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  1. K

    Question about Tom Riddle and Harry Potter's wands?

    1) In the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle was only able to use Harry's wand because his own wand was made of a feather from the same bird, correct? Also, Tom Riddle had no idea about his future until Ginny told him, correct? 2) Do you prefer the actor in the Chamber of Secrets, or the new one...
  2. K

    Why do women think chewing tobacco is "disgusting"?

    I always hear from women it is disgusting i just want to know why
  3. K

    Should i get clear wireless or virgin mobile wireless?

    Right now, I am doing online school, and i need Internet at home cause I have to walk McDonald to use their Internet. I was looking for at these two products and see which one should i buy, i just need it to do my work, Facebook,twitter, and twitter etc..
  4. K

    Why do Christians want to mix religion into politics? Does it not make America

    less free? Like with the US gay discrimination issue.
  5. K

    can I buy a chevrolet el camino in Peru?

    I am moving to Lima and am thinking of taking my 1977 El Camino Chevrolet. However I might buy one there instead of shipping mine. What are the chances that I can find a 1973-1978 El Camino there? What kind of price would I have to pay for one in decent shape?
  6. K

    real song of the LG ringtone "like a movie?"?

    It sounds like a song I've heard before..It's very pretty (classical) and I really would like the name of the real song..if there is one. If you know of the ringtone and know of the real song PLEASE tell me!!
  7. K

    I have an LG flip phone?

    And I really want the full real song of this ring tone called "Like a movie" It sounds like a real classical song I've heard..if you know the ring tone and real song please give me the name?
  8. K

    I'm trying to get on my hotmail account?

    I completely 100% sure I know my email, but I forgot my password, so I went to reset it and get a new one, but it's saying my email is wrong. But I am positive my email is correct? Please help!
  9. K

    old sci fi tv show, that i use to watch?

    i use to watch this old sci fi tv show on cable a few years ago, like over 10 years ago... the show was about some space people dealing with bug or something like that... i kinda of remember the ship was a big firefly or something like that.. and the girl was half bug and half human... thats all...
  10. K

    how to connect my sony blue ray player to internet wirelessly? thats the model. plz help im going crazy trying to do it
  11. K

    how to get in contract with someone on a cruise ship?

    my friend father in law is on life support or something like that, and they talking about pulling the plug. but my friend and his wife is on the cruise ship for xmas... how can the family get in contract with them, i dont know if their cell work, cause they in the lslands i think, how can we get...
  12. K

    how do i delete ALL my pictures on the blackberry tour at once?

    not just deleting folders, but deleting all the pictures
  13. K

    Isn't Christianity just a denomination of Judaism?

    If you know anything about the history of religion I shouldn't have to explain why the above statement makes since, but I will just encase you're not familiar with the Torah or the Christian Holy Book. The Christian bible is made up of 66 books, they were cherry picked by the Roman emperor of...
  14. K

    Isn't Christianity just a denomination of Judaism?

    If you know anything about the history of religion I shouldn't have to explain why the above statement makes since, but I will just encase you're not familiar with the Torah or the Christian Holy Book. The Christian bible is made up of 66 books, they were cherry picked by the Roman emperor of...
  15. K

    can gold fish go in a warm water tank?

    few yrs ago got tropical tank given, gold fish in it huge but recently died, people in fish shop say cant put gold fish in? bought 2 new fish last week an 1 died 5 days later, the other a week after?
  16. K

    How do I make a quiz with rankings in flash?

    I am trying to make a quiz that has different rankings of going green such as litterbug, novice and earthly. Can someone help me or put a link to a tutorial to make a quiz in flash that has different rankings in flash after u finish the quiz. Please answer ASAP. Thank You.
  17. K

    Can someone help me with a fitness and nutrition plan? I will pay you for it.?

    I really need to come up with a solid workout and eating plan, so I can build some muscle, lose weight(fat), and get down to my ideal weight. I'm a 32 y/o female, 5'2", about 132 lbs with 30% body fat. I do have a gym membership and have been working out almost regularly for a couple of years...
  18. K

    When you see those little "official" celeb avatars...? you have an urge to block them? Or is it just me?
  19. K

    02-04-09 today on inside edition there where showing a story on getting things for

    cheap? i want know what they where talkin about
  20. K

    Digital temperature monitor in dubai?

    Where can I find digital temperature meter/ monitor for industrial use in dubai/sharjah?