
  1. G

    Barbie Horse Adventures Riding Camp USA Wii-WiiZARD

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.89 GB Files: 110 (15 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: Posted: Mon August 16th 10:40:01 UTC Download NZB
  2. S

    Is the style of writing in The adventures of Huckelbery Finn Mark Twain's

    style of writing? Did Mark Twain actually write like that or did he write like he does in Huck Finn because thats the way Huck Finn would write? Just wondering, have to read Huck Finn for school.
  3. S

    I just shelled out $7 for Sims 3 World Adventures on ITouch/Iphone...and I can't...

    ...figure out how to use it!? I was really on the fence about getting the Sims 3 World Adventures, but I finally did and now I'm having issues creating a sim. I can't figure out: A.) How to change gender B.) How to change face type C.) how to change hair style and pretty much everything else...
  4. J

    do I need the sims 3 on my iphone to get the sims 3 world adventures on my iphone?

    my birthday is coming in about 2 weeks and I want the sims 3 world adventures for my iphone. also would the sims 3 wold adventures be a good game for the iphone? would it be more challenging that the sims 3 base game?
  5. N

    Was Alice's appearance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ever described?

    Appearance as in her hair and eye color and what her what her outfit looked like. I read somewhere that her dress was originally yellow. I know there are pictures in the book of Alice wearing a pinafore but was she ever described? Thanks!
  6. A

    Are there any cheats for The Sims 3: World Adventures for iPhone (and iPod Touch)?

    I have searched the internet and have not been able to come up with any results for cheats for this game on iPhone. I would really appreciate it if you could provide me with any cheats you know of. P.S. No PC/Mac game cheats please
  7. C

    Do we still need to use sims 3 cd after installing sims 3 world adventures?

    Hey, after we installed sims 3 world adventures from EA store, do we still need the sims 3 cd? or can we just play without it?
  8. S

    Is Tom imaginary in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

    Then why does he have an aunt and and uncle? And how come Aunt Polly exposes the two of them at the end of the book? Is Tom imaginary or not? Please explain.
  9. Z

    Teen Summer Adventures Like Summer Camp or a Cruise?

    We are looking for an idea of something like summer camp where we have supervision but are away from our parents. Summer Camp and cruises are SLIGHTLY over priced. We are looking for something 400 dollars each or less. Any ideas? THANKS!
  10. J

    Where can I watch Iron Man Armored Adventures with no surveys or downloading things?

    Please help me! I've been looking for Iron Man Armored Adventures episodes and I'm having trouble. One of the ones in specific I'd like is "Meltdown". When I thought I'd finally found it, the video cut off a few minutes short and I missed the ending. Thank you!
  11. S

    Why is Alice's Adventures In Wonderland banned?

    I read online that Alice's Adventures In Wonderland is banned. I'm reading the book, but I don't know why its banned. What I mean is that it's banned from some school systems
  12. A

    Adventures in a Wheat-Free World: Gluten-Free Pastas

    I am known in some circles as “the baker chick”. When I’m busy and stressed and need a little relief, I bake. Sometimes I knead until 3 a.m., sometimes I get going at 5 a.m., but always with ample flour. Cake flour, bread flour, all-purpose flour, unbleached, bleached, whole wheat ... MorePost...
  13. G

    Crayola Treasure Adventures USA NDS-Micronauts

    Category: Console-NDS Size: 6.65 MB Files: 12 (9 pars) Group: a.b.warez .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun April 4th 01:48:10 UTC Download NZB
  14. T

    Does ANYONE watch Huey's Cooking Adventures? (channel 10)?

    Just wondering (:
  15. S

    ASAP help with the adventures of robin hood by Roger Lancelyn Green?

    I am not under standing, please help!!!! 1) what is the theme of this book 2) what is the setting 3) and the main conflict and how it is resolved THANK YOU SOOO MUCH
  16. Z

    Can I use a DS for Legend of zelda 4 swords adventures on gamecube?

    I'm thinking of getting it but i have a ds and i don't want to buy an entire gameboy just to play that. If you can't can you play with gamecube controller?
  17. Z

    Can I use a DS for Legend of zelda 4 swords adventures on gamecube?

    I'm thinking of getting it but i have a ds and i don't want to buy an entire gameboy just to play that. If you can't can you play with gamecube controller?
  18. T

    which has more new stuff Sims3 world adventures or high end loft stuff?

    cuz my fav thin bout the high end loft stuff is its got cool furniture and etc but i havent played world adventures yet
  19. C

    sims 3 world adventures vacation home help?

    I want to buy a vacation home in China and I'm visa level three there, but when I go to the phone or computer to buy a vacation home the option isn't there anyone know why this is? Thanks.
  20. E

    where can i watch jackie chan adventures full episodes and free?

    no megavideo please