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  1. M

    If my dog has roundworms, should my kids get checked for it?

    My dog has licked their faces, my 2 year old constantly puts her hands in her mouth after touching anything. She pets the dog, dog licks her hands. She plays in the water bowl & with her chew toys. She falls in the grass which is where the dog poop was. I'm totally freaked out.
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    What song will botdf perform at the scene is dead tour in Sacromento,California?

    So I'm gonna go to the 'Scene Is Dead Tour' featuring: Blood on the Dancefloor, Davey Suicide, New Years Day, and Jeffree Star. Does anyone know what songs botdf will perform? Thanks in advance. (:
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    Anybody know this book's title?

    I remember reading a book when I was younger. It was about a girl named Dawn (I think) and she lived with her grandmother but tried to run away. And then there was this other girl and her younger sister who were her friends. I think there was like a rubber duck or something on the cover...
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    Are you allowed to do Adult themes on Fanfiction? I don't mean full...

    Why would you want to? *barfs*
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    How do you draw different perspectives of cartoon characters?

    I'm ok at drawing cartoon characters, but whenever I try to put them in an interesting position like their knee bent out, or leaning forward... I can't do it... I just don't GET perspective, making one leg smaller than the other one... stuff like that. Are there any good books or websites on...
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    how to get rid of laugh lines?

    Artefill or Perlane.
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    How do you get rid of a nicotine smell in a room?

    Primer (Kilz) and paint the room, especially the ceiling/upper wall corners where the stains from cigarette smoking form, and then paint. Do not smoke again inside or the smell will return. You will have to replace any carpet to totally remove any smell.
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    Can I drive with a cracked engine?

    My car had been leaking and after lots of work realized it was a leaky bypass elbow (that goes from tensioner to intake) so after having that replaced and its still leaking we realize that from putting water in the car over the winter (coolant leaking out fast at $10gal) the engine has a small...
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    why does smoking cigarettes help stop my chronic diarrhea?

    i know cigarettes can act as a laxative so why do they have the opposite effect on me?
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    The Crucible role casting! please please help?

    which modern day actors would you consider playing for these characters from the crucible. also, why for each. thanks so much! judge Hathorne Cheever Reverend Parris Elizabeth Proctor John Proctor Rebecca
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    The Crucible role casting! please please help?

    which modern day actors would you consider playing for these characters from the crucible. also, why for each. thanks so much! judge Hathorne Cheever Reverend Parris Elizabeth Proctor John Proctor Rebecca
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    Good online cosplay wig stores?

    Does anyone know of a couple online cosplay wig stores? Ones that sell good quality wigs (ones that look more realistic, not cheep, uber fake looking ones) or not even cosplay wigs just colorful wigs that are good quality. thanks for any help!!
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    Is Limewire illegal??

    yes it is you can get fined or arrested for useing it
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    Private calls on cell phones?

    When someone calls you on your cell phone, on private. Is there a way to call them back or trace or something?? If it helps, I have verizon.
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    How much do the Zumba dvd's burn?

    i own the zumba fitness dvd's i was wondering how many calories the sculpt and tone dvd burns
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    very interesting topics for a speech?

    Maybe like how older generations have affected our generation. . .or materialism (which i personally think is pretty interesting)
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    80's movie summer vacation girl cuts hair off and threatens people?

    goes around threatening people chased by police famous on the radio Help?
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    Is there a gadget that turns off tv automatically when you fall asleep?

    Never heard of one - but most televisions do have "sleep timers!!"
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    My cichlid layed her eggs - should I introduce a male to the tank?

    no Absolutely not cichilds are very aggressive he would eat the eggs and keep a eye on her she might try to eat the babies i use to work at a petsmart we had to learn all this stuff
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    T-mobile Behold. How do you close the music player on the home screen?

    I just bought a T-Mobile behold and started putting songs on it and when the music player came up on the home screen and i pressed stop, it didn't go away. I've tried going to all the settings and stuff but i can't for the life of me figure it out. Please help!