How do I get lead out of mechanical pencil sharpener?


May 13, 2008
I was sharpening a pencil, and a piece of lead is stuck in it, so I can't fully sharpen another pencil. I tried tapping several times in an attempt to dislodge the lead, but no luck. I thought of trying to fish it out with an unfurled paper clip (unplugged of course), but I'm afraid it can still shock me. Anyone have some experience with getting lead out of a mechanical pencil sharpener that they wouldn't mind sharing?
Can I get some serious answers, please? I wasn't aware that schools let the kids out this early.
Ok, sure, it's an electric sharpener then. I know I can't sharpen mechanical pencils in a sharpener...
You're not suppose to sharpen mechanical pencils.
A mechanical type sharpener is one that has a handle that you turn.
I believe you are asking about an electrical sharpener, right? Just keep jamming another pencil in it, eventually the lead will come out.
uh you can't sharpen mechanical pencils!

lol anyway. if it's unplugged there's no current going through it, so you won't get shocked. i would try using another pencil tip . you have to dislodge the thing inside, and if you slam the thing on a desk you could break the components inside of it.
uh you can't sharpen mechanical pencils!

lol anyway. if it's unplugged there's no current going through it, so you won't get shocked. i would try using another pencil tip . you have to dislodge the thing inside, and if you slam the thing on a desk you could break the components inside of it.