
  1. P

    Why Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not believe in

    Hinduism Bhuddhism & Jainism!!? Read each line carefully and then answer it rightly:- I have met lots of people in my life from abrahamic religion who strictly do not want to believe in hinduism and kind of its explanation about GOD, while on the other many hindus are ready to believe about...
  2. M

    Abrahamic religions were based on the belief that humans came out of single

    parents Adam and Eve.....? But now we have science which proves that it's no way possible for human civilization to have started from a single set of parents and there were at least 10000-15000 people. So if base is proved wrong would it be wise to still believe in the religion based on proved...
  3. D

    Which Abrahamic religion is the most vile, Christianity, Judaism or Islam?

    Or are they equally as bigoted and hate-filled?
  4. F

    How would you rate the major Abrahamic religions from favorite to least favorite?

    Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism?
  5. S

    Why is the Abrahamic God of Chritianity , Judaism & Islam always perceived...

    ...as a male figure? I mean, wouldn't God be beyond the boundaries of gender classification. Just as likely to be a She , or an IT , THEY OR THEM or NONE OF THE ABOVE Ive always wondered this I suppose you can also flip this and say that if God is a male , which is to say that he has a penis...
  6. C

    Why is the Divine Feminine repressed in the Abrahamic religions?

  7. J

    Do you think Goddess religions are cooler than Abrahamic ones?

    Currently, What is the most famous Goddess religion practiced in the world? I just said they are cool...I dont believe in them though
  8. S

    what religion was before abrahamic religion ?

    i have not been able to find any thing except that the abrahamic peoples destroyed the other religions
  9. S

    Do you think the religious prophets in Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Christianity,...

    ...Islam) normal or abnormal? well according to my previous question people think genius are abnormal cause they are very rare in whole human population then what they think of the religious prophets in Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Christianity, Islam) they are also very rare in whole human...
  10. M

    What would be a great conclusion paragraph for Abrahamic Religions:Judaism,...

    ...Christianity, and Islam? This is for world religions class
  11. L

    what are the prohibited food or animals to eat in abrahamic religions

    (judaism,christianity,islam)? in each or in all of the above religions
  12. O

    is the christianity the only abrahamic religion that calls Father to God

    meanwhile Judaism and Islam dont say? that title to God why is that christians refer to God as Father.. if according to the Bible the only son of God was Jesus no? so why do we call Father to God? well christianity is the only religion that calls Father to God meanwhile judaism and islam don't...
  13. C

    Do christians or any abrahamic religions believe in dinosaurs? ?

    I have a friend thay believe dinosaurs came from other planets put here by god.
  14. O

    Why do people here think the only religions are Abrahamic?

    I see people saying stuff against religion and using only Abrahamic references and nothing else, yet only Abrahamic religions believe in that. Furthermore, I see people who say anything that is not religion is atheism and anything that is religion is Abrahamic.
  15. M

    Since Judaism was the 1st Abrahamic Religion, why hasn't it conquered more...

    ...new believers than Christianity? Especially in the very beginning, right after the collapse of Roman Empire (and Antique Greece Civilization), in Europe , and then in North America, Latin America,etc I mean, why a religion that was born more than 3000 years before Christianity (...
  16. O

    Why do the Abrahamic religions call for repression of natural human sexuality?

    Shared between two people who genuinely care for each other, sex is beautiful. When shared between people who aren't committed to each other, it's still quite fun. So, what's the point? The Bible prohibits fornication, aka sex outside of wedlock. There is no point to waiting for marriage. It...
  17. S

    Why are the Abrahamic religions the only ones that have a hatred for all other Gods?

    And why are they the only intolerant and murderous faiths on the planet? Could it be that they are the true devil-worshipers, and that only "pagan" religions are righteous and natural?
  18. F

    Atheists, is it important for you that the Abrahamic religions turn out to be wrong?

    Do you care much to prove them wrong ? Why and why not ?
  19. M

    Spiritually speaking; Are there any Abrahamic religions that accept transsexuals?

    Well I'm done wasting my time being called a lying attention seeking pervert, or being told that I can possibly one day be happy as a man even though I know I cant after a lifetime of trying. *Checks Islam off the list* Funny, Lake of Fire by Nirvana came on my Limewire while I was writing...
  20. D

    Do you find any similarities between Abrahamic religions and Hinduism?

    This analysis is not intended to hurt the feelings of any religion. Just compare the following and tell me what you feel. 1) (a)Abraham was the first of the Hebrew patriarchs and founder, revered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Bible calls him "our spiritual faith." (b) Brahma was the...