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  1. M

    Whatsapp on Samsung S3 keeps displaying message "packet file invalid" when

    "Packet file invailed " means that you the mobile can't access internet through the SIM card, So here is your problem and its solution : 1-You disabled "update through Wi-fi" and enabled " update using packet data only" 2-You are using Wi-fi mostly 3- You need to go to the setting of "whats...
  2. M

    What Firefox Skin Do You Have?

    I has the same dark red, when I made this new account I litterally was confused when it put me in the standad one and i got a headache fromt he white, that is how long i had this
  3. M

    Ryhme Thread

    no i saw the original post before the quote.
  4. M

    Only in Canada....

    Cut off the head and the body will fall.
  5. M

    Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

    Grave digging and self editing...
  6. M

    PB Nation Football team

  7. M

    Could you kill someone?

    Sounds like you're going to hide some assault rifles in your trench coat, then after your mom drops you off at school, IT'S FUCKING JUDGEMENT DAY BITCH. Just make sure her mini van is down the road before your start killing everyone.
  8. M

    A SUV car height in the manual?

    When the SUV manual specify the height of it, is this the actual height or the maximum which you can reach after doing the necessary adjustments? Thanks in advance
  9. M

    Dove season

  10. M

    what is the quality difference between a blue-ray and an up-scaling dvd player?

    is there a quality difference with a blue-ray player with a movie at 1080p and an up-scaling dvd player at 1080p?
  11. M

    in Washington dc how far is the airport from the historical attractions?

    how far is the main airport in dc from the attractions? and is there transportation available?
  12. M

    Can I wear a star of david without believing in Judaism and disrespecting the

    jewish faith? I have a Jewish great-grandparent, and I don't know anything other than they were jewish. I know this won't automatically bond us, they are dead, but I just want to know would I be disrespecting the jewish faith? That is something I don't want to do.
  13. M

    Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

    Is it insane babble or insightful?
  14. M

    Survey: Are you religious? If so what is it?

    Not really....
  15. M

    POLL:What is the fat man doing across the road?

    Looking for food....
  16. M

    LOL.why do I always get rude comments?

    Because some people here are rude....
  17. M

    Do you think this video is funny!?

    hahahhahaaa yes, yes i do....
  18. M

    Have you ever wondered what that 'Trending' thing was at the top of the screen?

    it is the new CSS Layout for Yahoo....
  19. M

    =D SURVEY: Last console (ps3/xbox/etc.) game you played..?

    I don't play any console games....