Recent content by xpatinasia

  1. X

    I really need help/advice on this..please read it.?

    Contact the university.
  2. X

    According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is -..Very,...

    Everyone, with the exception of US conservatives and other religious extremists, love the President.
  3. X

    Why is Christianity Considered Religion but Native American spirituality "folklore?"?

    Your premise is false. No intelligent person holds the same beliefs as you.
  4. X

    What should this man do?

    Contact the police. Your post is an obvious hoax, and it has been reported.
  5. X

    To those who are anti-smartphone?

    No one is "anti-smartphone". "I'm a journalism student writing an article " Baloney.
  6. X

    Why are "open-minded" liberals the first ones to rant about and criticize the church?

    It's obvious that you're a conservative, and you hate the freedom of speech. Your team lost, and America won.
  7. X

    What has Romney done in caparison with what Obama has done with Chrysler?

    Nothing, and that's why conservatives love him.
  8. X

    is it illegal to have a larger then 3/8s drill bit on a corded handheld drill?

    It is not illegal.