
  1. C

    Did you know over one third of South African men admit to being rapists?

    A new study shows that more than one in three South African admitted to having raped a woman. 37 percent of the 487 men surveyed said that they had committed rape; 7 percent admitted to having participated in a gang rape. Two-thirds of the men surveyed in that study said they raped because of...
  2. A

    i thought she was joking. now she won't admit it and is upset?

    we didn't used to hangout much but we started hanging out again. when ever i used to go home she would say something like "take me with you so we could be alone" and during the day she would be like say something sexual. i assumed she was joking. i have friends that joke like that. but today...
  3. B

    Ok, more of a rant than a question, I'll admit...?

    All these people complaining about how much they love their precious dog, but they just cant afford the vet bills are SERIOUSLY getting on my last nerve. I'm a college student who will graduate with $20,000 worth of student loans, I live off of rice and ramen, and I have always found a way to...
  4. P

    well i will be the first to admit that WWE isnt a good martial art now after cain...

    ...became the first mexi-champ? in ufc. i thought WWE was the best after brock dominated so many opponents but now cain proved that smash and bash works way better brock needs to go back to the drawing board and start learning some other martial arts besides WWE lol
  5. F

    POLL/SURVEY: Is it wrong to admit that Kesha Sebert's voice is unbelievably arousing?

    It's so... sultry! Man, I don't think a woman could possibly have a more seductive voice than that!
  6. M

    Is it hard for people who watch Greg Giraldo to admit it is lowbrow humor?

    Does such comedy appeal to educated people or merely the lower classes / lowbrow individuals? I found the drug overdosed dead comic Greg Giraldo to be downright offensive. Just wondering if people can see vulgarity and disrespect for humanity for what it is, rather than to think it's actually...
  7. A

    Are you wise enough to admit your jokes are lame?

    Going through questioner's block..couldn't think of anything better to ask :(
  8. N

    Survey: Who will admit to???? Be honest... 10pts?

    Being on Y/A when It's way past their bedtime and they just want to either answer another question..or post another question and wait to see how many answers they get?????
  9. C

    Now that the "recovery" is stalled by looming tax hikes, will Dems admit

    It is pure nonsense to believe that a marginal rate increase of about 4% for people making over $250k is stalling the economy. Just another right-wing talking point fantasy.
  10. R

    Why can't Christians at least be honest and admit that the only reason

    they believe in God is purely.......? based on their own self interest and an irrational obsession with the fear of death? They somehow believe that nothing more than a state of mind will provide them with eternal bliss after they die. Why can't you at least be up front and just admit it? Does...
  11. M

    How to help friend to admit that he is gay?

    I have a friend, Tony, that is gay but he won't admit it. He likes watching gay porn. He doesn't date girls. When he was drunk, he tried to hit on me. I told him that I'm straight and that we are friends...I don't swing that way. He just moved from New Jersey to Florida and he's having a...
  12. B

    Muslims, are you ever reluctant to/do not admit your religion?

    Be honest.
  13. D

    What if you admit your sins but you do not dedicate your life to Christ?

    I admit I'm a sinner but I'm only 14 and Idk if I am prepared to let Jesus control my life But what if I die before I have time to surrender myself?
  14. A

    No Matter how much you hate Boston Sports, you have to admit, it's been the

    greatest decade? Ever for any sporting area? All four of our teams are championship contenders, and we've won 6 championships this decade, maybe 7, from teams who just 15 years ago, were terrible. What do you think about our success?
  15. F

    When people in a Democratic country admit their government does bad things, isn't

    that a personal admission? of guilt as well? For instance, your country elects a leader. That leader is then charged with the responsibility of running the country / responding to emergencies. Your leader decides to invade another country perhaps. At this point, it's not the fault of the voters...
  16. L

    Will anyone else admit they are spoiled when it comes to clothes/fashion?

    Rich parents = nicer clothes. My boyfriend says, "Admit it, you're spoiled!" So I was like, "Okay. I'm totally spoiled. What of it?" LOL. Anyone one else not mind admitting it?
  17. M

    Is it possible to get christians to admit witchcraft is imaginary, and stop

    killing children for practicing it? when the bible claims it's real? See, for example,
  18. J

    Why can't liberals admit it?

    Socialism has either failed or isn't succeeding where ever it is still being applied. Socialism only ensures the rich get poorer and no one succeeds, and yet the liberals keep offering socialist solutions to the challenges we're facing as a result of previous socialist incursions into the US...
  19. I

    Why cant jealous homos admit Bryant owns their team?

    Well they like posting obvious jealous rants with his name in it but they can never accept that he owns their team......makes me wanna stop some faces into the dirt where they belong Eddie im talking about your bich asz by the way...if you got a problem call my cell 3254463484 i wanna see how...
  20. A

    Is it wrong to admit to someone or believe/discuss differences in races?

    obviously... there are some stereotypes that are 80% true 100% of the time. black people are more athletic, when trained. chinese people are small(er). white vs. black - snap judgement?? (how many star quarterbacks are black?) i think that the crime rates and obvious statistics note that...