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  1. J

    Can dogs see/sense ghosts?

    Hey there yes dog/ cats and many other animals can see ghost but I think dogs are never scared of ghost they just bark at them but in your case your dog is scared and this is unusual! I think maybe it is because your house is auspicious( sorry but this can b true) and this makes the dogs self...
  2. J

    Gun Control

    Well, I don't have the energy to really get into a debate on the subject, but for what it's worth I'll throw my two cents in the pot. Personally, I think that we should scrap many of the laws we have on the books regarding gun control and start over with something more along the lines of how we...
  3. J

    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

  4. J

    well since poll got closed here we type one wrod to make a sentance

    being raped on a client's request
  5. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Thakns for the welcome it has been great so far. regards koyo
  6. J

    i am coming to you ST for help

    Make that 7 to 8, now. Oh yeah. :tup:
  7. J

    why does my face appears worse during outdoors?

    when i am in school, my acne looks worsen than what it is when i am at home. why is this so?
  8. J

    Guy Tears Coyote In Half On Bike *Gore*

    I'm just glad to see the bike is alright.
  9. J

    girl born with two faces...

    lol. im going to hell for laughing
  10. J

    To change

    'Tis odd then that you didn't argue against it, but instead argued against strawmen. Me, I'm quite bothered when a person rails against something that he or she knows very little about. The honest approach would be to ask someone what [blank] is, or read a book about it, and then after you...
  11. J

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    Now where IS that hole I escaped through last time?
  12. J

    Things that make you go AHHHHHHH

    Never really thought about it, but yeh i guess they are a little freaky looking
  13. J

    Who needs £xx(x),xxx p/a anyway?

    Who needs £xx(x),xxx p/a anyway? Hi, This thread isn't really about University goers, I wasn't having a go at them. I was more saying how we all feel obliged, obliged to jump through society's hoops, the endless bureaucracy - be it money, qualification, circumstance etc etc. There is no opt...
  14. J

    I am in England on student visa, if i want to go to Canada for my winter... is it possible for me to? *to apply for Canadian visiting visa while in England on my non-UK passport ? I'd appreciate if a professional answered.
  15. J

    I am in England on student visa, if i want to go to Canada for my winter... is it possible for me to? *to apply for Canadian visiting visa while in England on my non-UK passport ? I'd appreciate if a professional answered.
  16. J

    i need a torrent for life as we know it (the movie) which is downlodable using...

    ...utorrent? I can't find any on the pirate bay, and it should be free
  17. J

    Wild accussation

    Carlos is scared of spiders. And women. And spider women.
  18. J

    OLYMPIC TICKETS!! - Anyone going to 2012 MA events?

    Have any MAP members have applied for 2012 tickets? Was wondering what the uptake around here was like for boxing/tkd/judo... Hell, anyone competing in these 3?
  19. J

    Nucelar fusion coming soon?

    Once you have a system where there's enough renewable energy you can provide it to everyone free of charge including for travel and food production and you can feed everyone, clothe everyone, and house everyone.... if that's not done then start the revoution because that's the day the powers...
  20. J

    anyone here know any languages other than English?

    I studied french in school. I'm reasonably fluent, though not as good as I used to be. I know some basic spanish and german and a few words of polish.