
  1. G

    buying accutane online

    official accutane
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    healing after accutane

    accutane isotretinoin doctor's opinion
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    accutane testimonials

    blogger accutane rollercoaster
  4. P

    accutane question on going on vacation?

    hey guys! i will be taking accutane from next monday onwards and i just had one question. i will be going away in july and august! out of country! will i get mailed my prescription? what if i take the blood test there? will they make me stop taking accutane for those two months? please help...
  5. P

    can you get accutane in the U.S with a prescription from the doctor?

    I know they banned it but i heard that you can still fill out a form that states no one will be responsible for anything that happens to you if you take this drug. is there a form you can fill out then take the drug or not? I am going to my doctor tomorrow and i already tried antibiotics. i plan...
  6. T

    Eyebrow hair loss? Accutane?

    I am currently on Accutane in my second month at 1mg/kg of my weight. I don't know if this is normal, but I lose like maybe on average 9 hairs from each brow a day. I mean the hair doesn't just fall out, but when I go through my eyebrows with my fingers and VERY GENTLY pull some of the hair I...
  7. C

    Going on accutane; have to go in between 1st and 5th day of my period?

    i am going back on accutane (i was on it couple years back). i am with a new doctor and he says that i have to come on the days between the 1st and 5th day of my period. when i was on it before the doctor didn't say anything about having to be on my period when i came. i need to get on it as...
  8. M

    Im buying accutane online but im not sure if the website that im buying is reliable?

    Well i searched and searched the web for accutane pills for acne when i came across which looks like a semi reliable website im just curious if it is. I searched google to see if anyone else has heard or rated this website but i cant find anything i hope someone can help
  9. M

    Im buying accutane online but im not sure if the website that im buying is reliable?

    Well i searched and searched the web for accutane pills for acne when i came across which looks like a semi reliable website im just curious if it is. I searched google to see if anyone else has heard or rated this website but i cant find anything i hope someone can help
  10. Dude

    How long did it take to start seeing results with Accutane?

    I know it takes 6 or 7 months, but when did you start seeing pimples and marks disappear and not come back?
  11. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  12. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  13. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  14. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  15. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  16. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  17. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  18. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  19. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?
  20. A

    Accutane question???????

    I'm on accutane but haven't taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to drink tomorrow then because I haven't drinken in a couple months and rly want to at this party i'm having?