Need to painlessly poison and kill my neighbor's dogs?


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First get some ground beef, then mix mop strings into it. then feed it to the dog, The dogs intestinse will swell up so that it will not be able to take a shit, and will die a slow death.
The best way to shut a dog up is to pour boiling water, bleach or acid down its throat. It won't kill the dog but you won't hear from it again.

Whether you can get away with it depends on your circumstances of course!
I am sorry for your loss, but if you poision those dogs you are breaking the law not to mention are a joke of a human being. Find a way to screen in the cats, call animal control and make an animal at large report on your neighbor, etc. but DO NOT poison his dogs. That is cruel and crazy.
Some of you people are sick as hell! Good luck trying to pour anything down those dogs throats. I hope they rip out your throat! Some of these responses are absolutely horrifying. What the hell is wrong with people?
Not our fault if we're sick

Some of you people are sick as hell! Good luck trying to pour anything down those dogs throats. I hope they rip out your throat! Some of these responses are absolutely horrifying. What the hell is wrong with people?

What is wrong with us people is that we are fed up to breaking point with being denied a basic human right - quiet in our own homes. We want to get to sleep at a reasonable time, not lie in bed until 4am waiting for someone's stupid pet to condescend to be quiet for a couple of hours (if we're lucky). We want to be able to enjoy our time at home without constant jarring, unpleasant and stressful sound intrusion from the dog next door. We simply want to get out lives back.

If the law in most countries was as ready to deal with this invasion of privacy as it is to deal with minor motoring offences and people having a crafty ciggie in an empty public building, nobody would think about harming the dogs in question. But it isn't so we do.

Imagine this scenario: some equipment is left on a building site in a residential area - equipment which lets out a series of random, loud noises at all times of day and night. Complaints to the authorities get nowhere. How long would it be before someone found a way to disable the equipment? Not long, I'd say. That would be vandalism and therefore a crime, but who could blame the residents for doing it?

It is just the same with a dog. If a dog is all that stands between someone exchanging a miserable life for a normal one, the dog has to go. Ideally this would be a matter of the dog being kept inside or, in the last resort, removed by the authorities. But this does not happen, so sooner or later someone is going to do the only thing they can - eliminate the dog themselves. It's illegal and immoral but it's the only thing they can do, just as stealing a bite to eat from a shop may be the only action available to someone who has no money and is starving. Neither action is right but both are understandable.

I agree with you on one point - some of the suggestions on here are somewhat extreme and in some cases impractical, such as the one you mention. That said, if someone's been driven to the point of madness for months or even years by a dog robbing them of their basic human rights, it's hardly surprising that they will come to hate that dog, and won't care how much it suffers as long as they can get their peace and quiet back. We don't think that way when the source of the noise is human, e.g. a screaming child, however annoying the noise is simply BECAUSE we are dealing with a human being. A dog is NOT human, so when it pushes us to the limit we come to see it as nothing more than a noisy machine, even if we generally like dogs, but with one difference - the dog chooses to bark, the machine has no choice whether it makes a noise or not. So we will eventually feel such rage and hatred towards it that we use whatever method we can - however cruel - to shut it down. If that's sick, so be it - the sickness could have been prevented by the owner training the dog properly in the first place. Instead of which, the stupid, lazy owner's selfishness has created a number of victims: him/herself, when some "gets at" the dog; the unfortunate neighbour who has had to put up with the noise, and of course the poor dog itself.
In my experience when dealing with dog owners they almost always take any complaint against their dogs as a personal insult, the same as if you complained about their kids. I'd say many people here have been met with the indignant line of "dogs bark, it's what they do" and had their complaints ignored.

I'm not sure about overseas but the councils here in Australia simply don't care about your peace and quiet, they make you fill out a diary for weeks to log the barking then they MIGHT do a doorknock and see if other neighbors are bothered by the barking but usually other people are too scared of reprisals to become involved and the council says bad luck bro to the original complainant.

I used to like dogs before I became a victim of a nuisance mutt that barked all night now I couldn't care less if they die a slow miserable death.
you psychopathic bastards ! go fuck yourself with justin bieber ! taking a dog's like is fucking crime and you can be fucked up hard for that u blatherring idiot ! ill jus call your neighbour and tell him what are you thinking to do and then booom he will put a burning rod right into ur ass u bloody ass whiping dog hater ! get a life u bastard !
you psychopathic bastards ! go fuck yourself with justin bieber ! taking a dog's like is fucking crime and you can be fucked up hard for that u blatherring idiot ! ill jus call your neighbour and tell him what are you thinking to do and then booom he will put a burning rod right into ur ass u bloody ass whiping dog hater ! get a life u bastard !

Thanks for a good laugh! This is one of the best spoofs of a stupid, selfish dog owner I have ever seen. The best bit is "ass whiping dog hater" as we can't be sure whether we are are ass-wiping dog haters or ass-whipping dog haters. Marvellous stuff.

Maybe too good, though, as some people might think that you really are an illiterate moron.
Some of you people are sick as hell! Good luck trying to pour anything down those dogs throats. I hope they rip out your throat! Some of these responses are absolutely horrifying. What the hell is wrong with people?

The Aussie poster at #607 is right on the money, and the sooner irresponsible dog owners realise that, the better for everyone.

Oochy coochy, nursey will be round with your pills so be a good little pikey and don't get excited.

Seriously though, I hate noisy dogs and I'm all for poisoning them but I'm far more worried that people like "Aids in your face" are allowed to reproduce!
I am a carer and one of my wards is a woman of 45 who is dying of a terminal disease. I visit her at home once a day and she needs is rest and sleep. There is a large dog next door that barks all day and sometimes at night and it is obvious that it is disturbing my patient's rest.

I took it upon myself to bring it up with the neighbor and was told to mind my own business. "Dogs bark, don't you know anything?" My patient doesn't want to kick up a fuss but it is obvious that the disruption to her sleep is not doing any good. I phoned Animal Control and after waiting on hold for ages I spoke to someone who was not interested. There is no obvious way of dealing with this by using the law.

I mentioned this to a couple of friends a while ago when we went out for drinks. They've both offered to kill the mutt. Now I own a dog myself and my first reaction was to tell them to shove it. Now I'm not so sure.

There is no way I could do it myself but if one of those guys makes the dog stop barking and lets my patient have the rest she needs, isn't that the right thing to do?
killing dogs

Those who have a problem with killing dogs shouldn't be on this fucking page. Those of you bitching about it are the people in this world who need to be poisoned as much as the damn dogs.

Now I need to kill a dog without anything being traced back to me. Would trail mix be my best bet? Trail mix has nuts, chocolate, and raisins. All perfect for a dog.
dont poison the neighbors animals

you need to provide a safe enclosure for your cats you can have one made for very little money make sure the top is covered so they dont escape most countries have leash laws and for good reason i would report the owner to the correct agency

back in the 60s b4 there were such laws we had a neighbor that had a very large dog that was always loose he would chase our cats up trees and they were so nervous that they would shit when you went to get them down

well the last straw was that the dog strangeled my kitten by the collar

i was only 7 and very upset

well i lured the dog into our yard

i had a pot of water boiling on the stove

when the dog got close enuf i dumped the pot of boiling water on the dog

he yelped in pain and took off

i guess he was ok b/c he lived quite a long time after that incident

but that sob never set foot in our yard again

i do not reccomend poisoning any animals

i understand what a nuisance dogs can be

please dont hurt any cats

if they are mating outside your window and keeping you up at nite and spraying that is b/c the owner is an idiot

humanely trap the cat do not try and grab it yourself b/c it will bite and scratch you and will be totally your fault

find a low/no cost spay and neuter clinic and have them fixed

mabe find a non profit rescue agency that can find them a good home b/c obviously the original owner did not deserve it

it is not normal for a dog to bark incessantly

it indicates that they are either hungry thirsty hot cold wet or otherwise hurt

dogs do bark often to alert their owners of trouble or a stranger or when they see another dog

but they do settle down

if your neighbor has a dog tied up all the time in all kinds of weather that barks constantly just take it and find it another home

if they let them loose and they infringe upon your rights that is another story

you need to first protect your animals and secure your property to keep them out

if they still manage to get in and create a nuisnace get a water pistol pea shooter or something but please dont poison them
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Dog lovers, get real

It's quite simple. Dog barks and annoys you - kill it. Dogs are stupid animals and if they cause unhappiness to a person and there's no recourse to law, only a fool will put up with it for years rather than poison the dog. If the dog's death is slow and painful that's just too bad - humans are the dominant species and better a million dogs die in agony than one person is kept awake by a brain-dead mutt barking.

To victims of canine nuisance I say don't complain, say nothing and kill the dog. And to sentimental retards who come on here and whine and say that "there must be a peaceful way" I say GET A LIFE AND GROW UP.
I am a carer and one of my wards is a woman of 45 who is dying of a terminal disease. I visit her at home once a day and she needs is rest and sleep. There is a large dog next door that barks all day and sometimes at night and it is obvious that it is disturbing my patient's rest.

I took it upon myself to bring it up with the neighbor and was told to mind my own business. "Dogs bark, don't you know anything?" My patient doesn't want to kick up a fuss but it is obvious that the disruption to her sleep is not doing any good. I phoned Animal Control and after waiting on hold for ages I spoke to someone who was not interested. There is no obvious way of dealing with this by using the law.

I mentioned this to a couple of friends a while ago when we went out for drinks. They've both offered to kill the mutt. Now I own a dog myself and my first reaction was to tell them to shove it. Now I'm not so sure.

There is no way I could do it myself but if one of those guys makes the dog stop barking and lets my patient have the rest she needs, isn't that the right thing to do?

Frankly you'd be mad to kill the dog (or get someone to do it) if you've logged an official complaint. It's nice that you care about your patient so much but do you want to risk prison for her?

If you're ever in the same situation again don't complain to the neighbour and certainly don't contact the authorities. Keep shtumm, and if your mate's still willing to help, buy him a few beers and let him get on with it.

In the current situation you're stuck with dealing with the noise pollution through the law - good luck!