
  1. W

    Do you want to help the Child Nutrition Act?

    If you are like me you try your best to learn ways to be healthier. I came across this web site and I found a ton of information about food system here in the USA. Here is the web site so you can check it out and sign the petition. I am also...
  2. S

    How do men act in a relationship? One is the 'man' one is the 'woman'?

    I'm a straight guy, but yesterday I thought what it would be like if I was gay and who I would be in a relationship. I am not a control freak, but I do like to be more in control, like the man. I like petite girls who I can hold in my arms and cuddle with and who are smaller than I am, hence me...
  3. T

    USDA Announces Recovery Act Funding to Create Jobs, Improve Health and Sanitation in

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the funding of a project in New York that will improve wastewater services for the Village of Monticello, create construction jobs and support community development. The project is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act...
  4. T

    USDA Announces Recovery Act Funding To Improve Health And Sanitation Infrastructure I

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the funding of a project in California that will improve wastewater services for the community of Los Osos, create construction jobs and support community development. USDA officials made the announcement at the San Luis Obispo County Government Center...
  5. 3

    Who is B.o.B's opening act for his 2010 concert tour?

    I am going toa B.o.B concert and I want to know who else will be in the concert along with him. Please help me!
  6. B

    Why do so many liberal atheists act like bigots when they discuss religion?

    I think it ironic because they act with the same closed minded disdain and judgment that fanatical extremist religious people do. You must be kidding if you don't see what i am saying. Read the comments on youtube on religious debates or the comments on yahoo answers or all the TONS of people...
  7. R

    How to make torrent downloads act like direct downloads?

    my ISP is lowering the bandwidth of people who uses P2P file sharing.. please help me.
  8. F

    Is it time for "I'm a terrible President, let's act as though we can fix...

    ...the Israeli/Palestinian problem"? Just like Carter and Clinton!
  9. K

    Poll: Will I win the School Talent Show if i do this act?

    i was thinking about doing this act for my schools talent show. if i do this act will i win my schools talent show?
  10. K

    Poll: Will I win the School Talent Show if i do this act?

    i was thinking about doing this act for my schools talent show. if i do this act will i win my schools talent show?
  11. E

    Titbua in the Crucible act 1?

    Why does Titbua confess so readily? What does her confession initiate?
  12. J

    can marijuana act as "like" viagra?

    beacuse i smoked weed one day with my girlfriend and i meen we went FOREVER! it was amazing but i wanna know if it was the "mood" we got in or it actually made me go for that long.
  13. F

    Why is it okay for cool guys to act homo and girls think it's cute?

    Basically, I noticed during high school that the cool and popular kids like to act gay & homo and all the girls think it's cute and stuff. Yet, if I do that, everyone would tease me for being gay. And no, I'm not cool, popular, or gay. Just glad high school is behind me.
  14. T

    Correlations Of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome With Female Sexual Act

    Many researchers have reported that chronic pain leads to sexual dysfunction. The greater the severity of pain, the greater is the degree of sexual dysfunction. Yoon and Yoon from Seoul, Korea conducted a questionnaire-based, cross sectional study to examine in detail whether pain and voiding...
  15. S

    how would this person act if they were interested in you?

    Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aries, Venus in Leo and Mars in Virgo
  16. G

    Christians, Why should a God think and act like a human being?

    ...can you guess where this idea might have come from?
  17. M

    how to act like a celebrity?

    how can i get people to tell me i look like a rockstar how can i get all of the hot guys to look at me celebs always seem busy. how can i get that image what kind of computer accounts do i need (i.e.: twitter, fb, aol, yahoo) *What kinds of things do celebs do to fill out their day and keep...
  18. M

    what does a person (opposite sex) do that turns you on (not in the actual act of

    ---)? seeing a girls sitting outside ,legs crossed, sandals dangling off her toes DRIVES ME CRAZY!!
  19. B

    how do your snowmobile act if you have a bad crank?

    i have a 1979 johndeere trailfire, it used to go like 50 mph, but it has been getting slower, and slower. it sometimes makes a shuttering sound when im trying to get going or going up hills, the belt is good though. it starts and idles good,but its lacking power,could it be crank, clutch...
  20. M

    Inuyasha Fianl Act english Dubbed release date?

    does anyone now the release date or if its even gonna be dubbed?? since the anime ended a whole ago i was just wondering when it was gonna air in america becasue...yah just wonder :) thanks :)