Recent content by JUSTICE

  1. J

    Why do humans think human life is worth more than other animals?

    I sickens humans go around spawning and their young eat thousands of animals in their lifetime. Lots of animals eat other animals but not the way humans do it, such as raising animals for slaughter Rabbits are obviously the best because they only eat plants
  2. J

    Do both christians and muslims beleive in the second coming of christ?

    I mean I know in islam that jesus will return and stop the anti-christ however I heard that chrisitains also believe this, is this true? Also looking at some videos, I've heard from numoursous places that there is only one god, and jesus did not say he is god but rather a great and respected...
  3. J

    What to do at work.

    I'm @ work as well.
  4. J

    should I get a dual sport bike?

    so, my 16th birthday is coming up, and I absolutely love cars and auto, and motorcycles. I love practicing, I love quading, dirt biking, all of it. I love everything about driving. So this summer I have a job, and I usually make 2-3 grand every summer for the same place as a cashier, and I was...
  5. J

    Big protest against US government.

    At the end of the day, token politics is often all that's left for us common folk, as you well know. I'm on the other side of the world, but I'll be there in spirit.
  6. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrr Finish one job at 2300 and start enother at 2330. Got my tupperware sorted though which is a plus, first job sucks which is a negative.
  7. J

    Whats your least favorite country

    How so.. I'm just telling you to stop comparing the US to any other country and stop and look at it for what it is. Look at its politics and ways and then come to a conclusion if you acutally support the place you live or not. You seem to by the way you defend it, but I'm not too sure you REALLY do.
  8. J

    how do christianity and judaism stress tolorance?

    It is through humility and not pride. To make oneself low. The Lord came into this world understanding that not all men would be saved by his words... he did not rebuke nor judge them. In according to scripture it is written that the Son of God came into this world to serve and not to be served...
  9. J

    Why does everyone hate Roger Ebert?

    He gave a negative review to Lucio Fulci's The Beyond.
  10. J

    Blow your own horn.

    The group of teen idols? I`d never heard of em so i hadda look em up........
  11. J

    Virgin attemping to destroy net neutrality.

    I stopped watching after i realized that tits magee wasnt coming back. She has a website where shes going to kill herself in 90 days. Waste of titties
  12. J

    I will make a video of me doing whatever ST says.

    He took a much needed leave of absence (his father died). ST isn't the place to be when you're mourning.
  13. J

    ITT: We Compliment The Poster Above Us

    Has a comical username, always makes me chuckle.
  14. J

    Students celebrate end of school year with outdoor orgy!

    I trust "" as a news source :dodgy:
  15. J

    I always wondered what we were eating

    on the bag it says Dec 07 dickweed