1. C

    Free Games For Blackberry Curve 8520?

    How could i download free games from my computer using a usb cord and where would i go? Like what website? Where would i download it to in my phone? Thank you!
  2. T

    can i connect to facebook via wifi on the blackberry curve 8520?

    I was just wondering if i could go onto facebook (free) using wifi, because some people said you need certain things from blackberry to use it. Thanks in advance!
  3. T

    can i connect to facebook via wifi on the blackberry curve 8520?

    I was just wondering if i could go onto facebook (free) using wifi, because some people said you need certain things from blackberry to use it. Thanks in advance!
  4. S

    What is the best GPS bluetooth reciever to use with the blackberry curve 8520?

    Does anyone else have a blackberry curve 8520 and use a GPS bluetooth receiver??
  5. C

    Want to transfer contacts from Sony Ericsson K790i to Blackberry 8520.?

    The k790i contacts are in .dbk format how do I send them to blackberry . Please provide actual links , I would highly appreciate your gesture .
  6. B

    How can I download anything from my laptop to my BlackBerry Curve 8520 Smartphone?

    I need to transfer music and pictures from my Toshiba Windows Laptop to my BlackBerry Curve 8520! THANK YOU!!! YOU COULD HELP A LOT!!! ;D ;D ;D
  7. A

    Are there any good fitness apps for blackberry curve 8520?

    I want an app that can track my running distance, time, speed, etc. However supposedly the curve 8520 dosent have GPS technology on it, Any ideas?
  8. D

    Whats the difference between blackberry curve 8520 and nokia C3.?

    Ok my quesion is ones a smart phone and ones a super cheap phone but they have so much in common. Same 2MP camera same 320 x 240 screen Both have WIFI And much more why is one a smart phone and one not what does the blackberry have that nokia doesnt ?and the nokia even has a bit more it has fm...
  9. S

    What do you think of the Blackberry Curve 8520?

    My contract is up for renewal and I am thinking about getting a Blackberry, could anyone give me a review?
  10. S

    what is the difference between blackberry bold 9700 and curve 8520 ?

    i want to buy a new phone and i like to know what is the difference between blackberry bold 9700 and blackberry curve 8520 ? and if you answer it what mobile phone do you recommend more or what other models mobile phones are better that blackberry
  11. M

    Blackberry 8520 Curve got a BlackBerry smartphone operating system 4.2.0 or highe?

    Please help me
  12. M

    Blackberry 8520 Curve got a BlackBerry smartphone operating system 4.2.0 or highe?

    Please help me
  13. M

    Blackberry 8520 smartphone?

    I have a blackberry 8520 and when i download an app this message is displayed (the item you selected cannot be displayed. Do you wish to save the item?) any ideas what this is about and why this happens i just want to download apps but i get this message all the time!!1 argghh help plz thanks
  14. R

    blackberry storm 9500 or blackberry curve 8520?

    I wanna get a new phone ..I was thinking about blackberry storm 9500 or blackberry curve 8520.can u tell me which is better?
  15. P

    Can the BlackBerry curve 8520 on OS 5 be upgraded to new OS 6?

    I am thinking of getting a Blackberry and looking through the range of them,I decided that the 8520 would be best for me,but seen it is running on OS 5 and was wondering can it be upgraded to OS 6? I have never owned or used a Blackberry before so don't know much about it,thanks.
  16. N

    Can you set a picture for your BBM on a blackberry curve 8520?

    Somebody told me to add a picture to my BBM. Not send them one.. Just wanted to know if i can do that on this phone.. or at all
  17. N

    Can you set a picture for your BBM on a blackberry curve 8520?

    Somebody told me to add a picture to my BBM. Not send them one.. Just wanted to know if i can do that on this phone.. or at all
  18. N

    Can you set a picture for your BBM on a blackberry curve 8520?

    Somebody told me to add a picture to my BBM. Not send them one.. Just wanted to know if i can do that on this phone.. or at all
  19. D

    How to Unlock T-Mobile Blackberry Curve 8520?

    Can my tmobile BB Curve 8520 be unlocked? if so, once unlocked, can it be activated on Page Plus Wireless or Straight Talk? Please provide steps and tips. Thanks in advance all!
  20. C

    My blackberry curve 8520 does not display anything on screen but yet it turns...

    ...on and stuff. what do i do? do i need a battery cover or something? because idk if its just the phone or something else.