed at improving the health and activity levels...
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    Rock of Ages' Twisted Sister Trailer—Here's What We Learned

    It's no secret that Tom Cruise has musical chops. He not only danced his way to stardom—in his underwear, no less—in Risky Business, but he also serenaded Kelly McGillis...
  18. K

    will my husky lighten its white parts as she ages?

    i have 2 month old husky that is copper red but her white part is like yellow..will it lighten as she age? i already bathe her but its still the same//..
  19. T

    My internet is taking ages to download torrents and it use to take 15 minutes tops?

    I have quite good internet, but for some reason my transmission in the past week is taking 5 hours for something to download as it use to download within 15, can anybody help with knowledge how to boost internet connectivity, as my internet is very fast anyway everything is running great except...
  20. K

    Is this concert for all ages?!?!?! 10 points?

    Is this concert for all ages?!?!?!?! 10 points!? Can me and my bff go to this concert? We are both 15. Thanks in advanced(: