Christians, which biblical prophecy convinced Christians to accept Muhammad in


New member
Jul 24, 2008
the 6th. c? We already know many Christians & Jewish men accepted Islam:

Palestinian Muslim men are descendants of Jewish men:

More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men whose DNA was studied inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region within the last few thousand years.

The results match historical accounts that Moslem Arabs are descended from Christians and Jews who lived in the southern Levant, a region that includes Israel and the Sinai.

Lebanese Muslims are mostly descendants of Christians:

The scientists also found …But they emphasise that the differences between the two communities are minor, and that Christians and Muslim Arabs in Lebanon overwhelmingly share a common heritage.

So which historical events convinced Middle Eastern Christians to accept Muhammad as a prophet promised in the Bible?

Was it the scientifically provable fact (as proven by David Keys in his book Catastrophe) that the Sun went dark, temperatures began to fall, volcanoes began to erupt, earthquakes shook the earth & famines, floods and pestilence began to kill most of the human population on earth as prophesied by Jesus in Matt 24?


Was it the fact that Isaiah 19:19-21 had said that Israelites (Christians of Israel/ Lebanon & Syria) would unite with Assyrians & Egyptians under one faith & language and they did after coming of the Prophet?

Are there any others you can think of?
Black Eyed Peas: We already know that Muslims forced many non-Muslims to accept Islam by persecuting them.

J2: However, these Christians could not have been persecuted in the 6th century by Islam, because these Christians were living among 20 million Christian inhabitants of the Eastern Roman Empire, guarded by atleast 100 thousand troops of the Christian Emperor. Any force that wanted to invade, conquer & convert them would need atleast three times as many troops or atleast 300,000 men. However, Muhammad was running around with a rag tag army of about 10,000 men in 630 CE when he conquered Mecca. It is, therefore, hard to imagine where the Arabs got another 290,000 men to help them invade the Roman Empire in 634 CE without large numbers of Christians converting to Islam in the Roman Empire prior to the invasion and helping with the Arab invasion. How else would it even be possible for a few Arabs to conquer such a strong and powerful empire?
Angel: but there is no need to brag about it because boastfulness is a sin.

J2: And what is lying about the fact that all Christians and Jews of the Byzantine Empire were murdered by the Southern Arabs, a free pass to heaven?

Telling the truth is not bragging. It is simply telling the truth. Finally, there is more than one way of understanding the Christian Gospels. The existence of Ebionites, Nazerene, Arian, JW and Unitarian Christian movements attest to it.
i don't honestly think that scripture had anything to do with it. either the Christians made a decision that Islam made more sense to them, or they were coerced by muslims (more likely given the historical setting)

read the book of Joshua. how do you think the jews got the land they live in?
i don't honestly think that scripture had anything to do with it. either the Christians made a decision that Islam made more sense to them, or they were coerced by muslims (more likely given the historical setting)

read the book of Joshua. how do you think the jews got the land they live in?
"We already know many Christians & Jewish men accepted Islam"

We already know that Muslims forced many non-Muslims to accept Islam by persecuting them.
For whatever reason they chose to convert to Islam, it was not due to any biblical prophecy or revelation because the bible specifically says that Jesus brought the final message from God and that John the Baptist was the last prophet. For a Christian to deny this means they are not following, nor do they chose to follow the teachings of Christ. If they are able to find a spiritual connection with God by some other means then that is good for them, but there is no need to brag about it because boastfulness is a sin.
I think it's a personal choice. Just like there are people that start out being atheist then in their 40s find the Lord and become Catholic. Or people that are raised Christian and while in college think on their own and deny God.

Also, the history of religions shows us that Christians tried to conquer lands and convert people. Muslims used fear to convert non-Muslims. I think Judaism is the only religion that hasn't killed or use threat to convert people.
if you think about it most Christians and Jews are descendents of European and Eastern Europe with no links of being Middle Eastern. and i hate those picture of showing Yeshua(as) and other OT prophets(as) as being White that is some fake and decieving shit

and everytime they show a pic of fake white Yeshua(as) why is there a circle thing around his head? not on top