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    Why Are Women Aggressive?

    Seriously let me tell you where this thread is going. Lets put a woman in the white house. The war will end that simple. An yes even you ppl in other countries can vote in America just send in a absentee ballet,even if you are not american.
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    Anyone here not plan on having a wife?

    9ft? thats not very long, my boyfriends cock is atleast 10... so i could handle that fishing pool quite well... :HUGEMOTHERFUCKINDODGYHERE!!!!:
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    Lindsay Lohan confirms lesbian lover Samantha Ronson

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    Working labor laws

    your such a tool.
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    What should I buy with $100.00

    a dead lois?
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    Have $150 to Spend On Alcohol This Weekend What Should I Get?

    I don't get drunk. Ever. No matter what.
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    So i found a mentos machine

    Hey ah alright.
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    What does Homosexuality mean to you?

    I really don't like what I guess is the homosexual sub-culture. I don't know how to phrase it but we call it "flaming homosexual" here in the states. I have only really been exposed to it in a way I can only define it AS a sub-culture and it doesn't seem to represent the majority of homosexuals...
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    Movie Pants!

    "These arent the pants you're looking for" Star Wars
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    Biggest pool ever made

    So are they lying or something?:rolleyes: :confused:
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    Anyone work at mcdonalds?

    Yeah that saddens me. I find that as long as it's open in another tab, I'm alright.
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    oh shit.

    Doesn't anyone remember this from like a year or two ago?
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    What is your favorite energy drink?

    im not addicted to energy drinks:dodgy: out of these my favorite ones are monster, all the coffee monsters and rockstars, the heavymetal monster, blue Amp, and lost. the rest are alright. NO FEAR and Sobe taste like shit
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    thoughts on debate

    This thread reminds me why I hate bureaucracy so much. I just had a flashback to work meetings I used to attend. *shudder* Ah yes, the Thomas Paine method of debate. I'm quite the fan of such techniques myself.
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    I speak English as my native language. I'm taking French now, but I'm not really into it. I hope to learn some Korean or Japanese once I go to college.
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    So they're still on me?
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    Homeopathy removed from the NHS?

    I think that kind of lobbying would be one hell of a conspiracy on the part of the government - deliberately propping up the providers of less effective medical treatment at the expense of healing the population's sick.
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    Petition seeks Nobel prize for Jackson

    Yes, we should absolutely honour a man who despite earning hundreds of millions of dollars, managed to die hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Why oh why are some people so dumb - how freaking useless must the rest of the sperm have been for that one to win.
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    Moving House

    Oh my God, how stressful does this exactly have to be?! My room is an absolute mess - it's so small, even when 50% is packed it looks like a bomb site. The lease for the current house ends on the 31st, and the new lease starts on aug 1st. That's a possible night of homelessness if the landlord...
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    To All Who Drive...

    It pisses me off so i turn mine on, honk my horn, and then swerve toward them. They turn them right off.