
  1. G

    Why Can't Luggage For Adults Be As Wonderful As This Robo-Bag?

    There's an unwritten rule that luggage for adults has to have a fairly mundane and boring design. But when you're waiting at the luggage carousel and realize that everyone else had the same idea to buy a red suitcase to stand out, you realize there has to be a better way. And there is, it's just...
  2. T

    Worrying Rise In Heroin Use Among Young Adults Across Washington State

    New data from the University of Washington's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute indicates increases in heroin availability, abuse and deaths across the state, particularly among young adults ages 18-29. These increases are concerning because of the high risks of overdose and contracting infectious...
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    Many Mexican Young Adults Have A Genetic Predisposition To Obesity

    As many as 35 percent of Mexican young adults may have a genetic predisposition for obesity, said a University of Illinois scientist who conducted a study at the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosί. "The students who inherited genetic risk factors from both parents were already 15½ pounds...
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    Genetic risk for obesity found in many Mexican young adults

    As many as 35 percent of Mexican young adults may have a genetic predisposition for obesity, said a University of Illinois scientist who conducted a study at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potos?. “The students who inherited genetic risk factors from both parents were already 15½ pounds...
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    All Adults, Adolescents, And Pregnant Women Should Be Screened For HIV

    New recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) urge physicians to screen all adults and adolescents aged 15 - 65 for HIV. In addition, all pregnant women should receive screening, even those who are in labor but have not yet been screened. Rapid screening...
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    Female Adults Lack Stem Cells For Making New Eggs

    Mammalian females ovulate periodically over their reproductive lifetimes, placing significant demands on their ovaries for egg production. Whether mammals generate new eggs in adulthood using stem cells has been a source of scientific controversy. If true, these "germ-line stem cells" might...
  7. A

    I am looking for some sort of world geography trivia flash cards for adults?

    I am trying to learn all of the countries, their locations and their capitals this summer so I am looking for a flash card type game to do this. I have searched on amazon but have yet to come across anything for people over the age of 12. Thanks!
  8. T

    HIV "Functionally Cured" In 14 Adults Treated Early

    A new study shows that 14 HIV-infected adults appear to be "functionally cured", that is they still carry small, barely detectable reservoirs of the human immunodeficiency virus but their bodies are preventing them from rising to a point where they cause symptoms, despite stopping treatment...
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    Older Adults Learn More From Taking A Test Than Just Restudying, New Research Finds

    Older adults who haven't been in school for a while are as capable of learning from tests as younger adults and college students, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. No matter their age or if they work or go to college full time, people appear to learn...
  10. J

    There's a young adults fiction/sci fi novel that i remember vaguely but want to...

    ...know the title.? So the title I think is The ___ mission or project or something. I remember the hardback book having the image of an astronauts visor with a spaceship or the sun on it. I remember that it had people with muskets fighting people with maxim machine guns. The machine guns were...
  11. L

    Planning 10 day vacation with 3 adults & 2 toddlers (ages 1&3) this spring.

    Preferably something all-inclusive? Flying out of San Francisco. We want SAFE, All-inclusive, Tropical, Beach, Monkeys, Kid-friendly... Not US or Mexico. Looking for good quality/accommodations but not looking to completely break the bank. Any suggestions/recommendation?
  12. T

    Older Adults Often Deterred From HIV Testing Due To Mistrust Of Government

    One out of every four people living with HIV/AIDS is 50 or older, yet these older individuals are far more likely to be diagnosed when they are already in the later stages of infection. Such late diagnoses put their health, and the health of others, at greater risk than would have been the case...
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    Better Quality Of Care For Chronically Ill Older Adults, Less Use Of Home Care Servic

    Patients who received Guided Care, a comprehensive form of primary care for older adults with chronic health problems, rated the quality of their care much higher than patients in regular primary care, and used less home care, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University...
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    Relative Length Of Adults' Fingers An Indicator Of Verbal Aggression

    A new study in the Journal of Communication links verbal aggression to prenatal testosterone exposure. The lead researcher, at University at Buffalo - The State University of New York, used the 2D:4D measure to predict verbal aggression. This study is the first to use this method to examine...
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    Adults With ADHD Commit Fewer Crimes When On Medication

    Criminal behaviour in people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) dropped sharply during periods when they were on medication, according to a new extensive registry study conducted at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The study that contained of over 25,000 individuals is...
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    Study Suggests That Many Seniors' Sleep Habits Are Similar To Those Of Young Adults

    More than half of all retired people aged 65 and over report sleeping at least 7.5 hours per night, and between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7:30 a.m., contrary to commonly held assumptions that most elderly go to bed early and have trouble sleeping through the night, according to a study by...
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    Happy Youngsters More Likely To Grow Into Wealthy Adults, Study Finds

    The first in-depth investigation of whether youthful happiness leads to greater wealth in later life reveals that, even allowing for other influences, happy adolescents are likely to earn more money as adults. Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (UCL Political Science) and Professor Andrew Oswald...
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    Improvement Needed In Diagnosis And Management Of High Blood Pressure In Young Adults

    Adults 18-24 years old with high blood pressure were 28 percent less likely to be diagnosed during doctor visits than those 60 and older, according to findings presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2012. "These young patients come to the clinic and their blood...
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    Will Older Adults Welcome Robots In The Home?

    Robots have the potential to help older adults with daily activities that can become more challenging with age. But are people willing to use and accept the new technology? A study by the Georgia Institute of Technology indicates the answer is yes, unless the tasks involve personal care or...
  20. F

    POLL: Do you think consenting adults should be allowed to marry whoever they wish?

    So you support the legalization of incest and polygamy, then?