Recent content by Pooky™

  1. P

    How long would Indian and Thai curry dishes keep in my cooler?

    I make (Thai) green curry (eggplant, etc.) and I freeze it. In your case, it will thaw out nicely in your cooler and will last for hours. Yellow curry would be good, too.
  2. P

    job interview last over an hour followed by guided tour is this good?

    Sounds good. Send a thank you card ** tomorrow **
  3. P

    My friend told me his dad hit him and then he told me he was joking. Is he really...

    How long have you known him? Did you give him a serious look after he said, "oh I'm kidding!" or did you laugh along with him? Did he ever joke like this before? If you know him well - just tell him that you care about him and you took his statement seriously (and go on from there).
  4. P

    Choosing a handheld light meter for film photography. Need advice please!?

    Meanwhile, go here If you use negative film - you can be "off" for a few stops and still is printable.