
  1. F

    i want to setup a economical steam room at my gym pls advice whom to...,iam from kerala..? whom to contact,its price,warranty,requirements,support,installation
  2. T

    If you give the best relationship advice ... CLICK HERE!?

    The sex is amazing... We hang out almost everyday. We do music together. We text all day. Been on the phone for four hours straight the other night. He loves my daughter so much. I told him the other day to not to text other girls in front of me (he says they were just his friends) he said that...
  3. G

    This Week's Top Comedy Video: Friendly Dating Advice

    Dating ain't easy in these modern times. You've got OKCupid profiles to worry about, Facebook messages to come up with, Google searches to do, online chatting while at work and all the texting, sexting, snapchats, read receipts, pokes, likes, etc. to read through. Dating with access to the...
  4. B

    Recently rescued dog. She's totally unmanageable. Desperately need advice.?

    I rescued a two year old pit mix about a month ago. She seemed very docile and the shelter had her noted as low energy. About two weeks later, after she had recovered from her spay surgery and kennel cough, she became the most out-of-control, high strung animal I have ever seen. Even my friends...
  5. C

    audi a6 saloon advice?

    i am very interested in the audi A6 saloon's but i wanted to get some advice on them, i would prefer if the people giving me the advice have had experiences with this car or have previously owned one of these cars rather than people giving their opinion saying that its too expensive etc etc when...
  6. A

    Advice on buying a 1997 bmw 328i?

    Hello. So im considering buying a bmw 97 328i. 100k miles for abt $3000-$3500. no rust. Seems like the electronics work right. im asking for some advice regarding owing one before I sign my life away to regret lol. Any good insight would be apreciated regarding these automobies. Thanks
  7. K

    I have a job interview at GNC any tips and advice?

    What if they ask me why do I think I qualify to be a GNC employee? What if they ask me about selling products? Since they are per commission? What do I answer? any tip?
  8. M

    Is advice of Jesus Christ considered valid in Islam ?

    Jesus advised not to throw pearls to pigs. If Muslims consider him a true prophet then why they do not heed to his advice and stop sending Quran and hadith to complete strangers. Should not they restrict such emails to known friends/relations ?
  9. I

    Do u advice me to trade my note 1 on an s3?

    I am thinking to trade my samsung galaxy note 1 on s3.. is it a good choice?
  10. N

    Advice on girlfriend potentially traveling?

    First off, nothing is set in stone yet regarding this trip. My girlfriend and I have been together for four months. Last month my girlfriend went to Coachella. We were supposed to go together but the plan fell apart due to travel issues. At the last minute she found out that her cousins were...
  11. M

    I need advice on a car issue?

    So my exhaust fell off from the cat con back and well its loud and I have been pulled over for it by the same cops(township) but they never wrote me up for it. Well I got some estimates and its 1200-650 to get fixed well tonight I got pulled over my a different township the one I live in now and...
  12. J

    Needs some advice about a possible first truck (1986 GMC Jimmy Full Size)?

    I have a line on a 86 Full size GMC Jimmy that was originally a diesel, but the owner before this one pulled it and replaced it with a chevy 350 small block. Its Automatic and a 4x4, it has 140k miles on the chassis, unknown miles on the engine and trans, and the only thing that's wrong with it...
  13. J

    How to start off bodybuilding? Need Advice. Thanks Guys . 5 stars!!!?

    Hello guys , My stats are 6'1 160 lbs 25 % bf. I just want to get started on bodybuilding. I have no prior experience at all. I am a couch potato. I Do know that bodybuilding is a very tough and long journet that most people put off . All advice will be appreciated Thank You
  14. T

    I am going on a cruise during which I will be 5 months pregnant. any advice?

    I have gotten the proper forms filled out by my doctor and have secure a middle cabin as suggested by things I've read. my biggest worry is motion sickness and possibly being in a windowless cabin. any advice? suggestions? I know it is safe I'm just wondering if anyone has done it themselves and...
  15. T

    Christian looking for advice on work?

    I've chosen to live a lifestyle more of one like a pilgrim. I say that because I've shifted focus on living a life of just spreading the word on the streets. I plan on moving either every year or every other year going from one city to another or state. I have been looking at efficiency rooms...
  16. M

    Should i ignore him or try to talk to him? Confused...thoughts, opinions, advice?

    I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years and we recently had our beautiful daughter 2 months ago. At first he was happy, then when i went back to work he changed.He quit asking how my day was and telling me he loved me. He would get mad when i went to work tell me that i didnt even act...
  17. N

    Help me please! Give me an advice! I'm fat and i am about to travel to

    the beach! HELP ME I FEEL HORRIBLE!? The thing is that I'm going to a trip for an english course in california in a school in santa Barbara! The course has several activities like going to the beach, swimming pool and is very warm but that is not the whole problem! It is my weight!!!!! I am 18...
  18. V

    I need dress fashion advice? Is this dress to much/fancy/scandalous for my 8th grade formal?
  19. C

    Fashion advice....!!!!!?

    I have these black skinnies from bluenotes and a darkish light brown leather jacket and inside I'm going to wear a white sort of see through lepord tank top with a bright neon yellow beando. And I was wondering 1) should I tuck in the tank top..? And 2) what shoes should I wear I have black and...
  20. G

    Charlie Sheen Gives Lindsay Lohan Rehab Advice: Watch Now!

    What more can Charlie Sheen say about Lindsay Lohan? Reminded by E! News at last night's Scary Movie 5 premiere that he and his tardy costar have now been in bed together twice,...