Recent content by jia

  1. J

    Can dogs see/sense ghosts?

    Hey there yes dog/ cats and many other animals can see ghost but I think dogs are never scared of ghost they just bark at them but in your case your dog is scared and this is unusual! I think maybe it is because your house is auspicious( sorry but this can b true) and this makes the dogs self...
  2. J

    Gun Control

    Well, I don't have the energy to really get into a debate on the subject, but for what it's worth I'll throw my two cents in the pot. Personally, I think that we should scrap many of the laws we have on the books regarding gun control and start over with something more along the lines of how we...
  3. J

    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

  4. J

    well since poll got closed here we type one wrod to make a sentance

    being raped on a client's request
  5. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Thakns for the welcome it has been great so far. regards koyo
  6. J

    i am coming to you ST for help

    Make that 7 to 8, now. Oh yeah. :tup:
  7. J

    why does my face appears worse during outdoors?

    when i am in school, my acne looks worsen than what it is when i am at home. why is this so?
  8. J

    Guy Tears Coyote In Half On Bike *Gore*

    I'm just glad to see the bike is alright.
  9. J

    girl born with two faces...

    lol. im going to hell for laughing
  10. J

    To change

    'Tis odd then that you didn't argue against it, but instead argued against strawmen. Me, I'm quite bothered when a person rails against something that he or she knows very little about. The honest approach would be to ask someone what [blank] is, or read a book about it, and then after you...
  11. J

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    Now where IS that hole I escaped through last time?
  12. J

    Things that make you go AHHHHHHH

    Never really thought about it, but yeh i guess they are a little freaky looking
  13. J

    Who needs £xx(x),xxx p/a anyway?

    Who needs £xx(x),xxx p/a anyway? Hi, This thread isn't really about University goers, I wasn't having a go at them. I was more saying how we all feel obliged, obliged to jump through society's hoops, the endless bureaucracy - be it money, qualification, circumstance etc etc. There is no opt...
  14. J

    I am in England on student visa, if i want to go to Canada for my winter... is it possible for me to? *to apply for Canadian visiting visa while in England on my non-UK passport ? I'd appreciate if a professional answered.
  15. J

    I am in England on student visa, if i want to go to Canada for my winter... is it possible for me to? *to apply for Canadian visiting visa while in England on my non-UK passport ? I'd appreciate if a professional answered.