Search results

  1. A

    The number of miles that a plan can travel on 50 gallons of fuel.?

    if x = miles per gallon, the the number of miles on 50 gallons = 50 times x, or 50x b)
  2. A

    do you think about the best/funniest questions when you aren't near a

    yup, happens to me all the time same with wanting to google something. as soon as I get to a computer, I forget what I wanted to look up
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    Poll: Blog ideas.......?

    I want to start a blog that helps as many people as possible. Any ideas? Thx!
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    Who would win in a cage fight: Morrissey or Thom Yorke?

    Morrissey, because he'd fight dirty. No holds barred.
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    Which celebrity has these teeth? GUESS!?

    is it miley? dang... that's a lotta fillings...
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    Who would win in a cage fight: Morrissey or Thom Yorke?

    Morrissey, because he'd fight dirty. No holds barred.
  7. A

    This question may be extremely important for the future of

    Outlook Not so Good - Magic 8 Ball dude... you're totally 404...
  8. A

    What celeb does she remind you of? Is she pretty to you? (HAPPY NEW YEAR!)?

    Reminds me of someone from one of those Real World seasons... Yeah, she's pretty :)
  9. A

    my asshole neighbour blocked my drive way - i can't get my car out now and...

    Hey, I had to run to the store to get some eggs... Jeez!!!! I'll move it in a sec...
  10. A

    Pick UP Lines=/ ?

    If I told you you had a great body, would you hold it against me?