
  1. G

    Study explains cognitive ability differences among the elderly

    A new study shows compelling evidence that associations between cognitive ability and cortical grey matter in old age can largely be accounted for by cognitive ability in childhood. The joint study by the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, The Neuro, McGill University and the...
  2. T

    Baby's Ability To Roll Unaffected By Sleeping On Back

    Baby, keep on rolling. A campaign to put babies to bed on their backs to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome has not impaired infants' rolling abilities, according to University of Alberta research. Johanna Darrah, a professor of physical therapy in the Faculty of Rehabilitation...
  3. T

    Brain Stimulation - A Fast And Painless Way To Improve Math Ability And More

    In the future, if you want to improve your ability to manipulate numbers in your head, you might just plug yourself in. So say researchers who reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on studies of a harmless form of brain stimulation applied to an area known to be important for math...
  4. T

    how good was roger waters singing ability?

    What do you think his weaknesses and strong points were when it came to singing? :)
  5. T

    how good was roger waters singing ability?

    What do you think his weaknesses and strong points were when it came to singing? :)
  6. 2

    What's the best gadget to get for an 1) e-reader and 2) e-mail ability?

    I'd like the matt finish for the e-reader due to easier on the eyes, and if there is one that also will do e-mail, google, or yahoo, it doesn't even need color... Does anyone know what's best to get?
  7. S

    Is there any connection between ADD/ADHD and Premonitions/Psychic ability?

    I sometimes get weird feelings about danger, or good events, right before they happen. I've also had experiences, where I was in a dangerous situation and have literally seen the different outcomes of what could happen. I'm just wondering how this is possible, because my dad (ADD), and my uncle...
  8. T

    RNA Binding Ability Of FUS Essential To Development Of ALS

    Research led by Dr. Udai Pandey, Assistant Professor of Genetics at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, has found that the ability of a protein made by a gene called FUS to bind to RNA is essential to the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This discovery identifies a...
  9. T

    Feeling Disgust May Enhance Our Ability To Detect Impurities

    Disgust - it's an emotion we experience when we encounter things that are dirty, impure, or otherwise contaminated. From an evolutionary standpoint, experiencing the intense, visceral sense of revulsion that comes with disgust presumably helps us to avoid contaminants that can make us sick or...
  10. T

    Link Between Chewing Ability And Reduced Dementia Risk

    The population is ageing, and the older we become the more likely it is that we risk deterioration of our cognitive functions, such as memory, decision-making and problem solving. Research indicates several possible contributors to these changes, with several studies demonstrating an association...
  11. R

    my samsung tv has lost the ability to be controlled by infra red remote HELP?

    I can use the touch control under the screen but not any IR remote.done all usual thing like new batteries checked the right code etc.it does not seem like the controller Thanks for any helpful advice
  12. T

    In Early Childhood, The Ability To Listen, Pay Attention, And Complete Important Task

    Young children who are able to pay attention and persist with a task have a 50 percent greater chance of completing college, according to a new study at Oregon State University. Tracking a group of 430 preschool-age children, the study gives compelling evidence that social and behavioral skills...
  13. F

    Pokemon quiz. First one to get it right receives a female hidden ability pokemon.?

    One from the choices of slowpoke, nidoran, dratini, gible and snorunt. What is the only pokemon in the anime whose pokedex picture was of a stylized artwork instead of using the official Sugimori artwork for it? Hint: None of the pokemon I listed are the answer. And the first 3 answers are...
  14. T

    Speed Drawing Ability May Predict Subsequent Stroke Death Risk

    Stroke remains one of the leading causes of mortality and disability, even though there have been advances in treatment. Older men who have impaired cognitive function prior to a stroke are at increased risk of subsequent disability and mortality. According to a study published in the online...
  15. T

    Fatigue May Impact Surgeons' Ability To Deal With The Unexpected

    Sleep-deprived surgeons can perform a previously learned task or learn a new task as well as surgeons who are rested, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. However, in sleep-deprived surgeons, the brain must work harder, which could lead to problems during unexpected events...
  16. A

    When was your ability to laugh helpful getting through a difficult situation?

    Just a question for everyone that would like to answer this. I'm looking forward to reading your postings. Thanks.
  17. fslcaptain737

    Does starting martial arts at a late age put a 'ceiling' in your ability...

    ...to master it? This may be a frequent question... I know that it is said that you will get out of it what you put into it -totally agree. However, there are also realities. I've been thinking about taking up Judo for some time now and may do it. I turned 22 last week, though, and while I've...
  18. B

    What word(s) can we use to call the person who has the ability to tell things

    happen in the future? Thank you.
  19. R

    Guys, how much would you pay for the ability of your testicles to sound like...

    ...jingle bells when you jingle them? lol, this is such a weird question, this is how I get when I don't eat during the day.
  20. M

    It's this a cool ability for my antagonist? tips on making it better?

    My antagonist has the power to change the heart of any person that he touches. Meaning if he touches you he can instantly control your mind. How can I make this technique more awesome? should I put limitations on it?