Do Republicans Get it ? Or do they get paid to rant?


New member
May 14, 2008
98 % Republicans said no to Stimulus. They want to fail at all cost just to say Ah Huh while the country suffers!
The country????? Under the Bush admin I paid very little in taxes. Had opportunities abound, and was proud to be an AMERICAN! I am still proud to be an American, even though the bitch living in the white house isn't.
They only say that because a Democrat is in the White house. For the last 8 years they didn't give a damn about the deficit. Now all of the sudden they've become deficit hawks again.
This is such a funny question. "Do they get paid to rant?"
Don't you wish YOU had a job like that?
No, you will soon be wishing everyone had had the good sense to vote against this ridiculous pork package.
Enjoy doing without.
Incorrect, we get it. 98% of Republicans say no to the false stimulus package just passed. We are in favor of an actual stimulus plan that might have some chance of success..
They said no to wasteful spending that was intermingled in what little stimulus there was in the bill. Have you even read any of its porky provisions? Or are you just dumb enough to swallow whatever Obama puts in your mouth?
Well, a plurality of Americans oppose the so-called stimulus, with a majority opposing or having no opinion. So the truth is, the Republicans get it.
Wrong again. We want the country to succeed not fail. the problem is that we know this spending has not worked in the past for the USA or for Japan. So how is this historical spending bill going to work when it is full of pet projects. Sorry but repeating history still amounts to failure. We'll see. And we'll wait to see what the excuses are. In the mean time Find a way to create Jobs and not just temporary work.

US Army
The only ones that OBVIOUSLY want the US to fail are the democrats in congress that decided to add hundreds of billions of dollars in wasteful spending to the stimulus package.
The package should have included money to rebuild energy,healthcare,education,infrastructure, and massive tax cuts.THATS IT!!!I don't want to pay 300 million dollars on contraceptives. It wont stimulate anything.
Please pay attention as to WHY they don't like the stimulus plan. It's not having a stimulus plan. The repubs agree with having a stimulus plan. They just dont agree with the crap Nancy Pelosi & her friends threw together.

There were alot of fluff put into their stimulus plan. They (Obama) even admits that not all of the things in the plan are going to have a stimulus effect.

Perhaps the plan should be renamed "the spending plan". The repubs just want a plan that will have a direct effect to stimulate the economy. Not a plan to throw a whole bunch of money into re-sodding the washington monument lawn. Repubs believe these types of expenditures are fluff and don't stimulate the economy as a whole...

Trust me.. Republicans are PATRIOS. They want Obama to succeed because they want AMERICA to succeed.
Yes I am Paid by my Zionist Master to rant here on YA. I couldn't have independent thought. Only libs are capable of that, correct?
I don't get paid to rant, I get two whole points to rant. That's = to the $13.00 extra I get to keep of my own money each week.
Spending is against the theory of the fiscal conservative. I am a fiscal conservative, not a moral conservative. I do not care who you sleep with but I do care that my children and their children will have a less quality of life because of the debt that is administration has just secured for the future generations. I am amazed at the dishonestly of the Liberals when they scream about the spending of the Bush administration when if you look at the numbers; it occur ed during a democrat congress(2006) you know Congress controls the money. The republicans said no to the Stimulus because they were handed the finished bill at 11pm the night before the day they were to vote on it. No one read it and I personally would like my representative to know what they are voting on. Don't you?