1 or 2

  1. N

    In the Army, our normal 2 and 1/2 ton truck only had 134 HP. Why do soccer moms...

    ...need 300 hp with oil shortage? I drove an M-35 truck in the Army to do my job (MOS 57E) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M35_2%C2%BD… My truck could carry ten men and all their gear. With 134 horsepower. Oil is over $100 a barrel. Why do soccer moms need rolling living rooms on wheels with...
  2. K

    In Ranma 1/2, does anyone else only feel sympathy for Ryoga out of all

    of Ranma and Akane's suitors? He just seemed the most human and genuine. He really loved Akane, and at the end of the Manga he wished for her to be happy with Ranma. All the other suitors were selfish until the very end.
  3. M

    How do i get in shape to run 1 and 1/2 miles for soccer? (read detail part

    for more info!)? Well for fall soccer try outs we have to be able to run 1 and 1/2 miles in 12 MINUTES to make the team. I want to start training now. For last fall season I wasnt really inshape for it. but they still put me on the team because of lack of girls who tryed out! but for next year I...
  4. M

    My cousin is 5`5 and complains that she has big feet she's a size 9 1/2..?

    My cousin is 5`5 and complains that she has big feet she's a size 9 1/2 and is 13 years old.
  5. L

    When I do short hikes (1 1/2 - 3 hours) should I eat more?

    I'm dieting and I've heard I should add more calories those days else my body might go into 'starvation mode' when I hike, but I'm often Not very hungry on those days. Is it a big deal that I don't eat a more on those days wen it comes to losing weight?
  6. C

    What would my nutrition instructor do if my on my food log I only ate 1/2

    banana, 2 cookies, and milk one day? So only 1/2 banana, 2 medium choc chip cookies, chocolate milk shake, and a cheeto. Does she have a right to say anything to me? Is it likely? BTW this is in a community college. I tried to eat it but it made me gag!
  7. A

    some ppl say the ova's of ranma 1/2 are better than the anime dvd's is it true?

    My friend and some ppl online say that the ova versions of ranma 1/2 are better then the dvd versions of course i kno i'd have to watch the dvd to understand whats what but is it true about the ova's being better?
  8. Z

    What were the previews on the Lion King 1 1/2 DVD?

    There is a specific preview I wanted to know about. It was for a movie that looked like claymation and involved aardvarks and other animals with british accents. There might have been a cafe involved as well but I don't remember.
  9. A

    Know sci-fi and fantasy mangas like 1/2 PRINCE?

    please help me find any manga similar to 1/2 prince. !!!
  10. M

    What Nintendo DS games would you recommend for a 5 1/2 year old?

    Getting our son a DS for X-Mas, but not really sure of appropriate games. Any suggestions?
  11. W

    1 1/2 year labbeagle whines for treats, help!?

    Puppy driving me nuts lol. She just sits outside of the pantry where we keep her treats and whines and scratches at the door. Any ideas on how to stop this? I have said no and then put her in her crate a few times but she loves her crate and I don't want her to associate it with punishment...
  12. W

    1 1/2 year labbeagle whines for treats, help!?

    Puppy driving me nuts lol. She just sits outside of the pantry where we keep her treats and whines and scratches at the door. Any ideas on how to stop this? I have said no and then put her in her crate a few times but she loves her crate and I don't want her to associate it with punishment...
  13. D

    one fruit salad recipe calls for 1/2 cup of sugar. another recipe calls for 2...

    ...tablespoons of sugar. since 1 ta? blesoop is 1/16, how much more sugar does the first recipe require??? explain
  14. B

    How to compress a 2 1/2 hour film to DVD?

    I have several movie DVDs that I want to copy to another DVD so I can preserve the original. Problem is that the movies are about 2 1/2 hours. I have 2 programs that allow me to do this since they wipe out the copyright. They are AnyDvd & DVDFAB but they won't compress it to fit on a normal...
  15. N

    will a 245/75X16 fit on an 82 gmc sierra 1/2 ton 2wd?

    stock wheels are 205 75 15. that is way too small. i need a little more footprint.
  16. S

    How to get my 1/2 Siamese Kitty to calm down a little. He is wayy to hyper, lol.?

    He is 1/2 Siamese we are not sure what the other half is but we think tabby because he has some stripes. He is about 2 and we have had him a year and a half. He was fine for the first 6 months we had him but now there is no end to his energy. He runs around at all hours of the night making...
  17. C

    In which episode of Ranma 1/2 do things finally start to heat up between Ranma...

    ...and Akane? I just started watching it. I like it, but it's kinda slow.....i like to see where things are headed to give me something to look forward to. Please answer!!! I'm watching this on Youtube, so episode numbers would be appreciated! :D thanks
  18. Y

    A recipe for making 24 pretzels calls for 1and 1/2 cups of milk. A baker...

    ...wants to use the recipe to make? pretzels to sell. He wants to buy enough milk to make 100 pretzels each day over the next 5 days. How many cups of milk does the baker need for all the pretzels. a can u explain to me how u got the answer
  19. C

    Help!! my man wants me to wait a year and now considering 3 years or even 3 1/2

    years for us to have sex again? what should i do to stop this? say if you love me you'd have sex after results of 3 months? or still wait a year? we dont like using protection and he knows aids can still go through that.
  20. C

    Socializing my 1 1/2 year old pitull?

    I have a very cute pitbull dog - not just saying that because he's my dog, he really is a cutie! I've realized when it comes to people, he is the biggest softie and will even kiss someone he doesn't know. On the other hand, he is very picky with the dogs he gets along wih. He does et along...